Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dig deep and live the life YOU were meant to live!!!!

When is the last time you gave any thought to what would truly make you happy in life? I am not talking about a new car or hitting the lottery....heck those are silly wants if you really sit and think about them. I'm talking about what your personal treasures are in living a fulfilled life, a happy life, a life worth smiling about.

Some people may want to feel fulfilled in their job. Some may want strengthened relationships. Some may want to be more free spirited. Some may want to find a hobby they enjoy. Some may simply want to better appreciate the little things in their lives. No matter what those personal treasures are, you must dig deep and seek them out. You must really get in tune with yourself and let your inner self do the talking! And in allowing your inner self to do the talking, you must then LISTEN! Once you hear those deep wishes for your future happiness, your hopes, dreams, your desires, what YOU really want and need to be happy, treasure them! Keep them tucked inside, but keep them ever present in your daily happenings!

I spent a lot of time in a miserable existence, really. To the outside world, I was happy-go-lucky. I appeared to be fine but deep down, I was not allowing MY happiness to truly come out and radiate to the world. I lived out the happiness of everyone else. It wasn't until I started on this Think Thankfully journey almost two years ago, that I realized that in order to be truly happy in life, I needed to let my inner light shine! I needed to let go of all the other baggage that was weighing down MY happiness and I needed to set it free! Once I did just that,mothers was no looking back. Now, I refuse to be miserable, negative, unhappy! I am the creator of my life path! I am in the driver's seat! I choose to follow the path to MY happiness! I have chosen to wipe out the constant negativity and smother it with constant positivity!

It isn't an easy task to transform your negative self into a more positive one. We are always so worried about making others around us happy that we forget: In order to make others truly happy, we must be happy with ourselves first! If you are still teetering on the verge of how to start this journey, this transformation, I am challenging you today to dig deep! Look deep inside yourself, ask, "What would make me truly happy in life." Wait to hear your serious answer resonate deep within your soul, and then work for that. Keep that idea in your head as you wake each morning and take the steps to make yourself happy! Perhaps the path isn't what you ever pictured for yourself, but taking that path is so worth it in the end, this I promise! Go ahead! Dig deep and live the happy life that you were meant to live!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Just do your best.....

This morning, I was up before the cloud cover lifted and was off to Allentown in order to take a test to add Middle School Language Arts to my teaching certifications. It was a bit of a challenge for me, I must admit. I haven't been formally educated in new teaching practices where Language Arts instruction is concerned for quite some time. Being a Reading Teacher for the past five years, I felt comfortable with the works that were presented in the test. I felt comfortable with authors and passages. I even felt comfortable with some of the writing questions. My uncertainty came in the forms of English terms and practices. Only time will tell.....now it is just a waiting game.

As I sat at the computer, ready to begin the testing, my heart pounding out of my chest, nerves definitely getting the best of me, the one piece of comfort I felt was almost surreal. I could hear a whispering in my ear that kept repeating, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) It was almost as if the nervousness lifted and I calmly began the testing, reading carefully each question presented to me. Without a doubt or question in my heart or mind, I knew that I could do this. While I may have to wait for 15 days to receive scores, I felt confident in my attempt. My oldest daughter text messaged me last night and reminded me of the words I often spoke to her....."Just do your best" she advised. Wise girl!

I think we often forget that, while we all want to be perfect, it is unrealistic to truly believe we can be or expect others to Beas well. We set high standards for ourselves and then become saddened or depressed with our performance if we don't do as well as we think we should have done. In reality, if we have done our best, shouldn't that be good enough? All throughout my daughters' school years, I tried to promote the idea that good grades are wonderful however, if the grade is truly reflective of the best effort you could give, I am happy with that. If you tell me you could have studied more, given more effort, could have cared about the grade more, then I will be disappointed in the end result if it is not great. "Just do your best"

Today, as I was reminded that my strength in facing worrisome situations truly comes from above, it gave me peace and comfort to know that I was giving it my best. Perhaps I truly am on the path back to 500 Ore Street, after all. Perhaps it is the quiet whispers in my dark hours that will show me the way.  I have not lost hope and faith.....I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me and so can you!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Of all the rights of women, the greatest is being a MOM!!!!

Well, it has been just over 12 hours since I arrived home from my whirlwind adventure yesterday! We left the house at 12:45ish to pick up my aunt and trek off to Washington DC to drop off my youngest at my oldest's until Wednesday. My oldest daughter will be working on her Master's Degree at American University in the Fall. She works at the school and lives in a beautiful area of the Tenleytown Neighborhood of Washington DC. It has been an adjustment for her to be living on her own, in a new area, without knowing anyone. I know having her sister there the next few days is just what she needed! I am so blessed that my daughters get along so well, enjoy each others' company, and cherish every moment they have together.

Sometimes I think people who have a sibling of the same gender take it for granted. I can only imagine just how nice it must be to have a sister to adventure with. Sure I love my brothers, but I highly doubt that either one of them would want to go clothing shopping with me! Being with my aunt yesterday was pretty darn close to sister-like for me. She and I have always been close! I thoroughly enjoy the time I can spend with her! She is fun, adventurous, silly, serious, crazy, and a fantastic person to confide in. We are relatively close in age (I am pretty sure there are 11 years that separate us), much like my own girls who are 7 years apart. It was fun to trek to DC and back home again with her, singing to the 80's music, laughing at silly things, talking about our teenaged crushes, and finding the positives in many situations that could have rendered me frustrated and over anxious while driving nearly 8 hours in one day. It was the kind of adventure that memories are made of!!!

As I said, it has been a little over 12 hours since I got back home. Although I have this time to spend with my husband, free to come and go as we please, I can't help but feel a bit lonely that neither one of my girls is here. It isn't like I am never without my girls, but this is different. While I constantly miss the oldest when she isn't here, I always have the youngest to lean on! When the youngest is away at camp or on her one night every other weekend sleepover at her dad's, I always have the oldest to text or call. This time, they are together, enjoying all DC has to offer. I don't want to be texting or calling all the time! That really makes me lonely! I'm sure to some people this sounds odd, but I have always enjoyed being a mom and I love time spent with my daughters!

I pride myself in being a mom. I choose to think I am a mom first and foremost and then I am their friend. They know the rules and they respect them. I rarely have to worry about them, because both of them have grown to respect our relationship. I enjoy the time I spend with my girls. Because I don't have a sister to do things with, or even a 'best friend' to gallivant around with, I enjoy the shopping adventures with my girls, the pool time, eating out, watching movies/TV with them. I truly feel lost without one of them being here. From the time I was 17 years old, I took being a mom very seriously. My girls are my responsibility always. I don't know how to act without that every day responsibility over the next few days. Sure I have a lot to do before Wednesday, but to know I don't have to necessarily worry about being here for one of them is a weird, unknown feeling! Of course, I will worry about them, off exploring Washington DC together, but I know they both have a good head on their shoulders and are responsible young ladies!! I'm just hoping for a lot of pictures!!!

I am so thankful that my girls have the relationship they do; a relationship that, at times, I truly envy. Today, it is my hope that everyone who has siblings, whether they be sisters, brothers, or both, truly sit back and appreciate what they have! Many people who are only children or who have lost a sibling would give anything to have what you have. Don't take those relationships for granted....LOVE ONE ANOTHER EVERY DAY!!! Tomorrow is promised to no one. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fear? Ha! I laugh in the face of fear! (not really....)

Fear. As the summer is starting to slowly wind down, that little rascal known as fear is slowly starting to creep inside my head and make me feel a bit uneasy about the upcoming school year. Considering the teaching environments I have been in over the past 17 years of my professional career, you would think I would be perfectly OK with the changes taking place. Not so much. I am nervous. I am scared. I am filled with fear.

I started doing the Confident Woman Devotional, because I felt I needed a bit of a boost right now. I have a huge test on Monday to add an area of certification to my teaching credentials, one I am totally worried beyond belief about. The changes for the school year have me completely cowering at the start of my 18th year of teaching and I felt I needed SOMETHING, anything to help me boost my confidence. I find I often turn to my YouVersion Bible app when I need something to help me along. Today's devotional dealt with fear. How fitting.

Just because ordinary people take steps to accomplish extraordinary things does not mean that they do not feel fear. I was reminded today that the Universe has a reason for placing me at a new school with a new bunch of children to reach out to. That there is something greater than I realize that is putting me at this new placement. I have to believe that is true. I have to believe that this is a step in a direction that can only lead to bigger and better things in my professional life. 

Fear does not mean you are a coward. It only means that you need to be willing to feel the fear and do what you need to do anyway. I know what needs to be done and I will do it. I use the examples of many people before me, who faced their fears, did what they needed to do, and accomplished something bigger than they could ever imagine. I think it is safe to say my fear isn't in being placed in a dangerous situation, in fact, quite the opposite is occurring this school year. The fear I feel is more of the fear of failure. For the past 17 years, without tooting my own horn, I knew I was good at what I was doing. I was reaching kids that most people can't. I was making a difference in the lives of students who really needed my presence in their lives. When they came to my Reading Class, I knew they were ready to learn, despite all the odds against them. That was what I knew. That was what I was good at. This year, it is like starting over, and I am afraid to fail.

I have been looking at the pros and cons to this change. The pros outweigh the cons by a long shot and so I have to go with that. While the fear grips me, I remain thankful that I have a job, thankful that I am good at my job, and thankful that I believe in myself even when the fear of failure creeps in and causes some self doubt. 

Until next time, my friends....step outside your comfort zone and don't let fear cripple you. Acknowledge it, accept it, act, and achieve!!! Success is there for the taking if we take the first steps towards achieving it! Release your fears, as I release mine!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I believe the children are our future.....

I believe children are our future. Perhaps this is why I chose to be a teacher by profession. I believe in the leaders of tomorrow, but I believe that it must start early on. Many times, the role models of the young people of today, those that hold influence on children, take this issue for granted. We see a number of sports ‘stars’ being suspended from play because of PEDs, arrested for numerous crimes, or dying drug related deaths at an early age. These are the people our children learn to look up to, when in reality, role models for our children should be parents, teachers, REAL people in their lives.

Growing up with the parents I was blessed with and an incredible family unit, I truly know the significance of how important it is to grow up learning right from wrong. I truly hate to see the negative impacts, such as our role models not stepping up and taking full responsibility for our children. Children look up to these people who think that, because they are in the positions they are, be it a TV show, movie, or sports team, that they can act any way they want to with no repercussions for their actions. It saddens me that so many young people die an untimely death because they, too, dabble in drugs, gang life, or criminal acts, because "Hey! If it is good for them, it is good for me, too!"

Children will always have a desire to look up to someone, including family, friends, teachers, church family or whatever. People have to understand that whatever we do around children is being taught to them! When I awoke this morning to a wonderful message from a friend about how Think Thankfully is affecting her daughters, I couldn’t help but smile and want to share the story with everyone! Not only has my friend adopted the idea of journaling her list of things to be thankful for in her day, but now, because of her actions, her twins want to get in on the idea, too, sharing their thankfulness before bed each night! THIS is the kind of stuff our children SHOULD be exposed to!!! THIS is what will help create a nation of young people who THINK THANKFULLY!!

I have taught in the worst situations. I have seen the youth of today at the utmost worst. This is not a knock to them, it is a true fact. They are raised in situations that many of us shake our heads at. It has always made my heart swell to realize I was making a difference in their lives. I spoke honestly to them, shared stories of my own daughters, let them know they were in my Think Thankfully posts at night, and showed them a love that had been missing in their lives. This coming school year, it pains my heart to be leaving those young men and women. I know they need me in their lives, but my calling has taken me to a new experience. As I go into this school year, I will be, hopefully, reaching these kids at a far younger age, hoping to help them before they get to the middle or high school level. 

believe children are our future....and I hope you do too. If you haven't already, start showing them the importance of living in a Think Thankfully mindset. As they grow into thankful adults, they will thank YOU for the lessons and the world will thank you, too!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Perspectives from the back of a motorcycle

How I love quotes! I didn't realize the number of quotes about motorcycles that were on the Internet until I searched one out for this blog. I posted a picture on my personal facebook page with the thought that morning motorcycle rides awaken my soul and then I found this quote! "Four wheels move the body.  Two wheels move the soul." ~Author Unknown  How true this is!!!! My soul was moved this morning as we heading out Mountain Road and I was able to see The Calming Tree in all her glory, fresh off the morning sunrise!

Growing up, I would have never dreamed that I would enjoy being on a motorcycle traveling all over this great and beautiful country. As a child, I remember hearing the stories of the motorcycle accident my uncle was in that left him with a limp after being in a near body cast for a year. It was enough to make me never really want to be on a two wheeled vehicle. But my how visions change!

My husband is a traveler at heart. He loves nothing more than waking up, hopping on his Harley, and going. A little ride to him turns into hours on the bike. My first true travel experience on the motorcycle happened a few years back, when we packed the bike and headed south for a few days. We traveled down into the Shenandoah Mountains, camped in the National Park, drove across the state of North Carolina, and ended up in the Outer Banks to visit his son. We ended up heading across the state of Virginia to come home, stopping at various different touristy spots and seeing so much of the beautiful countryside. 1400+ miles were put on the bike that trip and to this day it is a trip that stands out in my memory. Another of our trips took us to my favorite city, New Orleans. We rode the bike down the Natchez Trace and into New Orleans to celebrate our marriage, another great bike trip memory to be made. But, as life hands us more and more work, responsibility where my girls are concerned, and less time to travel, it is a hobby that I know my husband misses more than he will ever admit.

While we don't get to travel as much as my husband would like to, or is used to, it is a very relaxing way to get from point A to point B. Today, we woke up and decided that a little bike trek to CrackerBarrel was in order. I know better than to think we will hop on the bike, drive directly to CrackerBarrel, and then come straight home. Oh, not a snowball's chance in hell! We took the round about way to get to the restaurant. This particular way takes us right past the tree in the photo above. It is The Calming Tree, my calming tree. It is the one thing that, above all others, can completely calm my worries and fears. I see it and immediately feel better about anything. I first encountered this beauty as an undergraduate student at Kutztown University. I commuted every day for four years to KU, passing this tree five days a week for four school years! I'd come to bask in the glory that this tree emits. It is a gorgeous tree in all seasons, seemingly perfect from either way of looking at it. 

I've learned how serene life can be when looking at things from the back of a motorcycle. You can see so much more than when you are in a car. The fresh air (although I could do without the smells associated with farm life in my area) feels so good and free on my face. I enjoy being taken in by the amazing sights that surround me. I sing to myself as we ride along, different songs pop into my head at different moments. I smile as a memory floods my mind. I look at all the gorgeous homes along country back roads and dream of the day I can live in a remote area, tucked in the woods, away from the hustle and bustle of town living. All this is wonderful, but the most inspiring feeling is the immense love I feel for my husband as we drive on down the road, knowing I am safe.

Today, our morning motorcycle ride was just what I needed to awaken my soul and give me perspective on things that are happening in my life that are not completely in my control! Life is all about how you look at it and how you choose to respond to it!!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Worry is like a rocking chair....

What exactly is worry? Webster defines worry as to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret. Worry is fantasy and imagination done poorly.  What good is it to dwell on things that you can’t be certain will EVER happen? It serves absolutely NO purpose whatsoever.  Knowing all of this, because we do know that it does us no real good to worry, the act of worrying remains one of the biggest positive energy-suckers in our lives today. We worry, worry, worry and in the end, we have gotten nowhere in our day to day happenings. Like the quote says, Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere!

I have always been a worrier by nature. A huge worry wart, my husband will tell you I used to be the biggest worrier of them all! I worried about everything and anything, ALL THE TIME. The things I would worry about were often things that were so far out of my control, it served no purpose to really worry about them at all. I still generate a sense of worry when things are not necessarily going the way I think they should be, but in the end, all in all, I have learned to follow my ever present principle of, “Think about it. If I can change it, change it! If I can’t, then accept it and move on.” Worrying is counterproductive and more often than not, will create such irrational thoughts that, when you look back on things you worried about, they will make you laugh that you ever had the thoughts in the first place! Worrying is a pointless exercise to practice, so why not start working on eliminating needless worry from your life starting NOW?

Freedom from worry is a process you can start today. Whenever you find yourself overly focused on and worried about something that has your stomach doing more flip flops than an Olympic gymnast, take a step back and remove yourself from the worrisome situation.  Recognize whether or not you can truly and honestly do ANYTHING about it and know that it will be less important in the future. The things we worry about will find a way to work themselves out, without you earning any new grey hair from the matter, losing more fingernails over it, or giving yourself a stress induced headache over something that was not yours to worry about in the first place!!!

As with many of the topics I choose to dive into and write about, another song has been streaming through the jukebox in my brain as I sit here and write. Don’t Worry, Be Happy, a little a cappella song by Bobby McFerrin, is one of the catchiest songs about worry that I always think of in times of serious worry and stress. How can you NOT smile, want to sound a bit reggae, and toe tap when you hear these lyrics: Here is a little song I wrote; You might want to sing it note for note. Don’t worry, be happy! In every life we have some trouble; When you worry you make it double! Don’t worry, be happy……

Today, Don’t Worry! Be Happy!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride! Nobody's gonna slow me down! Oh no!

I didn't feel much like blogging yesterday. Not that I didn't have anything to say, it's just that when I finally had a chance to sit down and write, I knew what I had to say at that moment would not be so positive and that is NOT what I wanted my blog to be centered around! The title of it is Think Thankfully and even I need reminders to do just that some days!!!

Think Thankfully is at 283 followers! By midnight, I am hoping to have reached 300!!!! The outreach of Think Thankfully has grown beyond my wildest expectations! As page manager, I can see how many people a status or image has reached. I can see how many shares one image receives. I am humbled at how many people one little idea can affect! I am always on the hunt for new inspiring messages, images, words to help even just one person, because in helping that one person, I am also helping myself.

Yesterday, I found myself in a situation that threw my center of balance off, rocked my professional core.....and I did cry about it. But only for a little while. I went back and read everything on the Think Thankfully Facebook page along with some remarkable words of comfort/kick in the rear from one of my aunts and I soon realized that we are given these little curveballs in life, not to create a sense of panic and cause us defeat, but rather to help show us that we CAN do things we are not ready for. No one is immune to life's obstacles, whether they be simple ones like a detour on a road, a store not having the exact brand you want, or more severe obstacles such as disease, loss of job, or death. It is in how we deal with those obstacles that help raise us up and make us stronger and help us to believe in ourselves.

I firmly believe that our circumstances and obstacles do NOT have to be barriers to success and being one step better than we were before. Yes they can weigh us down if we focus on them for too long, but if we look at those obstacles as more of a stepping stone of sorts, we can be catapulted right over the obstacle and on our way to even more greatness!

As with a lot of my daily encounters, during the evening and through last night, a song has been on repeat in the jukebox in my head. Matthew Wilder co-wrote the song Break My Stride in 1983 and it immediately became a hit for him, with its catchy little reggae/new wave beat and lyrics. And it is so true when facing our own obstacles in this thing called life: Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride, Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh-no! I got to keep on moving! Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride, I'm running and I won't touch ground! Oh-no, I got to keep on moving!!!

Today, keep on moving......don't let those obstacles slow you down!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

For my nieces, with love

I had quite the day today! Spent all morning and afternoon being recertified in First Aid and CPR for work, which is always such a treat! Our instructors were very entertaining and I swear, we left the First Aid training ready to ace any EMT test thrown at us! We got a whole host of information on things I am pretty sure basic first aid wasn't really meant to cover! Oh well! At least it is over for another two years!!!! Honestly, I wanted nothing more than to be at home because I knew what was waiting for me there!!!

I came home and was able to spend time with my two oldest nieces in the pool! One thing I am super thankful for is being Auntie Ally. I pride myself in being a great role model for my nieces and I just love to be around them! I don't get to spend a lot of time with my two oldest nieces because they live in South Carolina. Thankfully, they are staying with my parents for the summer! I am getting A LOT of Auntie Ally time!!! This summer, I am really missing Auntie Ally's Adventures in Babysitting with my youngest two nieces. I enjoyed my days with them last summer, coming up with neat ideas for our days together. It is important to me to make lasting memories with my nieces much like memories were made with me and my own aunts.

This evening found my pool filled with love! All four of my nieces were over for an evening swim! Talk about giggles and silliness! We challenged each other to swim across the pool underwater, played follow the leader, Fox o Fox what time is it, and ended our swim time with Auntie Ally Says (much like Simon Says!). I got the lesson on MovieStarPlanet and was given the strict orders to create my profile so the girls can have online fun with AuntieAlly!!! The hugs, kisses, splashes, and overall superb night makes me a million times thankful for the moments I get to experience with them! This summer is about making as many memories as I can with four special girls!!!

I take lessons in a lot of my daily experiences and encounters. I proudly post what I am most thankful for in my days. I watch as others like the Think Thankfully page, read the blogs, comment on images and status updates, and post their own thankful posts or positive messages. As the evening comes to a close on my day, I sit here with a distinct feeling of pride over all that has been happening in my life since Think Thankfully has taken off! I can only hope that others truly start living in the Think Thankfully mindset, hoping to eliminate all things negative in their own lives. Look around you and see exactly who means the most to you and then treat those people like they are the most important people in your life. Today, my nieces truly were on the receiving end of the immense love I feel for them and I can only hope they never forget it!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Happy Happy Happy!

Ok, ok, ok, I admit it. I am a HUGE fan of the A&E reality show Duck Dynasty. I try to tune in as often as it is on TV (yes, I watch the marathons over and over again…..not too ashamed to admit it, either) and this morning, I was pleasantly surprised as I walked into Hackman’s Bible Book Store to see a Duck Commander display right as you walk into the store!  I was in serious Duck Dynasty heaven as I stood there looking at all the merchandise, giddy as can be!!! I couldn’t help but purchase a sticker for my car and make a serious wish list of shirts and other goodies to add to my obsession, and then I got to thinking, what is it that makes this West Monroe, LA, religious, successful, bearded family so intriguing?

I remember when the show first came on the air. I was very anti-DD. There was no way on God’s green earth or beyond that you would catch me watching that show. No way. No how. I’ll even admit that I looked down upon people who did. I felt that it was beneath my intelligence to watch a show about bearded guys making duck calls. My brothers, cousins, and father absolutely loved the show, and they would reference it all the time, which in turn would irritate me so badly. I’d question how they could lower their standards and watch such a thing. Sadly, because of that mindset, I missed a few good seasons of a very good show!!! During a conversation at work one day, a co-worker of mine challenged me. He asked me to seriously sit and watch the show, because he felt I’d be pleasantly surprised by the content. Reluctantly, I agreed to his challenge. I told him I would watch with an open mind and upon our return from the little break we were on, I’d give him my honest review. All it took was one sitting. One little episode and I was hooked. I immediately scanned the channel guide to see how much more Duck Dynasty I could watch that day!

After my daughter and I left the Bible Book Store today, I immediately turned my thoughts to Think Thankfully and knew I wanted to blog about the Robertson’s and their duck dynasty. I’ve read The Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family, and Ducks Built a Dynasty and also Happy, Happy, Happy: My Life and Legacy as the Duck Commander. Both of these books gives readers the most intimate of glimpses into the Robertson Family, a family that has built its dreams from the ground up by staying true to themselves and their ideals. There is a lot to be learned from the Robertson’s and Duck Dynasty. In mostly all areas of their lives, the Robertson's live with thankful hearts, grateful for all they have, even on not so great days or in not so great moments. 

It would be easy to watch the show and think the Robertson family life has always been lucrative, happy, and centered on their faith in their Lord. But that was not always the case. Patriarch of the family, Phil Robertson has not always led a Godly life. By his own admissions, he was not a wonderfully loving person to live with. Being with Ms. Kay since she was 16 years old, they have seen their share of hard times, mostly due to Phil’s wild ways in his youth. Once realizing he needed to change, Phil began to devote himself to serving the Lord and became a true testament to the idea that The Lord provides. And provides he does. Everyone deserves a second chance, no matter how wild their ways have become or how far off the path they have strayed.

Phil and Kay have raised their four sons with an amazingly strong set of values. They follow a relatively old fashioned view of marriage; the male being the provider while the female does the housekeeping, child rearing, and cooking. Phil and Kay showcase Ms. Kay’s cooking skills regularly on the show, most of the food she makes being something Phil has killed. We’ve all seen episodes where Phil is killing squirrels or ducks, or catching frogs and taking them home for Ms. Kay to turn into something tasty. My generation is not used to this way of living. Most of us grew up with BOTH parents working, sharing all the responsibilities in the home. We love the convenience of going to the grocery store, buying all our foods prepackaged, or hitting up fast food joints for the quick meal fix. Perhaps if we all modeled the old fashioned way of living, we’d appreciate more of what we have in this life!

As I sit and think about the show, I think one of the most inspiring things for me is that at the end of each episode, we see the entire Robertson clan seated around a huge table, praying together and enjoying a meal together. The sound bites of Willie, giving us the moral of the story kind of narrative ending seems to pull everything together and gives us the ‘ahhhhhhhhhhhhh’ feeling as the show goes off air. We were recently in attendance at a fantastic little birthday party for my parents’ little neighbor girl. I was pleasantly surprised that they asked that we all bow our heads in prayer before the food was brought out for consumption. It was a great reminder of just how good our Lord is and how we should be more thankful for the little things in our lives. There is a considerable power to prayer and it is nice that the Robertson’s aren’t afraid to show that.

The Robertson clan isn’t afraid to sport their long beards and hair, camouflage, and ‘redneck’ ways of life either. Most of the time, we see men sporting those long beards, with long hair, wearing camo and we instantly want to tell some redneck joke. We tend to shy away from the somewhat unkempt look they have, however, Duck Dynasty has completely shown viewers that there is more to people than their appearances, much like there is more to a book than its cover. We are a society of people who judge one another on a daily basis. I always get a chuckle out of the episode in which Jase gets in trouble from the HOA of his development for burning leaves, raising chickens in his yard, and, as we find out in the episode,  skinning a deer in the driveway (in front of a school bus full of children no less!). He is judged for being true to who he is. He was raised to hunt and kill not for sport but for the food it provides. This doesn’t make him a bad person. When he realizes he signed the contract stating he couldn’t do that in his development, his hands get thrown into the air and he concedes.

And lastly, there is Uncle Si. No episode of Duck Dynasty would be complete without the ramblings of crazy Uncle Si. A Vietnam vet and Phil’s younger brother, Uncle Si provides the humor factor in the show, episode by episode, with his strange ways to get his point across, his utilization of incorrect clichés, and his jug of sweet tea always attached to his hip. It’s like his American Express….he doesn’t leave home without it! I think everyone has someone in their family they can call, the Uncle Si of the family. Crazy, kooky, and sometimes slightly creepy, Uncle Si has made his way into the hearts of many DD fans, and that’s a fact, Jack! Hey! He says what’s on his mind, doesn’t care who he might offend, and provides countless hours of laughter, even after the episode is over!

Duck Dynasty provides countless hours of entertainment for viewers around the world and I am sure I am not the only one who is awaiting August 14, 2013 when we Release the Quackin’ with Season 4, but while we sit to watch this highly entertaining and exceptionally inspirational show, let’s also watch for the lessons to be learned, take what we learn, and try to add it into our own way of living life.  And if all else fails, follow Phil’s advice to always find things to make you “Happy Happy Happy!”

Monday, July 15, 2013

Never in a million years.....

Never in a million years did I ever think the idea of Think Thankfully would become such a passion of mine. As drawn as I am to posting my nightly Think Thankfully status updates, I am equally as passionate about keeping up with the Think Thankfully Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ThinkThankfully). I try not to overwhelm the followers with too many postings. I try to limit the postings to one (maybe two) in the morning, one (maybe two) in the afternoon, and one (maybe two) in the evening. The last thing I want to do is bog down news feeds of my friends and have them unlike the page!

I have noticed since I became a more thankful person, I have a harder time continually being around negative people. I can't stand the negative mindset, negative attitudes, negative conversations. I find myself looking to find something positive in all situations. It amazes me the amount of people who seem to enjoy being negative. When people say, "Change your attitude and you change your world." They are so right. My world has been changed for the better since I decided to become a person filled with gratitude and a thankful heart rather than always negative. It isn't as easy as it seems and it does take work on your part, but, my friends, if you truly start viewing things in your day from a more positive perspective, I just know you will become a more thankful person and will soon void the negative from your life. No one can do that for you but YOU! Hopefully the blog entries and the Think Thankfully Facebook page will help you!!!

The Facebook page is up to 245 followers! I feel completely blessed to be reaching that many people. I look forward to the day when my posts get shared over and over and over again! Never in a million years did I think that a simple little page, built from a simple little passion, would become something people look forward to!!! 

This morning, I want to take the opportunity to send out a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who faithfully read this blog, who have visited the Facebook page and Clicked! Liked! Shared! Enjoyed! I encourage you to keep sharing! I have always wanted to make a difference in people's lives and with your help I am doing just that!!

I am truly blessed to have you all in my life!!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Let this be a lesson to you......

This morning I awoke to the news of Cory Montieth’s untimely death at the young age of 31. For those who may not know who Monteith was, he portrayed the character Finn Hudson on the hit TV show, GLEE. Montieth’s character Finn was a high school football player who puts his status and popularity at risk to join the very unpopular glee club and its outcast members. Finn Hudson won the hearts of  many Gleeks, who will be deeply saddened at the news of Monteith’s passing.

Unfortunately, the tragic stories of child stars that were unable to transition into adulthood has proven to be nothing new in entertainment and Hollywood. As long as Hollywood has existed, many young stars have gotten caught up in the celebrity lifestyle and ultimately had their careers cut short, leaving behind devastated fans around the globe. Many of their journeys were punctuated by drug and alcohol addiction or they were unable to properly handle the pressures of fame and, for one reason or another, lost the battle. Monteith’s story is nothing new, but sad none the less, even if it is not a case of drugs causing his death.

As I sat this morning with my daughter and her friend, I uttered my sadness at the news. I had been a Gleek. I enjoyed the series Glee immensely, although I have not been as avid a Glee watcher since the original cast graduated from high school and went their own ways. Regardless of not watching the most recent season, Finn Hudson was my favorite of the characters, goofy yet sporty, outcast yet popular, he tugged at my heart strings with his on again, off again relationship with Rachel Berry (played by Lea Michele). My daughter asked if I heard why he had died. My response….”Let this be a lesson…..DRUGS KILL”.

With those words, it simply amazes me at the number of people who still remain addicted to illegal substances. I am proud to say that I never tried anything of the sort. This girl has been completely drug-free; partly because I was always afraid of it going bad fast and partly because it really never appealed to me in the first place. I never understood why people needed a substance to put them in a good mood. I prefer to live on a natural high! Enjoying the life I am living without the need for substances that alter my mind.

In my 40 years of life, many stars passed away far too young, some due to physical issues, some due to environmental issues, while many others due to drug related issues. Heath Ledger (overdoes),  River Phoenix (heart failure),  Dana Plato (overdose), Corey Haim (overdose), Chris Kelly (overdose), Heather O’Rourke (toxic septis due to bowel obstruction),  John F Kennedy Jr (plane crash), Aaliyah (plane crash), Chris Farley (overdose), Kurt Cobain (suicide), Michael Jackson (overdose), Anna Nicole Smith (overdose), Princess Diana (car accident) and the list goes on and on.

Unfortunately, since the dawning of the entertainment industry, whether it be film or music, the list of young, promising stars whose lives and careers were cut short is not a short list either. Marilyn Monroe (overdose), James Dean (car accident), Jimi Hendrix (overdose), Janis Joplin (overdose), Buddy Holly (plane crash), Stevie Ray Vaughan (helicopter crash), John Lennon (murdered),  Mama Cass (heart failure), Andy Kaufman (lung cancer), Elvis Presley (heart attack?),  Natalie Wood (drowned),  and there are so many more to add to the list.

From Cory Monteith, Michael Jackson, and Heath Ledger's more recent untimely deaths to Marilyn Monroe, Buddy Holly and James Dean, young celebrity deaths are tragic at any age and for any reason. Today, I am thankful that I have been given another day to live and breathe, to love and be loved, to enjoy life to its absolute fullest. The death of Cory Monteith has, once again, reminded me just how short life can be.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What if Facebook ceased to exist right at this moment....POOF!

Last night, a friend posted this status on Facebook: If Facebook stopped right this second: Do you have the important people in your life? On a daily basis do you have access to them to tell them 'you’re important to me' and a way to communicate with them outside of this medium? Just wondering. And in turn, it really got me wondering.

I posted the other day about how people choose to use social media, but really, what if it stopped right this second? For many people, Facebook is their means of friendship. It is the way they say their "hello's", "how are you?", "what's up?" It is the way they keep up with one another and how they invite people to parties and get togethers. It is how they wish one another happy birthday, happy anniversary, good morning, and good night. In the year 2013, there is a serious lack of personal, face to face, or phone to ear, interactions. If Facebook stopped right this second: Do you have the important people in your life? On a daily basis do you have access to them to tell them 'you’re important to me' and a way to communicate with them outside of this medium? Just wondering.

I am just as guilty as the next person for failure to always pick up the phone and call. I find it is so much easier to send a text or a Facebook message, especially when I know the person is on their social media page a lot. But when I saw my friend's status last night, it made me stop in my tracks, take a step back, and say, "WHOA!" Her status came on the heels of a wonderful dinner date I had with a friend of mine last evening. It was a wonderful outreaching of friendship that landed us at Joey B's in Palmerton. It is a great little spot, with super food, excellent pricing, and fantastic atmosphere! It felt great to be sitting there, face to face, talking about everything and anything! It was nice not to worry about status updates, commenting on things, or typing something and having someone take it the wrong way. It was a fabulous moment of friendship that really made me appreciate, and be even more thankful for, the friendship that we have.

If Facebook stopped right this second: Do you have the important people in your life? On a daily basis do you have access to them to tell them 'you’re important to me' and a way to communicate with them outside of this medium? Just wondering. I started to take a look at the important people in my life and I realize that IF, at this exact moment in time, Facebook ceased to exist, I would miss it for the wonderful opportunity to get back in touch with many of my high school classmates that I truly have missed over the years. I'd miss seeing some of the daily humor that appears in my newsfeed. I'd miss reaching out to people through the Think Thankfully Facebook page (Click! Like! Share! Enjoy!). And I would miss posting my Think Thankfully end of the day status updates. BUT.......I would also be able to get in touch with nearly all of my Facebook Friends who mean the world to me. I do not need social media to keep my friendships intact. Without getting too ahead of myself, I truly think that my friends and family members know just how much they mean to me without needing Facebook to prove it.

The lyrics to Garth Brooks' song, If Tomorrow Never Comes, has been echoing through my head as I sit here writing this morning. While the song is basically about his love for his female counterpart and questioning whether or not she knows how he feels about her, the last lines resonate with a loud chorus in my head: So tell that someone that you love, Just what you're thinking of, If tomorrow never comes.

If tomorrow never comes, if Facebook stopped existing right at this moment, do your important people know just how you feel about them? Don't wait to tell anyone your feelings, tomorrow is promised to no one!

Friday, July 12, 2013

New adventures of crazy Ms Allyson, coming to a school year near you

I tossed and turned last night, apprehensive about what needs to be done today, worried about how I am going to do it. Today, I head to Allentown to clean out the personal belongings in what has been my work home since the 2007/2008 school year. For the past six years, I taught some of the toughest kids in many of the local school districts in the Lehigh Valley. It was a daily journey of 50+ miles round trip, placing a lot of wear and tear on my vehicle. I've been asking for a transfer closer to where I live since I was hired by the CLIU21 and quite surprisingly, this year that transfer is happening. 

When the 2013/2014 school year begins, I will be welcoming students from the Carbon County area at our sister school in the next town over. I am very nervous and apprehensive now that the opportunity presented itself to me. I'm not one to fully appreciate change until I know it is working, but really, who welcomes change of this magnitude 100% anyway? In a way, I am saddened that I will no longer be able to work side by side with some of the best emotional support educators in the field. While I am excited to be working with new people, for the past six years I knew just what I was walking into each day from day one of the school year. I am also terribly saddened that I was not able to say goodbye to some of the most challenging, yet amazing students that I grew to love dearly, many of whom were so excited to finally be in Ms Allyson's homeroom this year.

Walking out of our little building on the East Side of Allentown today will bring a mix of emotions I am not sure I am ready to face. I feel as though my work there is done. I've reached students who others claimed were unreadable. I've brought the joy of reading into the lives of young people who never picked up a book before. And in giving them the tools necessary for success, they have given me a more thankful heart.

I will miss the day to day crazy shenanigans at work, the awesome co-workers I call my friends, the tough as nails students who really have soft hearts and just want to be cared about but I realize I am on a new journey in my career. I realize that a new bunch of students needs me. I realize that I truly do touch the future and make a difference. As hard as this will be, I must look at it as a positive growing experience and tackle it as I do most everything else anymore, with a positive attitude. 

And now, I am off to make a large cup of coffee, grab a box of tissues, and make my way to close up shop. Make YOUR day the best you can and always realize you are making a difference in someone else's life simply by being in it!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The 10 most powerful 2 letter words....

I once heard that the 10 most powerful 2 letter words were: If it is to be, it is up to me! When I googled the quote, I found that it is generally attributed to William H. Johnson, although many people simply say unknown when giving credit for this little quote. Comprised of only 2 letter words, this quote speaks to the idea of responsibility, taking charge of your own life, and not waiting around for someone else to make you happy, do the job, or make your dreams come true. You have to realize your own strengths and weaknesses and make decisions that are right for YOU!

If it is to be, it is up to me! This quote could almost go hand in hand with the famous Ghandi quote, "be the change you wish to see in the world." If you want things to be different in your life, it is up to you and you alone to make that happen. If you want to see change. If. The word is made up of two simple little letters but it means so very much. If. It is key to change of any kind. If. If you want change, make it happen. If not, then sit idly by and do not complain about what is occurring around you. If. We must always start at the foundation when working to build or change anything. Ourselves. If you are not willing to make the changes necessary to become a happier, positive person then how can you expect anyone else to be any different?

If it is to be, it is up to me! The only way to get things done is to do it yourself. If everyone walked around saying, "ahhhh, I will let someone else do it.", nothing would ever get done in this world. We would push off tough tasks, expecting others to do things, all the while sitting and complaining about how things are so wrong. It is up to you! Make it happen! When I wanted to change the way I viewed the world around me and who I had become as a person, I had to make the changes myself. I could either continue to surround myself with negative people or I could start being more positive with myself, which in turn attracted more positive people to my life. 

If it is to be, it is up to me! It is up to you to be the inspiration to the people you encounter so that they become inspired to change themselves. If it is to be, it is up to me! By changing ourselves first, we truly can change the world! Today, it is up to you, if you accept the change challenge!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

From Purple Rain to Pitch Perfect....the stuff memories are made of

So as I sit here tonight, sipping my delicious Spanish red wine, I can't help but smile at the memories being made in my house tonight! I often talk about my daughters and how alike they are, yet really, they are very different. Perhaps it is the living conditions around our home that is different. Unlike my oldest's teenaged/high school years, where we walked on eggshells and there was an uncomfortable heaviness/tension in our home, my youngest's is the exact opposite. We are like the revolving door of sleepovers, swimming friends, and all things kids in the summer months! I'm a sucker for a good sleepover. I do everything in my motherly power to make Erika's sleepovers like those I remember in my own teenaged years. 

Growing up in our sleepy little town, there were four of us who rotated the sleepover nights; Pam, Bim, Hx2, and myself, although sleeping over at Hx2's house was always the best!! I should mention that Hx2 and I have been friends since PreSchool, when we were like 4 years old!! It has honestly been a friendship that has withstood the tests of time, and although we haven't seen each other in a few years, she is still one of the first friends I turn to for advice or just to share some exciting news with!   She had the coolest house and it was always fun hanging around there (and I still think her house was haunted!!!)! Many of my preteen/early teenaged memories find their roots at Hx2's house!! I've watched many quirky movies while consuming gross amounts of pickles at her house!!! Some 30 years later, the words "Margaret, I warned you not to be here!" elude me as far as the name of the weird movie we watched!!!! But, the best movie watching adventure I remember having with Hx2 was being young teens and watching Purple Rain! At the time, we probably should NOT have watched that movie, but gosh darn it, whenever I hear Purple Rain I have an incredible urge to phone or text my oldest, dearest, bestest friend in the world and let her know....without fail!!!

Back to the present....as Erika and her friend are holed up in her air conditioned bedroom watching Pitch Perfect (a GREAT movie, by the way) after making some sort of strawberry dip thing (which was delicious might I add), I can't help but hope that these sleepover nights result in text messages when they are in their upper 30's/early 40's as a little gesture of, "I just heard this song, I'm thinking about you and I remember...."

Hx2 is truly my oldest, dearest, bestest friend!!!! I'm thankful for the memories.......

Toddlers and tiaras.......I'm afraid not

I have often been super thankful for the upbringing my parents provided me with. When I was younger, I may not have completely appreciated their stricter ways of parenting, usually causing them a bit of angst because I challenged the rules a bit more than my brothers did. In return, I have always felt as though I have done as good a job as I could with my own daughters. I keep things real but at the same time we have fun and my girls know the rules!

Today, I have had my second ever dose of Toddlers and Tiaras. I have to question where people's heads are. This show is a true abomination of parenting and childhood. Of course, this is my opinion and I know there are people out there who completely disagree with me but my goodness. In this particular episode, a mother gives her 2 year old daughter coffee each day. In her words, "It is only a cup, it isn't an abundancy." Score one for unintelligence. Same mom, different scenario: mom is adding pixie sticks to sweet tea and Mountain Dew. She calls it TinkerTea because it ends up being dark green. Mom says she drinks this concoction every day and it is no different than other kids drinking juice. Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? She also says her pediatrician is perfectly ok with it. Again, say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????

I sit here, knowing full well that the stupid Honey Boo Boo comes from this horrible show. Again, I am left to question how this can be and so utterly thankful that this was not my life. When I see the commercials for the Honey Boo Boo show, I am appalled at the idea that behaviors like this are acceptable in public. If I acted like that little girl, I would have gotten the belt when we got home. It amazes me and then it strikes a bit of a notion in my mind.....

.....shows like this are one reason children today are so disrespectful and the reason it starts so young. Parents, when your children smart talk you, it is not cute. It is the initial introduction to disrespect. When you allow your children to rule the roost, you lost the upper hand as a parent. You set the rules, not a 2 year, 4 year old, 6 year old child. 

I am so darn thankful that being a pageant trophy daughter was never a passion of my parents. This is just absolute ridiculousness. Time to turn the channel!!!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Social Media....what is it good for?

I've started weaning myself from social media as much as I can. I still enjoy Facebook to a certain degree, but I realize just how attached to it people are and how out of touch they are with the real world. It is a sad situation when people start a conversation with, "Did you see what I posted on Facebook today?" or "Did you see so and so's status? Wonder who that was about?" Lately, my response has been,"Nope. Not on Facebook much anymore." or "Not my business. Don't really care." 

Since starting the Think Thankfully Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ThinkThankfully), I utilize Facebook more than I have in recent weeks. There was a time I was refreshing my newsfeed so often it was ridiculous! Not so much anymore. I admit I miss a lot and people probably think I have them hidden because I don't go on like I used to. If not for the Think Thankfully page, I am not so sure how much  Facebook I would truly do. But, I honestly enjoy that part of Facebooking. I like seeing the amount of people sharing the status updates, images, and even sharing their own Think Thankfully experiences! I enjoy seeing how many people one idea or image has reached. It makes me feel like I am doing something worthy on the social media outlet rather than creeping on people. I truly enjoy seeing more positivity on my newsfeed. I enjoy seeing people acknowledge a negative but then following up with a positive spin. 

People in our society have become a slave to social media. Teens take to Twitter to Tweet about their favorite sports teams, television shows, quirks, and music. They also use their Twitter account to engage in Tweet wars, figuring they are safe in bickering over THAT social media source.  Facebook status updates are posted that either add humor to our day, make us ponder things, lash out at people without using names, or simply let us know the blow by blow of daily happenings. While the majority of people use social media because they are nosey (sorry, but that is the truth.), some use it to keep up with family and friends who live away from the area, others use it to share sincere updates with us.  One of my friends is getting married on Saturday and I smile every time I see her update her status because I can feel her excitement! The other day she actually apologized for so many wedding updates! Trust me, I would rather see that than the chronic gripers, those who like to throw others under the bus via an update, those who complain about EVERYTHING in their lives. I'm not saying the occasional status that is a downer status is a bad thing. Heck we all have bad days or bad experiences. And if we can't unload that on our friends then who can we unload on. That is understandable. It is the constant, attention seeking, complainers that drain the life out of you! The ones who can never seem to see the good in ANYTHING. 

Social media has been a great tool for reconnecting with friends whom I haven't seen in a long time. I am able to keep up with one of my dearest friends who lives in Switzerland. Social media has reconnected online friends I made some 16 years ago, ladies I consider among my closest friends. I am able to spread my message of Think Thankfully to people who want to hear it or who NEED to hear it. Social media can be a wonderful outlet for those who use it for the right reasons!

Now if only I could wean myself of my Candy Crush addiction!!! But that is another posting for another day!!!! 

Buy me some peanuts and CrackerJack....

Yesterday proved to be a rather interesting day! I was pleasantly surprised when a friend of mine, who I've known since I was a child, messages me and asked if I was available to go along to the local minor league baseball game last night. The Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs are the AAA affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies and they play ball in Allentown, PA, roughly 20 miles from my home! She knew I was an Erik Kratz fan. Erik Kratz had been the catcher for the Iron Pigs for a few years before getting the call up to roster for the Phillies. He has remained my favorite player since his Pigs days! A few weeks ago, Erik underwent knee surgery to repair an injury suffered during a Phillies game. Last night, he returned to the Lehigh Valley for his rehab assignment before going back to the big leagues! I was tickled pink to be able to go and see my favorite IronPig turned Phillies play ball again! And guess where my friend's season ticket seats are located???? Yup! Right behind home plate!!!! Needless to say, I was in my Erik Kratz heaven last night! And he even wore his old Iron Pigs number, too! Ahhhhh,

I grew up on baseball, having two younger brothers who played for the local little league teams. Many spring and summer nights during my late childhood and early teenaged years were spent trekking up the hill to the local field to watch one of my brothers play ball. Add to that mix, my uncle played minor league baseball for the Minnesota Twins as well as the then Houston Astros. Baseball is in our family's blood! My uncle was recently indicted into the Carbon County Sports Hall of fame for his baseball accomplishments during high school and beyond. In fact, I do believe he was one of the youngest players to get his start in the history of Bowmanstown baseball. Yes, a love for baseball has been ingrained in us! And honestly I do not mind one bit.

The game of baseball can teach us so many important things about life, whether we are the coach, the player, or the fan:

1) Appreciate the moment. Always remember that the most important thing to do in the midst of any kind of excitement, intensity, and pressure (whether it be of life itself or of some sort of competition) is to enjoy and be grateful for the experience right now. Whether you are involved in a T-Ball game right on up through a major league game or just the daily humdrum of life, APPRECIATE THE MOMENT.  It is all over in the blink of an eye. Don’t wait, worry, and miss the opportunity to experience something wonderful!!!!

2) Take it one step at a time. Most things in life follow the motto, "Take things one step at a time." The better you are at letting go of what just happened, not worrying about what's coming up, and staying in each moment of your experience as it happens, the more likely you are to enjoy yourself and perform at your best. I have said many times over in my blog posting, you cannot spend time worrying about events in your life. You have to acknowledge it, accept it, and move on, whether you can fix the situation or not. And fear of the unkown, while a very relevant fear, is a needless worry, because in the end, you never know how things are going to unfold, and you don't want to get too far ahead of yourself.  Worrying about the “what ifs” down the road only leads to ulcers and stomach problems!!!

3) Focus on what you can control. How many times have I uttered this thought: We cannot control what other people think, say, or do. We can only control our reaction to them. Remembering what you can and can't control, and putting your attention on your attitude and responses are key elements in staying focused and positive, and in reducing stress and negativity. When you shift your focus to what you can control (your attitude and responses), you truly have empowered yourself! Be empowered!

4) Failure and losing is all a part of life. There is so much failure in baseball, even when you're a really good player or team. Even the best players in the MLB strike out, miss a play, drop a ball, and teams lose. It’s life. Not everything you attempt in life will make you a winner. Failure is an essential part of the game of life. It can help us let go of unnecessary fear, worry, and self judgment.

5) Swing for the fence, just in case you hit it. Our fear of failure and embarrassment often holds us back from really going for it. Always set your goals high! Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you will still be among the stars. Swing for the fence!!!!!! Imagine what your life and career would look like it you weren't afraid to fail or embarrass yourself.

6) No one likes a bandwagon jumper. We live in a culture that loves winners and makes fun of losers. People shifting team allegiances just because of their record, or the hottest players, or what their friends say about the team they cheer on. Being a bandwagon jumper in the reality of life can be quite damaging in business, relationships, and life. Keeping it real with yourself and others and not being a bandwagon jumper is critically important to creating authentic success and fulfillment in life.

7) NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP. This is so true in baseball and in life. So often individuals and teams are confronted on a daily basis in life with opportunities to give up, give in, and quit. Don't give up; you never know what's going to happen, as we're continually reminded about through the great game of baseball and the great experience of life. Just when you think the game is over, that late inning, over the fence homerun with bases loaded might just come along and surprise you!!!

It truly doesn’t matter whether you are a fan of the sport or not to experience the life lessons and realize that in anything you involve yourself in, the key is to always keep a positive attitude and be thankful you are in the game to begin with!!!

Make it a great day! Swing for the fence!!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Thank you for being a friend.....Life Lessons from The Golden Girls

You remember the TV Sitcom, The Golden Girls, don't you? We could learn a lot from watching Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, and Sophia!  From September 13, 1985, to May 9, 1992 we laughed, cried, and lived with those four ladies. Shows like this certainly are far and few between. In fact, they really don't make shows like this anymore. I enjoy sipping my morning iced coffee and watching reruns of The Golden Girls on mornings when I just don't feel like sitting on the porch! It's easy to get caught up in the lives of these four characters, creating a friendship within our hearts and minds, almost making us forget that they are just that....TV characters. Who doesn't know a Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, or Sophia in their lives?

As I sit this morning and watch the reruns on TV,  I can't help but chuckle. The genuine friendship between Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, and Sophia made for some of the funniest TV memories. The lessons that are taught in the episodes of the show are extremely relevant in all our lives. These four characters were sassy yet sweet, independent yet dependent on each other, charming yet at times cunning, witty yet always wise, and raunchy without being completely over the line or inappropriate.

As I sit and watch the episodes this morning, I keep thinking of the lessons that are there for the learning, Golden Girls style.

Things the Golden Girls has taught me:

Life can be fun and bubbly. I think this lesson is the greatest one. People tend to be so uptight anymore, always taking life so seriously. It's tough for some to lighten up, laugh a little, be crazy, enjoy!! Those ladies are always smiling and enjoying each others company. We can all take a page out of that lesson book and remember that no matter how old we get, we still need to take chances and have fun!!!

Finding love (companionship) can happen at any age. Between Sophia marrying Max, Rose falling in love with Miles (Nick), and Dorothy almost remarrying Stan then actually marrying Lucas, the Golden Girls shows us that we should never give up on love just because a relationship didn't work out. Heck, even Blanche had her share of romantic interests. For being older ladies, they never gave up on their quest to find someone to love. 

Best friends are there for each other, no matter what. The show really puts emphasis on the idea that friendship is NOT one sided. In order for a friendship to work, all parties need to be active participants. The episode where Rose had to undergo a triple bypass, the other three friends told Rose's daughter that they had made a pact that if one of them got sick, the others would take care of them. That is the meaning of friendship: All for One and One for All. No matter what happens in your life you stick with those you are close to and love. This is repeated over and over. They might be fighting all the time, but they ALWAYS support each other, they are ALWAYS there for one another, and they ALWAYS forgive each other.

Good People Don’t Just Exist in St. Olaf. Rose is the character who could be credited with starting the Think Thankfully nation. She is a lady who always thinks positively, who always sees the good in everyone and everything, even in the most unfortunate and awkward situations. As long as someone apologizes or means well, then Rose will take it and appreciate it for what it is. Rose truly teaches us that believing in the goodness of others can overall improve how we live our lives.

And in the end, just think of the theme song to The Golden Girls:

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant.
And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend

Sunday, July 7, 2013

And the clouds opened up.....

Well, we had been enjoying a great day in the pool! My youngest and I went out to the sunny round heat escape in the backyard around 10am. That is where we stayed until about 6pm. We entertained swimming visitors and also a young man who is going to USMC boot camp on the 15th of July who stopped by to day hello and collect an award he received. It was a glorious day and then......

......the clouds opened up and the scent of impending rain filled the air! We were able to get everything off the pool deck and come inside before the sky started looking like something out of a movie. Scary and imposing, the winds picked up and the thunder echoed in the distance. Every once in awhile, a streak of lightening bolted across the sky. The smell of summer rain on a hot day grew stronger and stronger and then, it was as if someone broke the dam and the rain fell from the sky. 

And then that quickly, almost as quickly as it came, the skies looked blue again and a cool breeze began to blow! I completely love summer rains. After a stinking hot day, rainstorms like this are always a welcome relief. It certainly cooled things down outside and restored some livable temps to the area. Perhaps there might even be a rainbow to find if I look hard enough. 

Throughout all the rain we have had in the past week and a half, you will not hear me complain! While I don't always like rainy days, there is something about the rain that is beautiful. I saw a quote somewhere (imagine that!!) which said "The rain, in the burning heat of summer, is a blessing from God!"  Very true quote right there. So many people spent an awful lot of energy complaining about the heat the past few days. Prior to that, we heard all the complaints about the rain that drenched us for numerous days. The little summer rainstorm we just experienced cooled things off and lessened the heaviness of humidity we've been under. What a great and glorious blessing from above!! 

Perhaps we should learn to enjoy and appreciate all aspects of nature. We can't enjoy the cooler temperatures without first experiencing heat. We can't enjoy the sunshine without first experiencing a cloudy day. We can't enjoy the first snow of winter without first experiencing the droughts of summertime. And we can't enjoy the rainbow, without also experiencing the rain!!

Until tomorrow, my friends......

Being positive in a negative world

I've come to realize that we live in a far more negative world than a positive one. All around us negativity swirls and rushes at us as if commanded by a stronger entity. I'm sure we all know who that entity is, after all, Christ was tempted by negativity during his 40 days and 40 nights in the barren desert. Without getting too religious, the devil walks aside of us each day tempting us with his negativity, just as Christ walks with us, showing us the power of positivity. It saddens me that so many people tend to listen to the negative roars rather than the quiet encouragement of the positive.

There are many times I feel as though trying to spread positivity among the masses is a useless task, but then I see just how many people one simple image or quote has reached and I see that glimmer of hope shining back through the bleak negative. I then realize that even I am allowing that sneaky little devil to raid my mind once again! It makes me smile to then realize that the power of finding something positive outweighs that negative thought and away we go again!!!!

Being a positive person is a tough job. People see me on Facebook, or in real life, always spreading positive ideas and messages, always finding some positive in my experiences and when that one time occurs that I just may not be feeling it, I get a barrage of messages and comments telling me I am better than that way of thinking, asking me what happened to my positive thinking, almost guilting me into not fully working through my doubts and frustrations but rather putting on a face and pretending I am fine. 

Being a positive person doesn't mean I am a superhero (although how cool would THAT be?). I have feelings, too, and I can be hurt by actions and words just as you can. I just choose how I am going to react to that hurt. Sometimes I need to vent. I acknowledge the situation and then I try to figure out if there is a way I can make it better. If I can, I try to do just that. If I cannot, then I know I have to let it go. I can only control my own reactions to people and situations. I can not control what others think, say, or do. Imagine, if you will, that I was a superhero, constantly able to change someone's attitude, words, thoughts, feelings into only the positive! How cool would that be???

Being a positive person in a negative world is a daily challenge. All around us the forces of the negative seem to win out. From Facebook status updates, to Tweets, to the daily tv news, to what's written in newspapers, even the stupid 'rag mags' in the checkout lines of stores try to grab at us with huge negative words and headlines. Today I am challenging you to be/remain positive in our negative world. When someone comes at you with a negative, aim your positive pistol back and shoot them with some positive happiness. Don't allow the negative to settle in. Spread kindness and then reap what you sow! 

Be positive in a negative world!!!! Remember that positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences!!!! Go out and Be Positive!!!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, wings."

I sure do love quotes, in case you haven't figured that out yet!!! I absolutely love this quote, which speaks to the very idea of helping our children find their place in this great big scary world. It is easy to live vicariously through our children and mold them into what WE want for them. On the other hand, it is very tough giving your children dreams, ambitions and self-confidence, while at the same time trying to help them be down to earth, without also giving them false hope that their dreams, no matter how far fetched, can be achieved. Achieving goals is not an easy task, especially when the goals are lofty to begin with. That isn't to say we shouldn't encourage our children, but we really need to keep a healthy focus on what is achievable and what may always remain just a dream. 

I have spent a lot of time trying to give my daughters roots. What are roots, anyway? Roots don't have to be a physical place to call home, but rather the feeling of home. Roots are the people who help teach us our life lessons, the people who love us at our weakest moments and praise us at our best! Roots are our family and close friends. While we have lived in the same sleepy little town for all of our lives, roots are not about the house you grew up in, the town you call home, or any physical possession....roots has everything to do with the people in our lives. I have always raised my daughters to appreciate family, make time for family, and to respect family. I pray each night, that no matter where my daughters end up, that they always remember their roots. 

Our wings start out small, allowing us to experiment, create and express ourselves, eventually guiding us to finding our own place in this world.  Yet is is our roots that form us, shape us, give us a foundation. Our roots help guide by our values and morals. But it is our wings that help us leave the comfort and safety of our nests in order to soar and work towards our goals and dreams! 

It is a sadly beautiful thing to see our children begin to spread their wings and fly. I have recently been reminded that this is exactly what their purpose in life is.  Each of my daughters is on track and carving out their own unique path in this life and living to their ultimate potential.  Our wings are always there to help us grow just that little bit more, to seek out new worlds and help us push past our own boundaries, no matter how scary or tough that new world might be!

As my oldest child started on her newest journey in her life, I sit here with a thankful heart that I provided her with the roots to help shape her and the encouragement she needed to spread her ever growing wings and fly, high above the sky, reaching her lofty, but very achievable dreams and goals!

Until tomorrow, my friends....

Follow your dreams, chase your rainbow, find your pot of gold!

I didn't sleep so well last night. Tossing and turning throughout the night, I let an unwanted visitor in. Worry. As a parent, I don't think that unwanted visitor ever realizes it is an unnecessary presence in our lives, yet here it is, back again for an overnight visit. I feel as I did four years ago, when faced with leaving for North Carolina, cars packed and gassed up ready to take one of the pieces of my world 550 miles away to college. Today is the day I have always feared. Today is the day my daughter truly enters the real world, moving into her little basement efficiency apartment in the Tenleytown section of Northwest Washington DC. As a parent, I know I did a great job raising my daughter. She has a great head on her shoulders and is very wise, however I can't help but feel pangs of worry. I know it is time for her to continue on in her journey of life, but I am also a little sad that she is moving away, even though I know there really is nothing for her here in our area in her chosen career field. Washington DC is where she needs to be right now.

And Washington DC is where she is going. The neighborhood she is moving to is quiet. Beautiful little (and some a little bigger) homes dot the pristine tree-lined streets of this little town, almost creating the illusion that you aren't in Washington DC. As I lie awake last night, I started to check out the area a little more (perusing the web can either be a blessing or a curse!). While I already knew that she was living two blocks from the Embassy for the Eastern Caribbean States, not far from the Department of Homeland Security, the National Navy Chapel, I also found out that the area she is living in is quite prestigious in its surroundings. Nearby are several educational institutions, the most notable of which are: American University (which is where she will be doing her graduate work as well as where she will be employed. It's a five minute walk from the house where she is living.); Sidwell Friends School, (famous for being the school of choice of presidential children) and Woodrow Wilson High School are located nearby, too. Seems like a great choice in living opportunities to me!

Living opportunities, ahhhhhh, another subject that boggles my mind. I did not realize that people are very big on renting out rooms or basement efficiencies in their homes (especially not for roughly the same amount I pay in a mortgage, but then again it isn't cheap to live in 'The District'.). As my daughter was looking into where she was going to live, rooms galore were popping up on the campus website. Made me very nervous to hear her describe places where she'd be living with strangers. I'm still a bit leery but after meeting the people whose basement efficiency she will be inhabiting, I do feel much better. 

So, what does this all mean? It serves as a little reminder for us to always follow our dreams and not give up on them. Where there is a will, there is always a way, even if the road to get there is bumpy and filled with obstacles to overcome. 

It is my hope that you are able to follow your dreams, chase your rainbow, find your pot of gold!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Count your blessings, not your burdens.....

I do believe that today was one of the most frustratingly negative days I've seen on Facebook in a long time. Lots of negative status updates, bickering, and just plain yuck. Days like this I wonder why I still bother, even though I have cut my Facebook time down considerably!!!

Tonight, I urge my readers to count your blessings, not your burdens. Burdens weigh you down, while blessings will lift you up. When you are close to typing up that negative status, STOP! Ask yourself what is one thing I could say that is POSITIVE instead of this negative garbage. My 'Uncle Wine' as I like to call him, once gave me the best piece of advice. He said, "When someone angers you, rather than lashing out at them at first, take a step back, wait 24 hours, and then if you still feel the need to vent your feelings, do so as respectfully as you can." Saying things in haste, putting things out there on the Internet, lashing out at people immediately does no one any good. And even though you think you may have deleted it, someone has already seen it, making you look like even more of a fool for lowering yourself to that level. Once spoken or posted, it truly can never be taken back or deleted. 

I've urged once before that before you speak an unkind word, ask yourself who is this going to benefit? Am I building this person up or breaking them down? Am I being a kind person or am I being a nudge (great word I use often in memory of Mrs Rhoann Chmiel, who taught it to me!!)? Am I being powerful or foolish? 

If more people thought about the repercussions of their actions, perhaps we will achieve a totally positive world! I choose to surround myself with people who appreciate the blessings in their lives and do not dwell on burdens. I choose to surround myself with people who spread happiness among their fellow man and not doom and gloom, whoa is me sadness.  I choose to count my blessings and not my burdens! That doesn't mean I don't have them. I sure do, but dwelling on them does not do me any good. I do what I can to make the situation better and I do not allow myself to get worked up over things I just can't control. I'm sure each and every one of you, if you started digging deep right now, would realize that you have farrrrrrrrrrrrr more blessings than burdens!

Until tomorrow, my friends.....be the blessing that lifts another human being up rather than being the burden that weighs them, and ultimately you, down! 

New day, new blessings

As I created and posted the good morning graphic on my Think Thankfully Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ThinkThankfully), my mind went into hyperdrive! New day, new blessings! Wow! What a profound statement all in itself, without any other words. 

New day, new blessings! Isn't that what Think Thankfully is all about? Waking up each morning with the knowledge that yesterday is yesterday. There is nothing we can do about yesterday's failures, yesterday's missed opportunities, yesterday's unspoken words. All we can do is acknowledge they were there and move on to today with an open heart and mind, ready to accept all the goodness and blessings that are out there for us. We cannot wake up still miserable over the past. We can only make a conscious effort to NOT repeat the previous day.

I did something this morning that I rarely do. I posted the good morning on our Facebook page and then I scrolled through the newsfeed. Wow. I will say, the amount of positive I see is starting to outweigh the negative, but there are still some people who, I believe, are and will be perpetually negative. In this journey I am on, and really it is a journey...."Happiness is a journey, not a destination."....I simply cannot tolerate those perpetual negatives. I don't understand how people, and most of the time they are younger people, can be so miserable. It begs the question,"What, in your short time of living on this beautiful planet, could possibly be so bad that you are such a negative person?" I find it hard to believe people want to be around you! 

In my own period of enlightenment, I have found myself removing myself from negative people, words, situations. The more positive I became, the less I am able to tolerate people who constantly complain, gripe, gossip, and use social media to complain about how miserable their life is. If you hate a certain percentage of the human race, it makes me question what YOU are doing wrong to get a negative response from people. Negative attracts negative. It's that simple. Perhaps you have nothing but doom and gloom in your life because that is the attitude you reflect. If you've got nothing to smile about or be thankful for in your life, then perhaps it is YOU that needs to change something in YOUR life. I've often said, if I can find nothing in my day to be thankful for, then I've done something wrong in that day because the blessings are there!!!!

As you go about your day, remember: New day, new blessings! What you project towards others becomes the reflections you attract. A smile goes a long way......

Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...