Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fear? Ha! I laugh in the face of fear! (not really....)

Fear. As the summer is starting to slowly wind down, that little rascal known as fear is slowly starting to creep inside my head and make me feel a bit uneasy about the upcoming school year. Considering the teaching environments I have been in over the past 17 years of my professional career, you would think I would be perfectly OK with the changes taking place. Not so much. I am nervous. I am scared. I am filled with fear.

I started doing the Confident Woman Devotional, because I felt I needed a bit of a boost right now. I have a huge test on Monday to add an area of certification to my teaching credentials, one I am totally worried beyond belief about. The changes for the school year have me completely cowering at the start of my 18th year of teaching and I felt I needed SOMETHING, anything to help me boost my confidence. I find I often turn to my YouVersion Bible app when I need something to help me along. Today's devotional dealt with fear. How fitting.

Just because ordinary people take steps to accomplish extraordinary things does not mean that they do not feel fear. I was reminded today that the Universe has a reason for placing me at a new school with a new bunch of children to reach out to. That there is something greater than I realize that is putting me at this new placement. I have to believe that is true. I have to believe that this is a step in a direction that can only lead to bigger and better things in my professional life. 

Fear does not mean you are a coward. It only means that you need to be willing to feel the fear and do what you need to do anyway. I know what needs to be done and I will do it. I use the examples of many people before me, who faced their fears, did what they needed to do, and accomplished something bigger than they could ever imagine. I think it is safe to say my fear isn't in being placed in a dangerous situation, in fact, quite the opposite is occurring this school year. The fear I feel is more of the fear of failure. For the past 17 years, without tooting my own horn, I knew I was good at what I was doing. I was reaching kids that most people can't. I was making a difference in the lives of students who really needed my presence in their lives. When they came to my Reading Class, I knew they were ready to learn, despite all the odds against them. That was what I knew. That was what I was good at. This year, it is like starting over, and I am afraid to fail.

I have been looking at the pros and cons to this change. The pros outweigh the cons by a long shot and so I have to go with that. While the fear grips me, I remain thankful that I have a job, thankful that I am good at my job, and thankful that I believe in myself even when the fear of failure creeps in and causes some self doubt. 

Until next time, my friends....step outside your comfort zone and don't let fear cripple you. Acknowledge it, accept it, act, and achieve!!! Success is there for the taking if we take the first steps towards achieving it! Release your fears, as I release mine!!!

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