Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Live like ELLA ♥

I cannot think of a better blog entry today, my birthday blog, than to honor the life of my little Cancer Warrior Princess Angel, who is celebrating her first angelversary today. Last year, I can remember sitting in my classroom, celebrating the big 4-0 with my students and getting a text message that would put my celebrations into a tailspin. I received word that my little CWP had lost her battle with cancer and was now an angel. I was heartbroken, yet so very happy, all at the same time. My little friend whom I had never actually met, Ella Grace, was now an angel.

Truth be told, that little girl was an angel here on earth. I’ve blogged about her before, but today, February 11, I choose to blog about her again, because she deserves to be remembered today and forever! It is not our job to even try to begin to explain why some things in life happen. I wish I knew why a little 4 year old girl was taken from us. I wish I knew why that blasted C word won that battle. I wish I could explain the reason for all the nonsense. Any time you hear of a child losing their battle with a horrible disease, a whole host of emotions enters your world. We seem to feel angry, sad. We begin to question God and why he allows little ones to suffer. But Ella, well, that little girl taught a lot of people a lot about living. Ella never complained, always wore she smile (probably because it was the best accessory for her tutu and flowery headbands), and inspired people to be the best they could possibly be. I'm pretty sure that little girl went through what she did in order to teach us all a lesson about living, loving, and accepting our fate, come what may. I had the distinct pleasure of doing the Warrior Dash two years ago as Ella’s Warrior, raising a ton of funds for St. Jude’s, all in the name of Ella Grace Luchansky. It became a yearly tradition for me and my daughters, as each year we WARRIOR ON in Ella’s name!

When I look back at the life my little Cancer Warrior Princess Angel Ella Grace lived, I cannot help but be thankful for the gift of that little girl in my life. Without ever meeting her, she has inspired me to be a better person. She loved her tutus, headbands, purple, and glitter. She giggled and smiled and always thought of others. She truly LIVED her life. So many of us go through the motions of day to day living, completely overlooking the things that are truly important in life. Ella Grace lived her little life to love others, regardless of the battles she faced each and every day.

As I head out to work today, wearing my purple sweater (because purple is my favorite color, too), my Live Like Ella shirt underneath, and my purple converse, I am encouraging each and every one of you to go out and LIVE LIKE ELLA today and every day. Honor the life of a special little girl.

Until tomorrow, my friends……

Think Thankfully

Sunday, February 9, 2014

You gotta keep your head up!

@FlyingDog Brewery (From Underdog bottle)

So, I told you that inspiration hits me at the weirdest moments! Remember the blog that was written from the bleachers of a high school basketball game? Well, this one is not much different. The inspiration for this blog comes from a beer bottle. Yes, you read that right, a beer bottle! The above image was taken at the Lizard Creek Tavern last night, as my best friend got a bottle of Underdog beer by Flying Dog Brewery. I always like to read their bottles, because they are quite inspirational, and much to my expectation, last night was no different!

And what a message it brings! Don't be the underdog! Keep your head up, stand tall, and carry on! Rule the board! Become the Kings and Queens of the game! WOW! Imagine if we all lived THIS life! Imagine if we all lived as big as we dreamed. Imagine if we all lived as if we truly had it all together and knew we couldn't fail! Imagine if we kept our heads up, stood tall, and carried on?!?! I was so inspired by the label of the bottle, I just had to snap it and use it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to use in ON the Think Thankfully Facebook page or here in the blog. I guess you can see which won out!

Today, my thought to you is short and sweet and it truly comes from the label of a bottle of beer. DON'T BE THE UNDERDOG IN THIS CRAZY GAME CALLED LIFE! NOW IS NO TIME TO BE A PAWN! THE KINGS AND QUEENS RULE THE BOARD, SO THAT'S WHO YOU'VE GOTTA BE!!!!!!!!!

It begs another little ditty to put into your head today.....Andy Grammer's Keep Your Head Up! 

But you gotta keep your head up, oh,
And you can let your hair down, eh.
you gotta keep your head up, oh,
And you can let your hair down, eh.

I know it's hard, know its hard
To remember sometimes,
But you gotta keep your head up, oh,
And you can let your hair down, eh.

Make today a great day! I'm pulling for you! Think Thankfully!!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sorry, I've been MIA, but I'm back! Did ya miss me?!?!?!

Hey there! Did you miss me? Sorry I've been MIA and I sincerely apologize for the big delay in blog postings. I've been a combination of busy AND had a bit of a lack of motivation. I warned you that the beginning of the month of February was a rough time for me. I've spent a lot of time this past week (or so) simply thinking. Thankfully, I did not allow myself to drown in self pity, sadness, or wallow in grief, but I did take some time to really think.

Last Sunday was a very emotional day for me. It marked 4 years since my grandma passed away. It is always a very tough time for me, as I was always a grandma's girl. No secret there. My grandma was my world. I know I post a lot about her and you have heard it a million times. It really is no secret. Losing her felt like losing a huge chunk of my heart. I was pretty sure I would NEVER get over it. But I have. Now, in saying that, I do not mean that I am over the fact that I no longer have my grandma in the physical here and now, but I am over the deep sadness and loss I have felt for 4 long years.

There are a few truths I am able to accept with regards to losing my grandma. First of all, my grandma is where she wanted to be since April of 2007. She is at home and with my grandfather. Second, she wants me to be happy. And third, she will NEVER leave me. It has taken me quite some time and a lot of thinking (plus a few 'visits' with the help of my wonderful friend who is a spiritual medium) for me to realize that my hurt and grief are all so selfish of me.

So, as I sit here tonight, I can honestly say that I am no longer angry and bitter at losing my grandma. Not even one little bit. I'm thankful I have her with me all the time, watching and guiding me. I'm thankful I can still 'talk' to her and that she hears me. I'm thankful that I have a 'connection' to her and when I most need her, she makes herself known. I'm thankful that I've been shown the 'light' and have come to accept this. AND, I am also thankful I do not have to drink another Moxie (unless I really want to!!!).

I guess it is safe to say, I'm back! Did ya miss me???

Think Thankfully!

Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...