Tuesday, December 1, 2015

That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

Last night, ABC had a wonderful special for the 50th Anniversary of A Charlie Brown Christmas being on TV. While some of the music I could have done without, for the most part, it was a heartwarming look into the making of the Christmas special and everyone's beloved 'gang' sharing the true meaning of Christmas.
In the opening scene, we see Charlie Brown and Linus heading to the skating pond to meet up with the gang for some winter fun. They stop at a brick wall, and the following dialogue takes place:

  • Charlie Brown: I think there must be something wrong with me, Linus. Christmas is coming, but I'm not happy. I don't feel the way I'm supposed to feel. I just don't understand Christmas, I guess. I like getting presents and sending Christmas cards and decorating trees and all that, but I'm still not happy. I always end up feeling depressed.
  • Linus: Charlie Brown, you're the only person I know who can take a wonderful season like Christmas and turn it into a problem. Maybe Lucy's right. Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you're the Charlie Browniest.

I think we can all relate to Charlie Brown in the beginning of the special at some point. This year, more than any other year, I've found myself feeling quite "Charlie Browniest" when it came to preparing my home from the holiday. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Christmas. I love everything about it. I love my home, all decorated for the season. I love my church at Christmas. I love the idea of giving to people. I love the Christmas Story as told in the gospel according to St. Luke.  I just love Christmas.

And more than all of that, I love the A Charlie Brown Christmas special. I love that 50 years ago, Charles Schulz took a HUGE risk and decided to tell it like it is at Christmas, using the scriptures to tell the greatest story ever told.

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, I cannot think of a better or more beloved “true meaning of Christmas” speech than the one that was so eloquently delivered by Linus van Pelt. Take the time to sit back and enjoy this video clip from A Charlie Brown Christmas as you prepare for the Christmas season.

        Charlie Brown: Isn’t there anyone, who knows what Christmas is all about?

    Linus: Sure Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about. Lights please?
        And there were in the same country shepherds, abiding in the field, keeping watch   over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them! And they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, “Fear not! For, behold, I bring you tidings o great joy, which shall be to all my people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ, the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth peace, and good will toward men.
          That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

From Think Thankfully to all of you.....many wishes for a blessed Christmas and a joyous 2016.

Until next time.............

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Life ain't always beautiful........

I was driving home from work yesterday and this song came on the country station I was listening to: Gary Allan's "Life Ain't Always Beautiful". It somewhat stopped me in my tracks, made all my immediate thoughts float to the wayside and I simply listened. And while I drove along and listened, those lyrics screamed at me. It's been a weird set of circumstances lately in my life. I wish I could figure out the messages that are coming my way, but the words in this song almost seemed like they were speaking directly to me from someone I always went to for comfort and advice. Perhaps......

"Life ain't always beautiful,
Sometimes it's just plain hard.
Life can knock you down,
It can break your heart."

So true.

Life sure ain't always beautiful. Lately, I seem to feel this way a little more than I'd like to. I've got a great life; a super husband, amazing daughters, a job, a house, and relatively good health. Wish I could pinpoint why I feel the disappointment in my life lately. Perhaps I wish for more for me. I see people around me grabbing life, doing exactly what they want to be doing, and sometimes that green-eyed monster rears its ugly head. I want to reach the masses with my message of being positive, thankful, grateful, happy. I want to inspire people on a large scale, but somehow I feel as though I'm failing in this department. I feel like I'm on that dead end road, with not enough room to turn around and fix my course.

"Life ain't always beautiful,
You think you're on your way.
And it's just a dead end road
At the end of the day." 

As I drove the 8 mile ride home from school, this song became a reminder that life is not always beautiful and what you want it to be.  Lately, I have been struggling with some things, some that are in my control and some that are not. I’m not always good at dealing with things and recently certain things have been going on that I have been having a hard time dealing with. During the past 4 years, I grew into a strong woman. I learned how to tackle things with ease and not stress over little things. I have gotten good at not letting things get the best of me, especially when I seem to have to wrestle with my inner demons. But not this time. Right now, it has been a little bit harder. I'm not afraid to admit I'm struggling and really, that's OK.  I have learned some things and learning isn't always a bad thing!

"But the struggles make you stronger,
And the changes make you wise
And happiness has its own way
Of taking its sweet time."

It’s those struggles that have been keeping my mind occupied the past few months and consequently have caused the lack of writing here. When I'm in this mood, I don't always feel like writing. My inspiration seems to disappear and words don't come so easy. My mind has been elsewhere. You see, we all have those days where we feel less than what we are.  When we deny those feelings we aren’t being truthful to ourselves. While I try to put on a solid, brave front, the truth is, a few incidents over the past few months have really battered down my sense of self worth.

I am not a perfect person, nor have I ever professed to be.  Honestly, neither are any of you who might be reading this blog. I am flawed, beautifully flawed. There are days that I realize that more than others. Do I dwell on those things? Sometimes, if I am being honest (and you know I like to be honest in my blog postings!).  Sometimes it may take some time (like a few days) and sometimes it may take longer (like a few months), but in the end I just pick myself up by my boot straps and carry on!

"No, life ain't always beautiful
But I know I'll be fine
Hey, life ain't always beautiful
But what a beautiful ride
What a beautiful ride"
The words to this song scream out to us that simple reminder: we’ll all have problems in life, but through these tough times we must realize that we’re getting stronger and we must remember that “Life ain’t always beautiful – But it’s a beautiful ride.” It’s a beautiful ride.

Until tomorrow, my friends.....enjoy the ride! Think Thankfully!!!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Happy Birthday Grandma

The year was 1928. The President of the United States was Calvin Coolidge until the November election in which Herbert Hoover defeated Alfred E Smith. Mickey Mouse appeared in Steamboat Willie. Amelia Earhart became the first woman to successfully cross the Atlantic Ocean. The US was in the middle of the prohibition and it was a time known as the Roaring Twenties.

1928. This year welcomed Walter Mondale, Maya Angelou, Shirley Temple, and Adam West into this great big world. It also welcomed into the world one of the most beautiful and amazing people I know: My Grandma LaRue. Today, she turns a whopping 87 years old!! My gift to her is this blog posting even though I know she will never see it.....

Dear Grandma,

Today is your 87th birthday.  It gives me great pride to be writing you this letter today. It means you are still here to enjoy life with all of us, a simple fact that I cherish each and every day. I thank God for allowing you to see another birthday and I pray each day that God allows you to see many more! You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I sincerely hope you know how grateful I am for you. You have played a significant role in shaping who I am becoming as a person. You may not realize this but you are the one of the most incredible sources of constant, consistent, and unsolicited encouragement in my life. When I think of you, I know I am loved. I know when I call that you will lift my mood and put a smile on my face, and you will do what you can if there is a need. Sometimes in the difficult times of being an adult, it is nice to know there is someone I can turn to who will just make things better, simply by offering a small piece of advice. On this, your birthday, all I can say is thank you. Thanks for showing me love that is not based on my performance in life. Thank you for always being there for me during my 42 years of life. Thanks for egg sandwiches, a candy cupboard, ham barbeque, and sodas. Thanks for Christmas memories at 801 Delaware, family Christmas parties, and being a Bingo nut. Thanks for always believing in me. Thanks for showing me what kind of legacy a grandparent can leave in the life of her grandchildren and great grandchildren.  I hope I have the same privilege in the lives of my future grandchildren. Happy Birthday, Grandma. I love you so very much.

All my love and respect,

Your firstborn granddaughter

Until tomorrow, my friends........Think Thankfully

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Happy 4 years, Think Thankfully!

So, today is the 4th anniversary of my nightly (personal page) Thankful Posts. I've been doing these posts for 4 years, without fail. 4 years. 4 years can be translated into:

•126,316,800 seconds

•2,105,280 minutes

•35,088 hours

•1462 days

•208 weeks and 6 days

     Where did Think Thankfully come from? Let me tell you today, in what I hope will be the start of more consistent blogging again. I miss it. I need to get back to writing. Here's where Think Thankfully got its start:

     Between July and September 2011, I had three relatively traumatic losses in my life when three of my friends lost their lives in three very different ways. Rewind the timeline of my life a little further and the start of my emotional demise came in April of 2007 when my grandfather entered his eternal rest. At the time I was 34 years old and had not experienced loss in this form. I had all four of my grandparents still alive and very active in my life (and the lives of my daughters). Trying to work through his death was very tough for me. He was a staple in my life. As the pain slowly started to dissipate a bit….WHAM! Life handed me another horrible loss in January 2009 with the loss of my other grandfather, a sudden loss that no one was expecting. Fast forward to January 2010 when my beloved grandmother suffered a horrific fall and was eventually called home in February, just a few short days before my birthday (9 to be exact). The loss I felt when she passed spiraled out of control. My grandmother was my rock. She was my everything….my world. As I sit here and write this, the tears still form in my eyes.  I still feel the ache of losing my grandmother, I miss her terribly.

     As stated earlier, between July and September 2011, I had three relatively traumatic losses in my life. In July, I lost a lifelong childhood friend to a massive heart attack at 40 years old. We grew up in the church together, sang in the choir, spent time in youth group, all the stuff kids do. Learning of his death seemed to bring to the forefront of my thoughts all the feelings of loss I felt when my three grandparents had passed. I could hardly believe someone MY AGE had suffered a massive heart attack. It didn’t seem real. Then came August and that meant another friend gone. A friend I had gone through high school with (although she was a year ahead of me), decided life was just too tough for her and she took her own life at the young age of 39. While this loss caught me off guard, I still have trouble understanding the taking of one’s own life. I just cannot imagine feeling that low, but by September, I, myself, felt as if I was teetering on the verge of a horrible depression.

     And then, September rolled around and life finally dealt me the final blow in my sorrow, sadness, heartbreak. One of my dear friends passed away, quite unexpectedly at the age of 41, after having surgery to correct some back issues. It was the death of my friend Rick that seemed to send my feelings on a roller coaster ride into oblivion. I walked around in somewhat of a daze for awhile, every time my mind had a bit of rest, thoughts went right to Rick. I had a hard time understanding why this had to happen, much like when my grandmother passed away. I had such built up anger that such a wonderful person was taken from me, anger I had suppressed for quite some time (almost 2 years to be exact), anger that resurfaced with the passing of Rick.

     It was October 4, 2011. The day before my last living grandmother’s 83rd birthday, when I realized I had so much to be thankful for. Rather than living life with anger and bitterness building up, I had to focus on all I had to be thankful for. My job had been stressful at the time (it still is, if I am to be honest here) and I could feel myself becoming someone I did not want to be. I wasn’t sleeping at night and was basically going through the motions of daily life. Nothing was fun anymore.

     That is what led me to my thankful journal. I decided to use Facebook as an outlet for my gratitude. My friends became my sounding board as I posted my THINK THANKFULLY posts!  Each night before I decided to shut down the Facebook page for the night, I reflected on the things of that day that I was most thankful for, sometimes with an explanation and sometimes without. I began to sleep better, smile more, enjoy life, and my life took a turn for the better. I promised myself to post things each day for a year that I was most thankful for. This idea has been going strong for 4 years. I never stopped. I've posted many things I've been thankful for in 4 years time and it has truly been all of these things and much much more that I am thankful for in my life and have brought me to the place I am today; A happy, grateful place living with a happy, grateful heart.



Until tomorrow, my friends......


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Why I am thankful for Hurricane Katrina (yes, you read that right)...

10 years. $81 billion dollars in damage. 1836 deaths. 1 storm. Hurricane Katrina. 

10 years ago, August 29, 2005 my favorite city in the world was hit hard by Hurricane Katrina, leaving in her wake massive destruction, death, and for a little while, the livelihood of the city known as The Big Easy.

But, I am thankful for Hurricane Katrina. Yes, you read that correctly. I am thankful for Hurricane Katrina. Sounds silly, doesn't it. And I am sure that MANY people will be a bit upset with that comment, especially those who lost so much during that storm 10 years ago. Believe me, being thankful for the storm in no way lessens the heartache I felt that morning watching it unfold on news outlets 1400 miles away. Being thankful for the storm in no way makes me overjoyed or pleased at what happened to New Orleans that morning. But yes, I am thankful for that bitch of a storm.

Rewind time back 10 years. Summer of 2005. It was much like my summer 2015. Filled with excitement and visiting a new city that would rank among my favorites. One month before Hurricane Katrina decided to visit, I had been in NOLA for a week long vacation with some people I knew. It was a glorious week. The city of New Orleans opened my eyes to a lot of things in my life. It was the first time I had ever gone away without my immediate family. My (now ex-) husband opted out of the trip, saying he had no desire to visit New Orleans. My children were far too young to accompany me. So, I visited New Orleans with two of my friends at the time, meeting up with others later in the week. It was while I was exploring this great city that I realized the direction my life would be taking when I returned home. It was while wandering the city alone on the Wednesday of my trip that I met someone who would become the truest friend I've ever known. I met NOFD Captain Ronnie Beaulieu as I stumbled into Engine 29 to buy a NOFD TShirt for my (now -ex) husband, who was also a firefighter. We talked a little shop (I think I impressed him with my firefighting knowledge) and we instantly connected with a bond of friendship that would, 10 years later, prove very hard to break.

After leaving New Orleans on my first trip, Captain Ron and I remained in touch. And then.....August 29 happened. I can't begin to tell you the fear I felt watching what was happening in New Orleans, knowing what his job was, and having absolutely NO way of getting in touch with him to make sure he was ok. That morning, my mom and aunt were at my house for our annual "Kids are back in school" games and drinks day, like we did every year on the first day of school. The weather here was pretty nasty, too, so we sat in my living room, at a card table, playing various games, drinking wine, and watching. I remember constantly hitting redial on my phone, which was met with nothing but dial tones and recorded messages that 'all circuits were down'. My heart sank. When I was able, I left message after message on Captain Ron's phone begging him to let me know he was ok. It took a few days, but finally, the call came in and the voice on the other end was my friend. I remember crying. And I remember the rest.

My friend had seen the gates of hell pretty much open up in front of him. I had no response at first. What do you say to someone who sees what should have been seen in horror movies, unfold right in front of his eyes? Not knowing what to say, I listened. Every night for over a month, same time (10pm-ish my time, 9pm-ish his time), I listened. Being so far removed from what was happening in his city, I could listen. His fear for his family (who are amazing and have become people I consider my good friends, too), his fear for his city, his exhaustion, his sadness, and through it all, his love for his city.

That all brings me to why I am thankful for Hurricane Katrina. I am thankful for the storm that blasted New Orleans because through that storm, I realized how deep my love was for a city I had only visited once before. I realized the incredible, deep rooted, connection to a city that had never been on my radar prior to the summer of 2005. And that city has drawn me back half a dozen times since then.

I am thankful for Hurricane Katrina simply because that storm helped me forge a bond of friendship with someone I cannot imagine my life without. Because of that wicked nasty storm, I was connected to my new friend in ways that I would have never imagined. And I'd do it all over again if it meant the outcome was the friendship I have now. Visits to my beloved city include visits with Captain Ron and his beautiful wife, Stacey. Visits always begin with a first stop at 317 Decatur Street to say hello to my friend, right where it all began. I am thankful for that.

I am thankful for Hurricane Katrina because the mess she left behind was not quickly erased from my mind. As a teacher, I used the storm as a teaching tool when my school year finally began that year. Current events at its finest. I taught about the city, hurricanes, this particular hurricane, and was able to bring my friend into the classroom, at first using teleconferencing. Captain Ron called my classroom, was put on speaker phone, and talked to my students about his city. He answered almost all of their questions, no matter how heartbreaking they may have been for him. We watched him on TV as a morning TV show followed him going back into his home to see what was left behind. He sent patches, MRE's for the kids to try, remnants of his city, and, one weekend on a respite trip he was forced to take to 'clear his mind for a little bit' of what happened in his city, he came to my class and they were able to meet him. He brought TShirts (which he is FAMOUS for always having on hand at the fire station - in a wide variety of styles, too, dependent on what's happening in the city at the time.) for each of the kids and talked to my class in person for quite some time. Because of that, a new friendship was forged. One of my students from that year has kept in touch with Captain Ron off and on for the past 10 years, most recently reconnecting on Facebook. I am thankful for that.

I am thankful for Hurricane Katrina because through all the mess, devastation, destruction, and rebuilding, I've always been reminded of the city that I love. I've helped my own two daughters see what a great city it is and even took my oldest to celebrate her 21st birthday on Bourbon Street a few years ago. She, too, has developed an inexplicable love for this city. My youngest is looking forward to the time when I take her, too, to introduce her to the city that has a piece of my heart. I am thankful for a storm that consumed so much of my time, heart, and energy 10 years ago, because New Orleans has always been a talking point in our home. She's never gone away.

So, yes, you read that right. I am thankful for Hurricane Katrina, because as she battered down on the city I had just visited a month before, she also strengthened the feeling I have for this city. A feeling that continues to grow stronger each passing year. One day I'll live in this city because I truly believe the quote: "Someone suggested that there's an incomplete part of our chromosomes that gets repaired or found when we hit New Orleans. Some of us just belong here." John Goodman

I know what it means to miss New Orleans. I belong there. And I am thankful for Hurricane Katrina helping me to realize that.

Until next time, my friends......please continue to Think Thankfully



Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day Thoughts

Happy Father's Day!

A father is someone who believes that by donating his sperm for your creation, he automatically deserves the respect and title of Dad. On the contrary, a true dad is someone who gets up every day and does whatever he CAN and whatever he HAS to in order to put a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food on your table. He may not have donated anything more than his time, energy, and love towards your creation and existence, but he CHOOSES to despite the fact that he doesn't HAVE to.

I know six men who are the most AMAZING examples of Father's Day I could have ever hoped to be blessed with in my life. My Pappy Lester and Pappy Wip. Both of these men were great examples of being a father and (great)grandfather and the unconditional love that went along with it. I miss them every single day (Father's Day just a little more). My Pappy Wip was the 'Dad who didn't have to be' to my mom during her growing up years. While he may not have 'fathered' her and my aunts, he sure did raise them up the best he could, after stepping in and taking over the role! My Pappy Lester worked long, hard hours in order for my Grandma to be a stay at home mom and wife, but he never complained. He just went out and worked in order for my dad and uncles to have the best they possibly could in life. My Dad, Les (Butch) Everett.....WOW! What can I say about him? He's always been my guiding star. I've strived every day in the classroom to be even half the teacher he ever was. The lives he impacted in his career is nothing short of awesome. I've strived every day in life to be even half the parent he is. He's always been my rock and my leaning post. He's helped me in ways I can't even begin to thank him for. AND he is the most amazing grandfather to not just my girls, but all SIX of his granddaughters as well. My brothers, Chad and Travis Everett. They've been the best uncles and both of them have always been two very different sources of inspiration and guidance to Alyssa as her GodFathers. AND they are super dads to my nieces. Lastly, Bill DeHart. Where to begin? Bill came into my life and helped me show my girls what a meaningful, loving, respectful relationship looks like. He showed them that disagreements are not the end of the world and that when you love someone, you take the good with the bad and you compromise. He has given my girls as much love, patience, support, guidance, respect, time, and energy as his own children. He has been a SUPERIOR example of what being a Dad is all about, when too many times to count, they were lacking in that area. He's supported all their sporting events, school activities, adventuristic explorations, and through it all has shown them LOVE.

My world is INCREDIBLY better and has been BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE because of these men. Happy Father's Day to the REAL FATHERS out there. The ones who know what it means to TRULY love a child with all their hearts.

Until tomorrow, THINK THANKFULLY!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I'm an April Fool's Scrooge

Dear Readers,

Happy April 1! Welcome to the 4th month of the calendar year. For many people, today is just another day. To many others, it is a day where they feel they have carte blanche to spew completely ridiculous and inappropriate 'jokes' with their friends. Unfortunately, I've seen my share of Facebook posts that were not at all funny, both from friends as well as some pretty credible sites I normally enjoy reading things from. I've seen a 'joke' of a post regarding the renaming of Cinderella's Castle to the BBC creating a new series based on Harry Potter's Godric's Hollow. I've seen people post horrible things about themselves, things that made their close friends seriously concerned. And for what? For April Fool's? Well, call me a prude, but I do not find this day funny in the least.

We live in a society where we are fed information on the internet and believe it to be 100% accurate and true no matter what. How many times we've seen things reposted on Facebook by countless people only to find out, via Snopes, that it is completely false. We find it difficult to believe things we see, but yet when our close friends and family post the most bizarre of statuses on this day, we believe it with every ounce of our being. 

Out of all the days in the year, I dislike April 1 more than any other (although February 2 comes in a VERY close second). I've never enjoyed being the butt of other people's jokes, I don't like being pranked, and I don't find the humor in making others feel poorly. There is a huge difference between being told a joke (which is meant to be funny and elicit a laugh or two) and being pranked (where 9 times out of 10 the only one laughing is the one who pulled the prank). I'm not even sure how or why this day became April Fool's Day (unless I decide I care enough to Google it or something).

We expect people to treat each other with kindness and decency and then we promote a day where that all goes to hell because we think it is funny to play tricks and pull pranks on one another at any cost. Emotions are involved, but no one cares...."it's all in the name of the day" we hear. WRONG. There is nothing funny about posting that you were in a horrible car accident (especially to those who have lost someone or almost lost someone in a REAL one). There is nothing funny about posting that you are pregnant (especially to the woman who wants nothing more than to be a mom, yet can't OR the family who just lost a child). There is nothing funny about posting that you broke an arm or a leg (especially to the person who has broken a bone OR finds themselves unable to use a body part). Am I exaggerating a bit? No. I don't think I am. I completely LOATHE this day and what it stands for.

For the sake of my wee ones, I laughed at their attempts at fooling me today (with the whole, LOOK! It's SNOWING! or THERE'S A SPIDER HANGING FROM THE CEILING!) but deep down I just wanted to scream....I HATE THIS DAY! At least April 2 is only a few hours away.....

Until tomorrow, my friends....don't be a fool!

Think Thankfully!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Superpowers, ACTIVATE!!!!

Dear Readers,

As I wrote about the other day, I have got a lot of ‘crap’ going on inside my head lately. I am able to remain strong for awhile and then WHAM. I feel as though I’ve fallen down a ravine and I’m struggling to crawl back out. I know exactly where my feelings come from. I allow what other people think of me to control me. Isn’t this something we all tend to do from time to time? Of course. All too often in our lives we are so concerned about what other people think of us, that we allow them to get inside our head, create a feeling of inadequacy, and ultimately, we give all of our superpowers away.

Let’s work on regaining our superpowers, why don’t we? It seems as though we are always finding ourselves doing what others want us to do or expect us to do. After awhile, we find ourselves completely drained, feeling lost in a world that does not seem to care about us. Just how easy is it to give away our superpowers to others? It’s pretty darn easy, let me tell you. 

Hmmmmmmm, are you the type of person who:
  • ·         Engages in gossip
  • ·         Says yes to everything to please everyone else
  • ·         Obsesses about other people’s behaviors (despite knowing you cannot change them)
  • ·         Tries to be nice to everyone
  • ·         Constantly doubts yourself
  • ·         Feels the need to keep up with the Jones’s

A lot of us engage in these types of behaviors without even realizing it. We give our superpowers away and before we know it, we feel that complete and utter feeling of loss, failure. The beauty of this is, that once you really start to acknowledge what you are doing, you have no excuse not to reclaim your superpower, never to give it away again.

So, just how DO you reclaim that superpower? Well, the first step is to realize when you are giving it away. Step two is to start to form a strategy firmly in your head for saying ‘No’ to giving your power away. If someone tries to engage you in gossip, politely listen but offer nothing in return. As you get more and more of your power back you can work on stopping the person trying to engage you in gossip with a simple: ‘Listen, I am not really interested.’ And walk away. Finally, the third and final step is start to implement your strategy in all the areas where you are giving away your superpower. If someone asks you to do something for them, just say ‘No’. You don’t have to offer any excuses for saying no, you don’t have to explain yourself. If the person prompts you further, you can say ‘I just don’t want to.’

Sure this can all sound real good on the computer screen. Reading it and doing it are two different things. In the end, the choice is yours. Do you want to keep your superpowers or do you want to keep giving them away to people who aren’t really deserving of them? I know where I fit in here…..

Until tomorrow, my friends.....some people drain you and some people help to boost your superpowers. Choose those who help boost your superpowers! Reclaim YOUR life!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Guardian angels and good news!!!

Dear Readers,

Life has been very hectic for me the past few weeks. I've been dealing with a lot of personal things as well as shouldering the worry and anxiety of my 24 year old daughter, who has had some major life events happen. My daughter is a worrier, she is riddled with anxiety, and she sets extremely high standards for herself (and subsequently finds herself second guessing herself, causing even more anxiety and stress in her life).

On February 20, she took her comprehensive exams that would pretty much determine her future. In order to graduate from American University (with a pretty impressive Masters Degree), she had to pass the tests placed before her. And in order to obtain the full time job offer that was presented to her, she needed to graduate in May with her Masters. Not passing the comps = no graduation, which in turn = no job. Nightmare situation to find yourself in when you are a worrier.

My daughter has always excelled in school. She places a lot of pressure on herself to get good grades (and let it be known, I never put that pressure on her.....I was always happy as long as my children gave it their best effort). Throughout elementary school, junior high, high school, and undergrad work, she always took on the toughest classes, aimed high, and worried until she knew she was going to succeed. She finished high school in the top 10% of her class, earning many scholarships along the way. She graduated with her Bachelors Degree (with multiple honors) from a pretty highly regarded university and then set her sights on her graduate work.

American University is NOT an easy place to acquire a degree of any kind. It is a very tough, rigorous institution that demands near excellence. To make it through nearly two years of graduate level work in her area of study has not been an easy task for her. So, when she signed up for the comprehensive exams, it began nearly 6 weeks of intense studying and worrying. As her mom, I knew she was going to be just fine, but because she worried, so did I. During this time, she decided to start apartment hunting, moving out of the apartment under the stairs ('Harry Pottering it', as one of her co-workers lovingly referred to her previous living conditions) and onto a little more spacious living arrangement (with natural lighting for a change!!!!!). On top of the mounds of stress with the taking of exams, she adds to it, the stress of finding relatively inexpensive living in the DC-Metro area. Oooooookkkkkkk!!!!

March 21 she got the keys to her apartment. And then the worrying began again. What if I didn't pass my test? What if I don't graduate and don't have my job? What if I have to wait til August? How will I afford this place? All the questions swirled around her head for the past week, and, truth be told, they swirled around mine too. I worried so much.

Enter my angels. I've got three incredible guardian angels who never go too far away from me or my girls: Pappy Lester, Pappy Wip, and Grandma Marilyn. I've written about my grandma many times before. She was my world. It's taken me five years to be almost ok with losing her. But today, she reminded me that she is ALWAYS right here....helping me (and my girls) as much as she can. She proves over and over again that she is my guardian angel.

Today would have been my grandmother's 85th birthday. Marilyn Mae (Rehrig) Everett was born on March 25, 1930. She passed away on February 2, 2010. Today, she reminded me that she is always right here. At about 3pm this afternoon, I received a call from my daughter. She excitedly told me she just got the results to her comps. SHE PASSED THEM!!! I can't think of a more perfect day to find this out. While birthdays are typically a day to receive a birthday gift, today my gram made sure WE were the recipients of the best gift ever: passing scores on the most important test of my daughter's life!!! And to quote one of her friends, when she posted the news on the great book of Faces, "Congrats!! I can't wait to see what all you continue to accomplish!"

I believe in angels. Always have and always will.

Until next time, my friends.....never stop believing in your angels. They are always right there beside you, helping to show you the way.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Think Thankfully bullshit

Dear Readers,

Another late night inspiration for the blog is happening tonight! Let me be quite frank with this one, as tonight I have had an amazing revelation in the way I choose to live my life and what I am doing with the whole Think Thankfully idea! I had another pretty decent day! I am realizing that not just Facebooking Think Thankfully and blogging Think Thankfully, but really LIVING Think Thankfully is the key to truly living happily ever after!

Many people know, from reading previous blog postings OR from knowing me in real life, that my previous marriage was far less than amazing. While I was blessed with two amazing daughters, my marriage itself was far less than perfect. It wasn't the Disney storybook that everyone thinks they need in life. Nope. Not even close. There was A LOT of infidelity and mistrust. There was a lot of disrespect and emotional abuse. There was a lot of me feeling like I had to be a certain way in order to be loved.

Tonight, I spent some time at a local establishment, watching the Nascar race. I am not a Nascar fan, if I must be honest, but we (my husband and I) bought into a Nascar pool and went to see if we could win any money AND to hang out with our friends. I had such a good time. We laughed, we sang to the jukebox, we made silly videos on the new Crazy Helium Booth app that I have on my phone, we enjoyed each others' company.

By the end of the night, something happened, again, that truly made me want to write right on the spot. I even joked with my friend Fran that I was turning this event into a blog. See, I encountered someone from my past that I did not necessarily have the warm fuzzies over. Again, I will not rehash the past, but this person was not someone I would save from a burning building if I had the chance. I know. Doesn't sound like me, right?! Well, tonight, I engaged in conversation with this person. It was nice. It was as if I had no inner feelings towards them. We talked as if there was nothing ever between us. It felt good.

When my friend came back to our spot, she asked if I was ok. I told her I truly was ok and her response...."SEE!!! Your THINK THANKFULLY bullshit is really working!" Although I was immediately taken aback, I laughed! While I don't think of my Think Thankfully way of living as bullshit, tonight I realized without any doubt in my mind, that if you truly believe in it, the idea of Think Thankfully can really change your life. It is a life changing principle. I joked with my friend that I wanted to blog about that immediately. 

This is a no bullshit zone. If you truly believe in the ideas and principles of Think Thankfully, they truly are life changing. I've finally realized that. I live what I post and although sometimes, my own lessons come around in their own sweet time, I still live the idea of Think Thankfully. In the past two weeks, I've had people get back in touch with me who I've lost touch with, potential career changing opportunities show themselves to me, and finally realizing that the past is just that....THE PAST.

I've got an amazing husband, two awesome daughters, a solid family unit, and a group of fabulous friends who are the most important and supportive crew a girl could hope to ever have. I may not be a well renowned author, I may not have a lot of money, I don't even have a lot of people reading this blog right now, but one thing I do have is my sense of self....my sense of who I truly am.

I live in a no bullshit zone. It's how life has to be for me. What you see is what you get. I say what I mean, I mean what I say, and I follow through. In listening and following simple advice, the Think Thankfully bullshit can make a difference to you too. You just have to want it!!

Until next time, my friends....choose the bullshit you want to follow and you want to believe! It can make all the difference!!! To the past being the past, and the present being a gift!!!!

Think Thankfully!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Leave the past where it belongs

Dear Readers,

Today has been the best day ever. I'm so serious. It's been a long time since I can honestly say that I had THIS kind of day. Wasn't so sure it was going to be awesome when I woke up, but right now, at this moment, I can honestly say that THIS day, March 7, 2015, will be one for the record books.

To start my amazing day, I stuck to one of my New Year's promises to myself. I never make resolutions because they are just too silly sometimes. I made promises to myself, because a promise is harder for me to break. This year, I vowed that I would be better at making plans with friends whose advice, opinions, and friendships I truly valued. I didn't just want to be Facebook friends, I wanted people I considered friends to know how I felt. So, today......I had a three hour lunch with my dear friend Josann. What a wonderful time we had. And the funny thing is, I didn't even have my phone with me in the restaurant (or so I thought). When I came out from our lunch, I panicked in my car, thinking someone stole my phone. It was in my purse all the time, but it made no difference. I had no desire to be on my phone while being with her. Suffice it to say, that we had such an enjoyable time that we decided to plan a once a month lunch date! Promise to myself - KEPT!

Then, I attended the 16th birthday party of the daughter of one of my dear friends. We had such a good time at the party. Good food, good friends, and good times. I was so happy that I was able to celebrate with them, even if I don't really know her daughter all that well. To be able to be there for my friend was just great!!

And then....my night ended on such a positive note that I am still smiling. Last Spring, I had a bit of a falling out with a friend of mine. Without rehashing the situation, I will say it saddened me to lose this friendship. Tonight, I came home from the party to a Facebook message, my friend offering an olive branch and a rekindling of a friendship. Tears immediately came to my eyes and my soul felt refreshed. This friend was someone I had known forever, and to lose the friendship was a sad event in my life, but one that taught me a lot throughout the past few months and I believe the final lesson was the most important. Leave the past where it belongs....behind you. I am so thankful to have this friendship back, for not letting pride get in the way of either one of us (her for the extension and me for the accepting). 

When the decision is made to forgive and forget, that is what has to happen. Leave the past in the past. Take the lessons that were taught and move forward, making sure that you always work to be better than you were the day before. People say you can forgive but you can never forget. You make that choice. It is not easy. It is probably the toughest thing you will ever do. But in NOT forgetting, in remembering the negative of the situation, you will never escape from the bitterness negative memories bring with them. To quote my friend in her message to me, "To letting the past be the past and the present being a gift." Tonight, it's been the best gift I could have been offered.

Until next time, my friends.....in good times and bad times, I'll be on your side. Forevermore. That's what friends are for.

Think Thankfully!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Something to think about

Dear Readers,

I tend to write when the mood strikes me. Sometimes it is once a day, sometimes it is more than once a day, sometimes there may be days or weeks in between postings. Today was a day that I sat and wrote out a few blogs that I wanted to get down. I wrote earlier in the morning about being happy (see previous blog entry). Now, I am writing about something that LEAPED out at me, right off the pages of the book, and SCREAMED at me to WRITE WRITE WRITE!!! I should prepare you, it isn't a normal blog entry and some might even think it is a bit on the morbid side, but......

Two years ago, my oldest daughter gave me the most wonderful Christmas gift. A book (surprise surprise! I told you I love books!) entitled, Mother Teresa: Her Essential Wisdom. It's not a book I sit and read from cover to cover, but rather it is a collection of her words, her thoughts on topics, that I tend to pick up when I need 'reminders'. The inscription on the blank page of the book had a note written by my daughter, because she knows all too well, that even those who appear the strongest and bravest need reminders from time to time. Today, I needed one of Mother Teresa's thought provoking reminders.

On page 92 of the book, in a chapter entitled Suffering and Death, I found this particular blurb: "If you were to die today, what would others say about you? What was in you that was beautiful, that was Christlike, that helped others to pray better? Face yourself, with Jesus at your side, and do not be satisfied with just any answer." WOW. Now there's something to think about. If I were today today, what would others say about me. It was time to really face myself, and so I thought this one through.

Sure, many times people ask, "If you knew you had 24 hours to live, what would you do? Who would you spend it with?" or "Would you want to know how long you have on this earth?". But let's think about this one, and I will repeat it again, "If you were to die today, what would others say about you?"

This question forces us to take a long hard look at ourselves. We've all sat at funerals, whether they be of a beloved family member or a friend, and we've heard what people had to say about that person. But thinking about that, I wonder, what would people say about me? Have I lived the life I think I have? Have I been a good friend? Have I loved enough? Have I loved truly? Have I spoken kind words more often than not?

Until tomorrow, my friends.....do yourself a favor and check out the book, Mother Teresa: Her Essential Wisdom edited by Carol Kelly-Gangi.

Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...