Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Resolutions are for the birds......

Well, here we are. It is the final day of 2013. As the clock strikes midnight tonight, we usher in the year 2014. It is with mixed emotions that I say farewell to 2013. It hasn't been a horrible year, but then again, it hasn't been the YEAR of all YEARS for me either. I count my blessings and I realize that I definitely have more to be thankful for than to bitch about, so I guess, in the end, 2013 wasn't as bad as it could have been.

As I was trying to find a fitting quote, relevant to my thoughts, I found this gem: “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon 

WOW! How true this is!!!! Far too often when we look at the New Year and prepare to declare our New Year Resolutions, we focus so much on the results. I believe this is why I found 2013 to be a not so bad year for me. I spent my time focusing on the CHANGE and therefore I see all the results unfolding before me. I embraced a lot of things that truly made me unhappy and rather than complain about them, I tried to see the lesson that I was being taught through it.  In focusing on CHANGE, I was able to better my life. 

I don't believe in declaring my New Year's Resolutions to the world. I don't even believe in making or setting any. Resolutions are simply calendar-driven obligations; and they often address the symptoms, not the cause of our unhappiness, because really, isn't the reason we create these resolutions because we are unhappy with something in our lives. Think of the top resolutions people make: weight loss; money related; spending more time with family; new job. All these resolutions deal with the fact that these areas of our lives make us unhappy. 

Don’t get me wrong…..some resolutions are smart for our physical and emotional health and well-being. Quitting smoking, losing weight, managing stress better—they are all healthy things. But if we don’t address what creates our need to light up, our need to order double bacon cheeseburgers, and our need to worry ourselves into frenzies, will it really help, on one selectively chosen day, to give up everything that helps us pretend we’re fine? It’s almost like we set ourselves up for failure to avoid addressing the messy stuff, the real reason we are unhappy.

Perhaps the best resolution we can make each New Year’s Eve has nothing to do with giving up all those unhealthy things and everything to do with adopting a new mindset that will make it less tempting to turn to them. Adopt the idea of CHANGE. Change your thoughts. Change your behaviors. Change all the negatives into positives. We all have the power to do this.

Rather than focus on what has us down and out, why not take an inventory of what makes us SMILE? What makes us HAPPY? Focus on that and slowly let the all the things that make you unhappy become out of focus. It is the same principal as living more positively. Living more thankfully. It all seems to come together when we want to make CHANGES to our lives.

Don't pick one day of the year to START your journey to a more thankful heart, to a more positive way of living. Make it an ongoing process. Happiness is a journey and not a destination. It is a daily journey and it takes effort every single day. When we start to focus on all the good things we are blessed with, we can no longer stand to be around the negative. It is like a horrible odor you do not wish to smell, a horrible taste you do not want to eat, a horrible sound you do not wish to hear, a horrible vision you do not wish to see, the caustic material you do not wish to touch. Negativity becomes a poisonous toxin in your life that you no longer wish to deal with. Resolve today to become a happier person because of the changes you will make every single day of the rest of your life.

On this New Year's I am simply looking with eager anticipation at what 2014 has in store for me. I know it will be great, because I will not accept anything less. I deserve greatness and greatness I will receive. That is my daily affirmation. It really should be yours, too!!
Until tomorrow, my friends.....See you next year!

Think Thankfully!!!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hustle and bustle....and quick fleeting moments.

So, the hustle and bustle of the holidays is coming to a quick close. Last night we met up with our son and his girlfriend for the Christmas exchange! Always a great time with the two of them. They are heading to Maine today for a New Years Eve Wedding of a friend. My Firstborn headed to Long Island yesterday to meet her wonderful boyfriend's family. The youngest's basketball tournament is over (yay for being Tournament Champs two years in a row!!!) and so the long days of sitting in a gym watching basketball has been put on hold (at least until regular season play resumes on January 3!!!). The holiday season (and subsequently vacation time) is coming to a screeching halt right before my eyes.

When I was a little girl, I was always told that as I got older, the time would fly by faster. Never understood it when people said that to me. Heck, isn't a minute a minute and a day a day? Now, NOW I understand. I was so eager to have a nice, nearly two week, break from school to spend time with those I love. I had plans to get a lot done over these days off. Yeah, not so much. Oh, I've enjoyed the time I had with my children, but I see now, how quickly life passes us by. Ferris Bueller was right on the mark when he said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Life is moving pretty fast. The years are passing us by ever so quickly. I have learned to cherish the moments life brings to me, especially ones with my grandma. After losing my other grandma almost 4 years ago, I have often felt as though towards the end of her life, I didn't spend nearly enough time with her. She lived only one block from me and yet, I didn't make it a point to spend the time with her that I should have. Not this time. I have learned to capture all the moments I can with my only living grandparent, my dear sweet Grandma LaRue. I managed to get this gem on Christmas Day.....my beautiful grandma and I. At 85 years young, I know my time with her could be very short lived, although with her spirit and spunk, I have a feeling I'll have her for at least 15 more years!!  She's got things to see, great grandkids to spoil, LIFE TO LIVE!!! She truly makes me appreciate how fleeting our time here is.

Yes, the hustle and bustle of the season is coming to an end.  Hopefully you took some time this holiday season to completely appreciate those in your life. It's not about the gift giving of material possessions, but rather the gift of your time. Don't let the business of the days in your life stop you from reaching out, lending your time, sharing a smile, giving of your heart.

Until tomorrow, my friends....enjoy what's left of the season.......

Think Thankfully!!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....

Image copyright unknown

I have always loved the image above. In a furniture store in the town over from where I live, they have a Christmas statue of this in the window at the holiday season. I have always loved seeing it, because I think it speaks volumes to the commercialism we have all grown to support over the weeks and months leading up to Christmas. What more of a profound image than to see Santa bowing to the Christ Child in the manger. Santa recognizing the TRUE MEANING behind the day in which he (Santa) gets more credit than Jesus.

Now, here we sit on December 26 and the big day has come and gone. How many people will start taking down Christmas decorations today? How many people will be packing away their presents and start tidying up the house? The big day has come and gone, but has it, really????

Technically, the Twelve Days of Christmas start with Christmas Day and go until January 6th. It isn’t a countdown TO Christmas, but rather a count of the days between Christmas (December 25) and Epiphany (January 6), when the Wise Men finally made it to the manger to see the Christ Child, whose birth was fortold to them. Contrary to much popular belief, these are not the twelve days before Christmas, although many people consider this the case and start using the 12 Days of Christmas as their countdown to the big day. Not I. I start my 12 Days of Christmas on December 25 and end it on January 5, with Epiphany beginning on January 6. 

Yes, I truly do celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas! I follow the way it was meant to be. My Christmas decorations will remain up in my house until the weekend of January 10-12. I will enjoy the Christmas season (despite having to go back to work on January 2!) and ALL it has to offer. Christmas is more than just one day to me. As I looked into the 12 Days of Christmas song, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the famous song about the 12 Days of Christmas was written in England as a catechism song for young Catholics in the days when it was illegal to practice or teach the Catholic Faith.  It contains hidden meanings intended to help children remember lessons of faith. Do a google search on explanations of the 12 Days of Christmas and you will be surprised to learn what each day helped youngsters to remember about their faith.

As I have stated a few times in the past, Christmas meant something more to me this year. It meant more than just presents under a tree, decorations adorning the house, spending time with family members. Christmas was about my renewed faith. Christmas had a special hold on my heart this year, more than it ever had before. I was able to really sit and appreciate the meaning behind Christmas.

From the Christmas Cantata on Sunday evening to the sermon given by our minister’s wife (who is a retired minister as well) on Christmas Eve, I was reminded that it ALL began in a manger in Bethlehem so long ago. Yes, we celebrate December 25 as the day Christ was born, but again, I was reminded that we chose that day, in all likelihood, this was NOT the day that Christ was actually born upon this earth. As I sit here, in the quiet stillness of my house, fireplace aglow, snow falling so peacefully outside, I can’t help but feel consumed by the whole idea that it all started with an innocent child in a manger, born to save each of us.

Christmas has been a wonderful day for me: the marriage to my best friend Christmas Day 2009; the near Christmas birth of my baby brother December 23, 1977; the Christmases spent with family, surrounded by beauty and love; the services by candlelight on Christmas Eve in our tiny church in our little town. I have always loved Christmas, but this year, well, this year, I have wrapped myself around a new idea of Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Christ, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The Christ Child. This truly is the reason for our celebration. He is the reason for ALL our celebrations. To Him be praise and honor given.......

Hopefully, you are spending some time reflecting on what Christmas truly is all about. Hopefully you will choose to enjoy the season of the 12 Days of Christmas. And hopefully you will be filled with an abundance of love, peace, hope, and joy!!!

Until tomorrow, my friends………

Think Thankfully!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

We Wish YOU A Merry Christmas!!!

From Think Thankfully to YOU....wishes for a blessed holiday season! May the peace and love that came down at Christmas find you this holiday season and may you be blessed beyond expectation. And while you are out celebrating the holidays, please stop and say a little prayer for those in the US Armed Services who are not fortunate enough to be celebrating with their loved ones this holiday because they are stationed overseas or states away from their family. God Bless them, every one!

Today is such a special day for another reason. Four years ago, this very day (yes, I was married on Christmas Day....4pm 12/25/09 in my Grandmother's living room surrounded by the beauty of the day with family and friends!), I married my soulmate, my best friend, my incredible end of the road love. We weathered some crazy storms in order to live life as one, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I cannot image my life without my HoneyMan in it. He is the sunshine to my darkness, the happiness to my sadness, the peanut butter to my jelly, the rock that keeps me grounded, the laughter that fills the empty void. My life has been blessed a million times over because he came into it. It seemed only fitting to become husband and wife on Christmas Day! He truly is a special gift in my life!! Happy Anniversary, my love. Thank you for another incredible year! 

Merry Christmas!!!

Think Thankfully!!

Oh Holy Night! Oh Night Divine!

This has to be one of my most favorite nights of the year. I am eagerly awaiting the 10:45 Christmas Eve services at our Church this year. I cannot even begin to describe the beauty of our little church on this most holy night of the year. I eagerly await the news that Christ, the Savior, is born!!! I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it.

Christmas has moved me beyond words this year. My most favorite Christmas song is Oh Holy Night. I most definitely LOVE two particular versions of the song. One is sung by Martina McBride while t
he other happens to be sung by Josh Groban. Both have voices that move my every ounce of being. Tears well in my eyes upon hearing the song....Oh Holy Night.....Oh Night Divine!!!!!

To me, this song sums up my feelings for Christmas. And tonight, it is what I leave you with as you prepare yourselves for the Christ Child's birth. It is whatI leave you with as you go about your holiday festivities.

Oh Holy Night

Oh holy night!
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of the dear Savior's birth!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!

Fall on your knees
Oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine
Oh night when Christ was born
Oh night divine
Oh night divine

Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming
Here come the wise men from Orient land
The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger
In all our trials born to be our friend

Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name

Until tomorrow, my friends......Christ, the Savior is born......Christ, the Savior is born

Think Thankfully!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

It's the MOST wonderful time of the year!

Today is one of those days that is etched in my memory bank....and will be forever! We often talk about days like today. Those days where you remember it like it was yesterday, despite the fact that the reason for the memory might be, oh let's say 36 years ago!!! Yup, my friends, today is a day like that for me!!!

I was 4 years old (actually 4 years and 10 months old) and it was almost Christmas!!! My grandparents lived in this tiny little house on Railroad Street in Bowmanstown. As I mentioned in a previous blog posting, one of my favorite things to do for as long as I can remember was to help my grandma decorate her Christmas tree! It never had to be just right for her, as each ornament was placed with love no matter where it ended up! If there were a ton of balls on one side and nearly any on the other, oh well!!!  But I digress. Let me take you back in time in this blog.....let's go back to December 23, 1977.

My brother and I were taken to my grandparent's house because my mom and dad had to go to the hospital. You see, our "Christmas gift" that year (among other presents) was a new sibling. I remember praying hard for a sister. I wanted one so badly. At 4 years old, I remember telling anyone who would ask me whether I wanted a brother or a sister, "I want a sister. I already got a brother!" Yes, I wanted a sister so badly that......

.......when the phone rang as we decorated the tree, I ran to answer it. I always thought I was a big shot when grandma let me answer the phone. "Hello Everett's" I said in my most polite 4 (almost 5) year old voice. "Hey kiddo! Is grandma there?" It was my dad's voice. Excitedly, I asked, "Is the baby here? Do I have a sister?" And then, much to my heartbreak, the reply came in, "Yes, the baby is here. You have a little brother."

That was all I had to hear. I hung up on my dad (I know, I know, but to this day I am still sorry about that) and I ran upstairs and crawled under the bed and just cried my eyes out. My poor grandma still didn't know what was happening!! As she came to comfort me with her always loving arms and way of talking to me, she made everything better. It was at that moment, my grandma made me realize how awesome it was to have another brother, because it meant I was still her only little girl!!! Ohhhhhhh yeah!!!!!!!

My dad did eventually call back and tell the world (well, my family) that my little brother, Travis, was born. Anyone who knows me, knows just how special he is to me. He was my first best friend. He is still one of my best friends. He is my hero. Yes, my Christmas that year was a little bit of a downer (I got the sewing machine I really wanted from Santa, but I had to wait til Mommy was home from the hospital with my new brother to use it because Daddy had NO CLUE what to do....oh well!!!), but in the end, I've had 36 years with the best brother a girl could ever hope to have!!!

Happy Birthday, my little brother. May you be blessed in the year ahead with peace, love, and safety as you deploy once again......

Until tomorrow, my friends.....only two more sleeps til Santa arrives!! 

Think Thankfully!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

How silently, how silently, The wondrous Gift is giv'n!

This evening, I had the distinct pleasure of attending a Christmas Canata, performed by the Christ Evangelical Free Church in Lehighton, Pennsylvania. At the beginning of December, a co-worker of mine gave me a beautiful postcard invitation to the performance. She encouraged me, saying that she truly believed I would enjoy it. I immediately put it in my calendar, promising that as long as nothing family related came up, I would be there. I am so incredibly glad my calendar remained clear!

The title of the Christmas Cantata was Bethlehem Morning. It was created by Russell Mauldin, Sue C. Smith and arranged and orchestrated by Russell Mauldin. The story within the singing took a look at what it must have been like on that first Christmas morning. As I have stated numerous times, this particular Christmas is exciting to me. I am eagerly awaiting Christmas Eve services at my church and the announcement of the birth of the Christ Child! I can't ever remember this feeling. I am almost 100% sure it is because of my renewed sense of faith in Christ Jesus. I have come to see things a lot differently since I walked back into my church a few months ago (this time for good). 

We started out the evening singing two beloved Christmas hymns (The First Noel and O Little Town of Bethlehem), which seemed to really uplift my already soaring spirits for the Christmas holiday. Afterwards, the performers took the stage and the magnificent performance of the cantata began. It wasn't until the 3rd number, the Bethlehem Manger Medley, that the waterworks appeared in my eyes. In singing their version of O Little Town of Bethlehem, there was a brief period in the song where they sang the lines: I come to the manger, I come in surrender. This is where my life begins. This is where my life begins. You pour out Your mercy, You shine in Your glory. When I come, when I come to Bethlehem. I couldn't help but be moved by those lines. I instantly felt as though it was being sung directly to me...to my heart. 

I came home from the cantata and immediately found the song (not performed by the cantata tonight, but a professional recording of it) on YouTube. Listening to it again, brought me to tears all over again. I'm still moved as I sit here listening to it and writing this blog tonight. 

At the conclusion of the cantata, the minister of the congregation (forgive me, I didn't catch his name), gave a wonderful devotional about how Christ has to be born IN each of us in order for us to fully come to His saving grace. He spoke so passionately about the idea of Christ being born for us, but having to be born IN us, I was truly moved. It was just what I needed to start my Christmas week. I needed those words uttered by a man I have never met but somehow managed to speak directly to me this evening.

I like to think that through my whole Think Thankfully journey, my relationship with my Lord and Savior has grown stronger. I no longer wake up on a Sunday and think of reasons why I don't want to go to church, but rather I eagerly get ready for Sunday Services. I smile on the walk up the block to my church, ready to greet those who join me in worship. Our congregation is small in number, but large in heart. There is a genuine feeling of affection among the members of our tiny church family. I feel at peace. I feel at home.

I come to the manger. I come to surrender. This is where my life begins.

Until tomorrow, my friends.....my Christmas wish for you on this night is that if you are struggling with your faith, feeling a bit discombobulated over the whole thing, you will look up, see the star, and remember how silently the wondrous gift was given to us on that first Bethlehem morning.

Think Thankfully!!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

There's no time to waste! There's so much to celebrate!

Well, it is quite funny that today's image should be Santa hats! It is currently 8:30am and I JUST finished up 3 1/2 hours of wrapping! Yes, if you do the math correctly, that means I was up at 5am wrapping presents! And if you do the calendar calculations correctly, yes, this is my FIRST day of Christmas Break (and on a side note, today was one of the first Saturdays since Basketball started that I didn't HAVE to wake up and take Erika to practice....Oh the joys of an internal clock!).

Anyway, I just finished up wrapping everything I had here. There are still gifts that have to be delivered and then I'll wrap some more on Tuesday! OH BOY!!!  I love the hustle and bustle of the season!!!! I also managed to wrap my husband's anniversary gifts, too, because I have a feeling he does snoop a bit, even though he claims he doesn't!! This Christmas Day marks 4 years of wedded bliss with the man of my dreams! Feels like we've been together forever, and in a sense, I guess we have! I would be remiss if I didn't mention, again (sorry to all who are tired of hearing it), just how lucky I am!!!

I guess you can tell the mood of today's blog is desperately different than yesterday's! I had a wonderful Christmas celebration with my wee ones!!! I've never seen children (besides my own, mind you), who were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thrilled with simple little gifts! I would also be remiss in this blog if I didn't give a HUGE shout out to A.C. Moore for their awesome deals and for treating teachers so wonderfully with a 15% discount with the school ID. Amazing the gifts I was able to get my little darlings without truly breaking the bank!!!!! Each of my wee ones were given a Pillow Pet Pee Wee (that matched the student in one way or another!), coloring book, activity stuff, holiday pencils and erasers, candy cane, and a puzzle! To see their faces light up at the gifts was simply ALL I needed to be reminded how innocent children truly are!!! From start to finish in the classroom yesterday, it was all I could ever ask for as a teacher!

I've still got a bit of things to do before the big day, but as of now, I am going to sit with my cup of coffee, fireplace aglow, Christmas music in the background, wrapped in my grandma's afghan, and just enjoy the peace of the moment!!!

Until tomorrow, my friends....believe in what your heart is saying! Hear the melody that's playing! There's no time to waste! There's so much to celebrate! Believe in what you feel inside and give your dreams the wings to fly!!! You have everything you need......If you just believe!!!!!

Think Thankfully!!!!

Friday, December 20, 2013

And, I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas......

I am very sorry I missed a blog posting yesterday. I was running very late in the morning, when I normally like to sit and write, in the quiet stillness of the house. Work was tough yesterday. Drainingly tough. And we had our 2nd night of 3 nights in a row basketball last night. Needless to say I was drained when I got home. I am super thankful I was able to get out a personal thankful post on Facebook. I pretty much typed, went upstairs, and before my head was even on the pillow, I was out like a light. It did bother me, as I said to my husband before my eyes closed, "My day was so horrible and to top it off, I didn't blog today." He kinda laughed and said, "Well, why not?" I just didn't have it in me. I guess some days are like that....(even in Australia).

Yesterday was a tough day for me to remember my Christmas spirit. I think it is extremely hard, in general, when you give and give and give, are good to people, and then are treated with disrespect in return. I do believe it is even harder in my line of work. I try very hard to see the good in everyone. I try very hard to work on manners with my students. Respect. Friendship. Trustworthiness. Days like yesterday, I feel as though I am not doing a good enough job. While I love working with the elementary aged students, it proves to be far more challenging that inner city, tough, 'gangster', high school kids. Days like yesterday, I feel as though I've failed the challenge miserably.

I've got to keep pushing along here. I've got to keep telling myself that I am making a difference. I've got to keep trying to push the Christmas spirit into the hearts of young and old alike, not just at Christmas, but all the year through. I've got to keep trying.

I know today's posting is a little more depressing than I wish this blog to be, but as I sit here at 6:35am, staring at the bags of goodies I got for my students, hoping to make their Christmas a little bright, I can't help but feel defeated and wonder, "What for?" I'm nearly 100% sure that my efforts will not be appreciated by all of my students (but on a positive note, I can name THREE that right away I KNOW will appreciate and LOVE their gifts!). I feel as though I may have set myself up for heartbreak, when today isn't all they (or should I say I) hoped it would be. And days like yesterday produce mornings like today, where I can't wait for it to be over, I need my Christmas break, and I am praying that the day goes off without a hitch.

I promise I will make tomorrow's blog a little more upbeat. I just needed to get it out, because right now, I'm having a very Blue Christmas.

Until tomorrow, my friends.....Happy Friday.

Think Thankfully.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Arise! Shine! For thy light has come!

I was asked yesterday to whom am I thankful. It was an easy question to answer. I am thankful to God for the blessings in my life, BUT I do not impress upon people my religious beliefs. I 100% accept that not everyone shares the same beliefs as I do and out of the 452 people who follow the Think Thankfully Facebook page, I do not wish to offend those who do not believe what I do. Occasionally, an image or status quote may have religious undertones, but for the most part, I give everyone the opportunity to believe in Thinking Thankfully to whom or whatever they believe in. My blog, however, is MY blog. It is a reflection of what I feel, what I believe, what I feel compelled to write. 

The idea of being a thankful person does not have to be a religious experience, although for me, the whole notion of being more thankful has brought me back to my religious roots. For quite some time, I found myself wandering in the darkness, unsure of my beliefs or feelings. It wasn't until recently that I seemed to have found my way back. Through my journey to being more thankful, I am appreciating Christmas so much more. I eagerly await December 25 and the birth of the Christ Child.

Today, it seems as though the Christmas story is easily taken for granted, passed over for stories of Santa and Rudolph, Frosty and Ralphie. It seems, year after year, that our ears have become numb as we've heard the story countless times and in a variety of different settings -- the angel's appearance to Mary, Joseph's dream, the road to Bethlehem, the lack of room in the inn, the birth in a lowly stable, the appearance of nearby shepherds, the star guiding the way. The account of Christ's birth found in St Luke, is my favorite. I look forward to hearing it this Christmas Eve, more so than any other year I can remember. This year, as I tried to gain more of my religious footing where Christmas was concerned, I decided to turn to my YouVersion Bible App for an Advent/Christmas devotional. I chose She Reads Truth: Emmanuel, at the recommendation of my daughter. This particular devotional is a 28 day Advent study of the need for, the promise of, and the arrival of the Christ Child, our Emmanuel. Throughout this devotional, I have been given the unique opportunity to take the time to prepare for the moment upon us, to reflect on the events leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ, and in doing so, my sense of Christmas awe returned. 

I remember reading a particular entry this past week that has settled in my head and my heart, Your Light Has Come, from December 13. "We are not left on our own. God is there. How simple and how infinitely wonderful." ~ Ramond C. Ortlund, Jr. The passage went on to say: A candle in a dark room. A baby boy in a stable. Both tell the same truth: Darkness cannot survive where there is light. Wow! The wonderfully bright shining star that was found in the nighttime sky the night the Christ Child was born gives us proof that we will never live in darkness as long as Christ is present in the world. Christmas Day, the light of the world was born...rejoice! As I sit in the quiet darkness of my living room, surrounded by the lights of the window candles, I am reminded of how still darkness can be, but how wonderful the light shines forth for us. 

Until tomorrow, my friends....arise, shine! For thy light has come!!!!

Think Thankfully!!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Oh the weather outside is frightful

Well, I must say, I do feel a little bit guilty about this snow day. Not even kidding. Just a wee bit. I do feel as though it is a bit my fault. You see, on Saturday, I sat for many morning hours (in fact, into the afternoon hours, too), writing my 7th and 8th brand new IEP of the school year (sheesh, teaching Special Education to wee ones certainly is more work than I ever imagined it would be!). As I sat writing, I got a text from my dearest BFF in the world. He simply texted to say he loved me, that was all. Here's how our conversation went:
Saturday, 9:04am
Love you! Just thought you should know! (insert kissy heart face here) 
Saturday, 11:38am
Thanks! I needed that as I am chin deep in two IEP's that I have to do for Tuesday! I am hoping for a (insert kinda not nice word here - sorry mom) blizzard Monday night. Argh. I've done 8 brand new IEP's this year so far. Sucks. 
Saturday, 11:40am
I bet!!!
So there you have it. It really might be my fault! Honestly, because you know I try to be honest, I had NO IDEA they were really calling for this stuff again when I texted him. I was teasing when I sent it. See, I was all set to have an intake meeting for a new student. With only three days to Christmas break, a new wee one is to enter the threshold of the greatest classroom on the planet, Room 101. I wasn't super happy about that. I'm not worried about adding another wee one to our classroom. No way. The more the merrier! It won't take too long before he is falling right into place, but I was a bit unhappy at the start time. Did I prepare for him all the same? You bet I did. When I went shopping last night for my wee ones' Christmas presents, did I shop for a little boy I really did not know? You bet I did. Did I really want another snow day for today? You bet I did.................................................................................not!!!

People think teaching is such an easy job. They scoff at teachers in the summer time ("Must be nice to have three months off" "Must be nice to not have to work" but I know, much like myself, summers aren't time off. I am planning my next school year during those summer months. I am attending trainings and meetings all summer long), they utter all kinds of harsh words at them on snow days ("Wish MY job had snow days." "I'm not lucky enough to stay home when the snow falls because some are afraid to go out in it." as if it is OUR choice to have a day off for weather, as if WE made the call for no school), and they certainly don't understand when we complain a bit about our jobs ("Oh how hard is your job? You babysit and have play time all day long." Really? Spend a day in my room and see what gets done). I don't have your typical teaching job, either. When people ask me how many students I have in my classroom, and I answer, "8 wee ones!", I get the evil eye, like "What are you complaining about with ONLY 8 students." My students are special. My students are a mixture of K-3 graders with a lot of social, emotional, and behavioral needs along with some academic needs thrown in there, too. They are not the 'sit at your seat and do your work' kind of students. They are not the 'be quiet and enjoy a movie' kind of students. They have come A LONG way since the beginning of the school year, but they still have a long way to go. Think about the one student in your own classroom from your school days or the one you hear your child always talking about: the class clown, the naughty one, the one who is ALWAYS getting in trouble in class. Multiply those behaviors and stories by 10 and there you have almost all of my wee ones. Some days are a real struggle, but I wouldn't trade my days for anything.

I have seen a relatively non-verbal little guy speak volumes in a few short months, I have seen the class jumping bean sitting quietly in his desk working on a worksheet, I have seen the destructive child become the class cleaner upper with a heart of gold, I have seen the low frustration tolerance child create a beautiful snowflake star that hangs in our classroom, I have seen a child who barely knew how to read able to fly through his sight word flashcards, and I have seen two youngsters with severe anger issues make their days and handle their anger in such wonderful calm manners. You see, when you take the time to really dig deep and get to know the students in your class, even the toughest of children will respond. They will rise up to the expectations that are placed before them. Do I expect a lot out of my students. Yes, I most certainly do! I expect them to listen, be polite, follow rules, and do their very best! Do they? Yes, they most certainly do!

A friend posted this image on my personal Facebook wall last week when we had our first two snow days:

I think it sums it all up nicely!!!

Until tomorrow, my friends.....Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow!!!!!!

Think Thankfully!!!!


Monday, December 16, 2013

I believe in Father Christmas

As I loaded up the DVD into the computer today in order to show my students A Year Without A Santa Claus, I could hardly believe how little the students in my class truly knew of the Christmas holiday. In all honesty (because you know I try to be an honest person), I could have sat and cried.

I guess I truly took for granted the upbringing I had. We always looked forward to the Christmas specials that were on TV between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I remember thumbing through the TV Guide each week to scan each page and see when they were on! Usually Rudolph got the first viewing of the year, followed by all the wonderful Rankin and Bass specials. To this day, I mark them in my phone calendar so I know when they are on TV! I have my favorites and of course, my least favorites, but I watch them all the same! It's part of the fun of the season!

I probably should have known when we tried watching Emmet Otter on Saturday night with my nieces. Honestly, only ONE of my four nieces truly enjoyed the experience. The others kind of sneered at the simplicity of the special, laughing because of how primitive the puppets are. "You can see the strings" "How annoying" "This is awful" My heart broke. Sure, it is a very low budget kind of special, but heck, it is nearly 40 years old. And for a production done in 1977, it sure isn't all that bad to watch. At least they know who Emmet Otter is. They know Rudolph, too!

Today, as we watched A Year Without A Santa Claus, I was shocked that my students had never seen it. Watching Christmas specials is not something they do in their house. I promised them that as the week went on, we'd watch even more of the specials that make Christmas, well Christmas. Tomorrow, we will watch Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. After watching A Year Without A Santa Claus, one of my boys asked if we could watch another special that was on the disc, Rudolph's Shiny New Year. Of course I wouldn't turn down the request....I want my students to be exposed to all things Christmas this year. As we watched, we asked another of my students if he knew who the guy was with the shiny red nose.....his response, "I have no clue." My heart sank. He truly didn't know Rudolph. He was totally uninterested in any of the specials, most likely because Christmas isn't really a big deal in his family. Not that they don't celebrate it, just that they don't make a big deal of it. It's pretty much another day. Sadness took over.

What happened to celebrating as a family? What happened to being excited at the coming of Santa Claus? What happened to remembering the love that came down at Christmas? What happened that we don't create these memories, no matter how silly others think they are, with our children? I fear the future of a special holiday, when even our youngsters now don't appreciate the specials viewed. I fear the future of Christmas when children can't even sing along to Rudolph because they don't know the echo parts or even who he is. But I won't stop believing.......

I believe in Father Christmas. I believe in Santa Claus. And because I believe, I am hoping for a Christmas miracle. I am hoping that my students, somehow, someway, become moved by the season. I'm praying that they will see the beauty in Christmas and one day, ONE DAY, will look back at this school year and remember that I introduced them to the specials, that I took the time to make memories with them, that Christmas inspires them as it does me. I believe in Father Christmas.

I wish you a hopeful Christmas
I wish you a brave New Year
All anguish, pain, and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear
They said there'll be snow at Christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth
Hallelujah! Noel! Be it heaven or hell:

The Christmas you get, you deserve

Until tomorrow, my friends.....may you bring the hope and peace of Christmas to someone's life.

Think Thankfully!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You'

I'm not sure what it is about the song, Christmas Is the Time to Say 'I Love You' sung by Billy Squier, but I just LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! It makes me smile when I hear it come on the radio!

Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
Share the joys of laughter and good cheer
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"

And a feeling that will last all through the year

And a feeling that will last all through the year! Sometimes I wish the Christmas spirit, the joy and laughter, the love, all of it.....all of it would be felt all year long. It seems as though, when Christmas is over, that's it. Lights out. Happiness gone out of some people. Back to the miserable world they live in.

On the corner carolers are singing
there's a touch of magic in the air
from grownup to minor no one could be finer
times are hard but no one seems to care
Christmas Eve and all the world is watching
Santa guides his reindeer through the dark
from rooftop to chimney, from Harlem to Bimini
they will find a way into your heart

This is another example of just how wonderful the season is and how timeless the lyrics are. Times are hard but no one seems to care.....no one truly seems to care, and even though times are tough right now, somehow, Christmas has a way of coming and everyone is satisfied. Presents are wrapped under trees, merriment is in the making, and people are happy. Most people.

Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
Share the joys of laughter and good cheer
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"

And a feeling that will last all through the year

Again, how wonderful! You can't help but smile when you hear this song! It always makes me want to sing along!!

Just outside the window snow is falling
but here beside the fire we share the glow
of moonlight and brandy, sweet talk and candy
sentiments that everyone should know
Memories of the year that lays behind us
wishes for the year that's yet to come
and it stands to reason that good friends in season
make you feel that life has just begun

This particular verse is what my start to Christmas looks like. My husband and I celebrate our Christmas Anniversary by sitting on the couch, in the glow of the Christmas lights, the warmth of the fire and we exchange our anniversary gifts to one another. We talk about the year behind us and all the goodness that lay ahead of us. Our life truly has just begun!!!

Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
Share the joys of laughter and good cheer
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"

And a feeling that will last all through the year

So when spirits grow lighter
and hopes are shinin' brighter
then you know that Christmas time is here

This song really could be my Christmas anthem! Never realized it until I wrote out this blog today! Sing it Billy Squier, sing it!!!  Now I hope I hear it on the road to Hershey today!!!!!

Until tomorrow, my friends.....I hope your spirits have grown lighter and your hopes are shinin' brighter because CHRISTMAS time is here!!!

Think Thankfully!!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

I believe there are angels among us

In life I believe there are guardian angels out in the world to look after you and protect you. I believe that these angels come in many different forms. I have always believed that things happen for a reason, and while we may not understand it at the time, those reasons shape who we are supposed to be. I believe, no matter how long or short lived a life might be, people were placed here on earth to make a difference and we are not to realize or understand that until they are no longer with us. I believe that angels here on earth carry out a variety of different tasks. Some guide us, some simply watch, some lend an ear, some merely set an example before us. These angels may appear as normal humans and sometimes they shine with all the radiance of heaven shining upon them, and making known that a part of heaven truly is here on earth.

My grandmother, Marilyn, was an angel on earth, that much I am positive of. She was an extraordinary woman who graced this earth with her presence for 79 wonderful years. She was the very patient wife of my Pappy for almost 60 years. She was the supportive mother of her three sons: Butch, Eric, and Conrad. She was the devoted grandmother of her 10 grandchildre: Allyson, Derek, Chad, Trent, Travis, Christopher, Ashley, Molly, Maggie, and Kurt. And she was the proud great grandmother of her twelve great grandchildren: Alyssa, Sophia, Erika, Isaiah, Kendra, Jenna, Abigail, Gracie, Maddie, Maya, Kal-El, and Faith. My grandmother was a God-fearing woman, who went to church each Sunday, taught Sunday School for more years that I can remember, sang in the church choir, was the pianist during services when the organist was unavailable. My grandmother was one of the ‘faces’ of the church. She never uttered an unkind word, never spoke ill of anyone, always prayed, and always looked out for me. I don’t believe she had any other task but to show others what the Grace of God looked like, what humbleness and humility can appear as, and what it meant to walk in the footsteps of the Lord.

Another angel who graced this earth for 13 short years is a girl I was never fortunate enough to have met in ‘real life’. I’ve only gotten to know of her over the past three years, but hers is a story that everyone should hear. The following excerpt was taken from the website: MadysAngels:

“Madyson Brendyl Law was born December 14, 1997 and left this world too early on December 21, 2010. Mady had more compassion and selflessness in her brief 13 years than most people express in their entire lifetime. She was and is the type of person who looked to be involved. She would volunteer for a variety of fundraising and charity events for such groups as Bushkill Outreach, Joeys Eagles, Operation Smile, Relay for Life, and Walk for Hunger just to name a few. Mady was the type of person who would save up her allowance and give it away to a multitude of causes. She was the type of person we should all strive to be.”

When I heard the news of Mady’s passing, my heart instantly sank. I knew she was the same age as my daughter. My heart instantly felt grief stricken for a girl I never knew. Her father was a friend of my husband, but I hadn’t really known the family at all three years ago. After visiting the MadysAngels website, I am further convinced that the young life of Madyson Law was so purpose-filled.  In her short 13 years of life, she truly walked this earth as an angel among us. If this note, written by Mady just a few short weeks before her passing, isn’t proof, I’m not sure what is.


"I think that when people think of death they shall not dread it but rejoice when hearing the words... I think people are only sad because they fear people will judge them saying they have no feeling or a cold heart. Death is something to be proud of because you share memories with the person and when you think of death instead of those memories that people bring to your mind, remember the memories that you brought to their mind...

Death is just another rocky road in your life...."

Another little angel I had the privilege of getting to know, was my little Cancer Warrior Princess, Ella Grace Luchansky. Little Ella was diagnosed with Stage 4 high risk Neuroblastoma on March 10th 2011. She was only 2 years old. After a belly ache one evening that persisted all night long she was taken to her pediatrician the following morning. An ultrasound was ordered. The ultrasound revealed a tumor coming off of her left kidney that stretched across her entire abdomen. The tumor was wrapped around many organs and blood vessels,including the main artery to her heart. It was cancer. The doctors said she had a less than 30% chance of survival. After further tests and biopsies of the tumor, it was found that Ella had an amplified form of the disease. Ella had gone from gymnastics on Wednesday to stage 4 cancer in less than 24 hours. 

I had the pleasure of being Ella's Warrior, competing in the Warrior Dash for St Jude's in 2012. I wore my sparkly pink tutu and flowery headband for this little girl who touched my heart so deeply. For a little girl, she was a true WARRIOR. She never gave up, always smiled, and even in the midst of her pain and suffering, she inspired so many people. A Facebook page, dedicated to her, Miracles for Ella, gained over 1500 people. We all prayed for a little girl, who showed the world that a stupid, horrible disease known as cancer would have one hell of a fight against this spitfire of a small girl. And on February 11, 2013, my 40th birthday, my little Cancer Warrior Princess earned her heavenly angel wings. Anyone who was touched by this little girl knew she already wore her earthly wings.

You see, I believe there are angels among us. The country supergroup, Alabama, couldn't have sung it any better when they sang: 

I was walking home from school on a cold winter day.
Took a shortcut through the woods, and I lost my way.
It was getting late, and I was scared and alone.
But then a kind old man took my hand and led me home.
Mama couldn't see him, but he was standing there.
And I knew in my heart, he was the answer to my prayers.

Oh I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love.

When life held troubled times, and had me down on my knees.
There's always been someone there to come along and comfort me.
A kind word from a stranger, to lend a helping hand.
A phone call from a friend, just to say I understand.

And ain't it kind of funny that at the dark end of the road.
Someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope.

Oh I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love.

They wear so many faces; show up in the strangest places.
To grace us with their mercy, in our time of need.

Oh I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love.

To guide us with the light of love.

Until tomorrow, my friends....always be aware of the presence of angels. I believe they are always among us, sent down from above, to guide us with the light of love. 

Think Thankfully!!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

I'm Mister Snow Miser: I'm Mister Heat Miser

I am a HUGE fan of the Christmas specials by Rankin and Bass. From "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" to "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" to “Year Without A Santa Claus” to "Little Drummer Boy", Rankin and Bass Christmas specials have never failed to please the inner child in me.  On a shelf in my living room, all my Christmas movies/specials are proudly displayed, but my favorites, are the box set of Rankin and Bass!!!!! Normally, we watch them all as we decorate the house for Christmas. I just love opening up the box and watching them ALL!!!

Due to the impending nasty weather we are forecasted to receive tomorrow, thus causing the cancellation of the Annual Christmas Party (that had been 39 consecutive years strong), I decided to write about the Miser Brothers today: Heat Miser and Snow Miser, from "Year Without A Santa Claus". You must remember them (along with Jingle and Jangle the little Christmas elves)! The two brothers just don't get along. Funny when I look through my newsfeed on the wonderful book of Faces, how many people I see who either love summer and hate winter or vice versa. It’s like we have our own little battle of the Miser brothers before our very eyes. In the summertime, people complain about the heat and how much they despise it and then when the winter hits, there are complaints about the cold and snow.

It is this exact debate that prompted the question: Who is really the better of the two Miser Brothers?  Is it "Mister 101" or "Mr Ten Below"?  Hopefully we can settle this once and for all, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the answer is as simple as, “To each his own.”

Let’s take a look at Brother Number 1. Snow Miser, aka "Mr. White Christmas", lives in the North Pole and enjoys the cold.  He sits on an icy chair and has icicles of snot (which I always thought was quite gross) growing off his gigantic, ski slope nose. He sings and dances about how much he loves snow, white Christmases, and is even referred to as Mr. Ten Below. And now let me introduce Brother Number 2. Heat Miser, aka "Mr. Green Christmas", lives in, what appears to be, the bowels of Hell itself. While eating fire and turning everything he touches into molten goo, he basks in the fiery glory and keeps his icy brother's snow from affecting the South by turning it in to rain. He, too, sings of his love of all things heat, melting things in his clutch, being referred to as Mister 101. Both are creepy, yet insanely adorable Rankin and Bass characters, who are loved by so many people.

I’m not sure which I like better, so for the sake of which Miser Brother is the better of the two, I will vote neither. I enjoy both summer and winter alike. I love basking in the sun on my pool deck, sipping adult beverages with those I love, wearing shorts and tank tops, buuuuuuuut I also enjoy sipping hot chocolate on my couch, wearing baggy sweats, and watching the white flakes float to the ground, creating a beautiful picture of freshly fallen snow.

Right at this moment, I am a tad upset with Mr. Snow Miser for his timing of the next snow storm about to come our way. I wish he would have waited a bit so we are ensured a White Christmas, but……

Until tomorrow, my friends…..let us be thankful for the changing of seasons, the beauty each one brings to us and let us NOT become our own Snow or Heat Misers.

Think Thankfully!!!

Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...