Sunday, May 27, 2018

HI! Remember me?

Hey there! Remember me? I'm back! I hadn't realized how long I'd been away from blogging until I opened up the blogger website and saw that my last post was in September of 2016. WHAT?! WHAT?!

A lot has happened in the last (almost) 2 years. My youngest finished her second year of college (remember THAT tear jerking blog post?), my oldest is running half marathons (still can't believe that but I'm super proud of her!) and promoting mental health awareness (she's a HUGE advocate for mental health reform here in the US), I changed jobs (for the better, although I miss my coworkers trememdously), my husband had a Grammy nominated song, AND I got a puppy!!! PHEW! Told you a lot has happened!!!

While that seems like a lot of good stuff, my life hasn't been without some challenges as well. Isn't it funny, though, that when I chose to tell you about the things that have happened in my world since September of 2016, I chose to tell you about all the good things. It is easy to count our troubles rather than our blessings, but such an attitude undermines our ability to draw from the good that we have been given and to see our lives as the true gift that it is. A change in perspective can make all the difference. Thinking with a thankful heart completely changes how we view the daily workings of our lives. Recognizing the good and accepting it with gratitude sets the stage for even more goodness to enter our lives and makes it easier for us to recognize that, even in the midst of some troubling times. By choosing (yes it is a choice, people) to focus on the good, the positive, we can change the way we see this world.

Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...