Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 30 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge - The FINAL Challenge Entry

Well, here is it. The last day of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge. November 30 is here, already. Seems like just yesterday, I was making a promise to attempt to post a blog every day of November. Here, 30 days later, I'm proud that I was able to keep up with the blog postings throughout the challenge I presented YOU with!

Today's blog will be more of a reflective blog. Reflections on the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge I placed before the followers on the Think Thankfully Facebook page and here as well on our little blog. I asked that you take time each day to list what it was you were thankful for. At the beginning of the month, the facebook page BLEW UP with comments, shares, people talking about Think Thankfully! I was so excited I even started, what I called The Journey to a Thousand Thankful Hearts! I pretty much had myself convinced we would reach 1,000 followers by Thanksgiving. Some images, in the first days of November, reached over 2,000 people. And then, like most things, it fizzled out. Think Thankfully was lucky to reach 100 people. Comments ceased (except for some faithful followers who commented nearly EVERY day! - THANK YOU!), shares ceased (except for some faithful followers who shared our statuses and images nearly EVERY day! - THANK YOU!), and it seemed as though the masses fell short on the challenge. Not everyone, mind you. And for that I am truly thankful.

It has been nice, zipping through my newsfeed on Facebook and seeing everyone posting what they are thankful for. I could NEVER get tired of seeing that, reading the posts, feeling a smile spread across my face when I see some of the things people realized they were thankful for. It saddens me to think that tomorrow, it will stop. December 1 will roll around and a large majority of the postings will come to a screeching halt. The world will go back to being what it was on October 31. There are a few people who I truly think will continue with the idea. Some people really seemed to 'get it' when it came to the challenge and what I was trying to do. Gratitude changes your outlook, which in turn can change your life. 

Gratitude takes our experiences of the good things in life and makes them even more enjoyable, allowing us to enjoy them more thoroughly. Gratitude also helps us to endure the hard things in life with dignity, perhaps even with humor. I’ve seen that in a lot of the postings this month on various friends’ pages. Some people had some tough stuff to endure this past 30 days, yet they were able to find something to be thankful for, something the hardship taught them, something to smile about even through the heartache and pain. While I presented everyone with a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge, it was my sincere hope that it would become a 365 Day Gratitude Lifestyle. For me, this journey is well over 750 days long. I know there are some people who get sick of seeing the posts on Facebook. They are tired of reading what people are thankful for and for that I am truly sorry, however I will not stop and I hope those who have found this challenge continue it as well. 

Continue living your life with true gratitude in your heart. Continue finding the little things to be thankful for. Continue reflecting on your days and seeing all there is to smile about. Continue expressing your thanks to those people who make a difference, for those moments that shape us, for the blessings that are given, for each day before you…….

Note to self……Note to YOU……ALWAYS be thankful!!

Think Thankfully!!!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 29 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

I felt compelled to write about Black Friday today for some odd reason. I have NEVER been Black Friday shopping. I refuse to do it. I also refuse to step inside a retail store on Thanksgiving, too. There are some days that should be banished from the face of the earth....Black Friday is one of them. I will apologize up front to all the readers who love the sport of Black Friday shopping. This blog might not be for you!

As the image above says.....ONLY IN AMERICA will people trample others for sales EXACTLY one day after (or in the case of this year, the evening of) being thankful for what they already have. It is shameful. Black Friday is a crazy American tradition (correct me if I am wrong on that one, but I do think we are the only ones who ‘celebrate’ the tradition) that pushes people over their normal and natural limits of pride  and safety in order to save somewhat decent money on things like tablets, televisions, telephones, the latest clothing styles, and the year’s most trendy toys.  It is the one day a year many Americans go crazy in order to save a buck THE DAY AFTER (and sometimes the night of) Thanksgiving. People line up for hours on end, set up camp outside stores, do nothing but complain, argue, push, shove, and fight over MATERIAL THINGS. I caught a glimpse of the news this morning before I took Shabazz to basketball practice and what I heard/saw in that brief clip sickened me. Gunfights in stores, people being trampled, fights erupting over items, and then, I heard Bill Simon, the CEO/President of WalMart tell all the viewers, when asked if he was conflicted about being open on Thanksgiving Day, say...."Not at all. WalMart is a service industry." Say WHHHHHHAAAAAAT????  I darn near choked on my coffee. Sir, you seem to be mistaken. WalMart is NOT a service industry. You, sir, run a RETAIL operation which thrives on profits. This is what is wrong with our nation. What service did you provide for the people by being open: The opportunity to PURCHASE things for their Thanksgiving that they didn't prepare well enough for in the days leading up to the holiday? The opportunity to go shopping for things for the next holiday on the calendar? No, you didn't provide a provided an opportunity to line your pockets with the almighty dollar.

This day of the year frustrates me to no end. As much as I LOVE Thanksgiving, I absolutely loathe Black Friday. There is NO deal worth fighting over. There is NO item worth waiting for. There is NO way I would be out of my warm comfy bed to go stand in a line just to go shopping. Nope. No way. It makes me sad that so many people feel this is fun and rewarding. I choose to remain thankful for what I already have…..

….and besides….Cyber Monday has much better deals and I don’t have to  leave the comforts of my home (and my jammies!).

Think Thankfully!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 28 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Challenge - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!!! Today is the day! The fourth Thursday in November is one of my favorite days!!!! I absolutely love love LOVE the Thanksgiving holiday! I love the memories I have of Thanksgiving as a child. I love the smell of my parents' house on this particular day! I love that we sit down as an entire family, all around one big table (except the table for the kids, they get their own table!) and give thanks on one special day reserved specifically for the act of practicing gratitude, although I wish we were in the habit of practicing it more than just this one day/month a year. The day when the country all tends to issue the Happy Thanksgiving message to one another (unless you see fit to tell people to "gobble til ya wobble") You see, I am a firm believer in the idea that practicing gratitude is a powerful force that can transform your entire life if you let it and it shouldn't be reserved for just one month a year.

Start practicing gratitude each and every day. Start with a simple little thank you. Look for reasons to thank those important people in your life each day. Challenge yourself to say it at least once a day to someone who does something to make your day happier, your job easier, for the kind gesture, anything. In doing so, you will begin to shift your daily focus to the good, and in return you are looking for good things all day long and when you do that, you often start finding them and practicing gratitude becomes easier and easier. Before you know it, it becomes part of your natural routine. It becomes common for you. It no longer takes effort. 

Today, challenge yourself to begin practicing gratitude each day until next Thanksgiving. Let's see just how wonderfully your life can change simply by practicing gratitude. Gratitude opens our heart and mind and in that simple act of gratitude, you are opening yourself up for a miracle because miracles can happen. What miracle await you in the coming year? Don't stop now.....practice makes perfect!!! By accepting this challenge, you will see that Thanksgiving doesn't just happen one day a year, it happens 365 days! In my world, it does. 

Happy Thanksgiving, my thankful! Think Thankfully!!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 27 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Last night, the Think Thankfully Facebook page posted an image that said something to this effect: Gratitude is the heart’s memory. Followers were encouraged, as they have been each and every day of this 30 Day Gratitude Challenge, to post what they are most thankful for. Last night, they were encouraged to reach in and let us know what was in their heart’s memory. While in the beginning of November people were commenting like crazy, much like the idea of thinking thankfully for the entire month, the comments fizzled out and some nights, there were no comments made. Last night, one of our followers posted this comment on our image: My hearts memory today is from my childhood. Remembering Thanksgivings with the whole big family. Both Mom and Dads sides. Grandparents, parents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins. Loud, crowded, tons of food, tables and chairs everywhere! Everybody brought something and everybody helped, even the men. Football was on TV. There was laughter and occasionally an argument. Usually the Mom who hosted it lost it at some point but then everybody pitched in and it all worked out. The food was great, the games fun and the fellowship the best! Many have never experienced this kind of family time. What a shame we don't value this anymore. I'm so thankful I have these happy memories!

Well, folks, that prompted this morning’s blog posting. I keep saying that Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving week are my favorite, but I’ve never really explained why. Much like the follower of our Think Thankfully Facebook Page, who posted the above comment, THIS is nearly identical to the picture of Thanksgiving in my head.

Our Thanksgiving meal was ALWAYS at my parents house on Thanksgiving Day, at least as long as I can remember it was. I can still remember the scent of the turkey in the oven as I would wake up Thanksgiving morning. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, I would bounce down the stairs to see if my mom needed help (which she never really did until the table needed to be set!). I would find myself a comfy spot on the couch and claim my viewing seat for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! I always (and still do) LOVE watching that parade!! People would start to trickle into my parents’ house. Both sets of grandparents were there and on occasion, aunts and uncles would be there as well. As more and more food was prepared, the better and better the house would smell! The ladies would hang out in the kitchen getting everything ready and the guys would be in the room, ready to change the channel on the TV to football as soon as Santa made his appearance in the parade!

Once the food was ready and the table set, we would ALL cram around the large table in my parents’ kitchen (and the kids had to sit at their own table – story of my childhood!) and prepare ourselves for the consuming of WAYYYYYYY too much food. But first we would all bow our heads and say a prayer. Prayer before eating was a very important part of my paternal grandparents’ eating habits. And for good reason. And as the follower of our Facebook page said it, The food was great, the games fun and the fellowship the best! And when the food was all done and the table cleaned off, the ladies would do all the dishes and clean up the kitchen while the guys all found a spot to take their traditional Thanksgiving nap!

The follower also made reference to the fact that many have never experienced this kind of family time. Many have never experienced a Thanksgiving like this. In my 40 years of life, I can only ever remember 2 Thanksgivings that weren’t filled with my family in the manner described above. One was the year 1995 and my parents and little brother were in Disney with the football team the second was 2011 when my daughter turned 21 and we spent Thanksgiving in New Orleans. I still love the way my parents’ house smells on Thanksgiving (in fact I still ask to sleep over on Thanksgiving Eve so that I can wake up to the smells again, but mom always says no!). I still love the fellowship that happens on Thanksgiving Day, although our numbers have dropped and we are missing three important members of our family these days. I still love being with my family more than words can ever describe. It boggles my mind when I ask my students what their Thanksgiving traditions are and they tell me, “Oh we go out to eat.” or “Nothing special.” Breaks my heart.

I am ever so thankful that Thanksgiving means food, family, and fellowship to me. I am ever so thankful I grew up in a family that focused on tradition. I am thankful that I value family time (heck we still get together to do birthday cake/ice cream when it is someone in the family’s birthday!!  Even my 85 year old grandma!!).

And this, my friends, is why I love Thanksgiving as much as I do!

Think Thankfully!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 26 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Many people will look at the image above and brush it off. Many will read each line, maybe twice. Many will skip the image until the blog brings attention to it (like right now) and will go back and read it. And then, there are some (note I did not say many) who will take a mental note of each one and decide for themselves which ones they do, which ones they do not, and which ones they must work harder at.

I fall into the last category. When I Google search for images on gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness, being thankful, etc....these types always pop up on my screen. Many of them say the same things but this one, this one seems to have EVERYTHING on it for living a more thankful, positive, happy life. And it all seems so simple. Go back and reread each of the phrases on the image. How many do you see? Go on, count them! How many do you count? I counted 14. 

Today's blog posting is a simple one. I am asking you to try your best to BE the person in the image. BE the person who:
  1. is THANKFUL
  2. does their BEST
  3. always tells the TRUTH
  4. HELPS others
  5. LAUGHS out loud
  6. uses PLEASE and THANK YOU
  7. WORKS hard
  8. tries NEW THINGS
  9. LOVES others
  10. says their PRAYERS (and not just when you need something from the Big Guy)
  11. KEEPS promises
  13. SPEAKS kindly
  14. SMILES

I have decided that I am going to be MORE like this. Starting today. 

Today I am thankful for new challenges and happy people.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 25 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

I am a quote lover. There is no doubt about it. There are certain people who I will specifically look up something they are quoted with because I value what they have to say. Anthony Robbins fits that category to a perfect letter T. Anthony Robbins is such a motivational man, always giving little pieces of powerful advice that, if taken, can change your life. His thoughts on gratitude are, in my opinion, some of the best words of gratitudinal (I think I just made up a new word!!!) wisdom anyone could impart. They truly get you to thinking. Practicing gratitude has the power to shift your mood, your attitude, your outlook on things. Practicing gratitude has the power to make a glass that once looked half empty, look half full. It is very difficult to remain negative when you take time to look around you and consider all that is good in your life. Sure there are days where you might feel like the last thing you could possibly do is to write a gratitude list, name things you are thankful for, but even on the worst of days we can still find something to include. There is always, always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for. As I have said in previous blog postings, even in our crappiest of moments, there is something we can look at with gratitude. Always. We may not see it right a way but it is there!

I have been thinking a lot about this concept of fear and gratitude. I've come to the conclusion that I really do not think the two can exist together. I believe that either you let your fear overcome you or you let gratitude take over. It is no surprise that change is a difficult concept to come to terms with. I believe we all have some little issues that invoke a fear reaction. A few weeks ago, I was almost ready to cancel plans to go to Philadelphia for the day because the fear of driving in the city. I decided to be grateful for the opportunity to spend the day with my girls, meet an important person in my daighter's life, and the fear subsided and a great day was had! Every new opportunity, new challenge, often gives us an uneasy feeling of anxiety about the unknown, but things could turn out to be a lot better if we embrace the opportunity with a little more thankfulness than worry.
Today I am thankful for letting the gratitude take over in my life....

Think Thankfully!!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 24 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

We have arrived at the 24th day of November. The 24th day of the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge. It was on November 24, 1990 that my world changed forever......for the better. 

Life gives us moments that we will remember forever. It was 23 years ago today that an 8 pound 1 ounce baby girl came into the world and changed a 17 year old girl’s life forever. I realize 23 is not a big deal milestone birthday, but my daughter deserves a blog posting because I truly am who I am because of an amazing young woman named Alyssa Kae.

It is certainly not easy being a teenage mother. There are a lot of negative stereotypes thrown at young girls who find themselves in this precarious situation. Horrible names are hurled at you, people tend to look at you differently, and you are immediately judged. From the moment I realized I was pregnant at 17, I knew that life as I knew it was OVER. I had dreams. I wanted to go places. My dreams of going away to college were shattered. I had no idea how I would achieve everything I wanted in life with a baby in tow. But somehow I managed. I went to college, became a teacher, got my Masters Degree, and managed to raise not just one but two incredible daughters. However, this blog posting is NOT about me or my life as Alyssa’s mom, this blog posting is about Alyssa. An amazing young woman, who at 23 years old is everything I want to be when I grow up!

Reflecting back on the past 23 years, I am proud of the daughter I raised (with the help of my amazing family). My daughter graduated high school in the top 10% of her graduating class, was captain of the cheerleading squad her senior year, and traveled not once but twice with People to People Student Ambassadors (Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, France, and England) all before her senior year even began! Not bad for a young girl….but her story doesn’t end there!

She decided to attend Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, North Carolina for her undergraduate education. College took her 550 miles away from me and I worried every single day she was there. While in college, she joined a wonderful group of ladies in Zeta Tau Alpha, was a member of the College Republicans, became a member of the Mortar Board Honor Society, various other educational honor societies, was a Sweetheart for Theta Xi, studied a summer in France and a semester in Washington DC, traveled to Russia on Spring Break her senior year, AND graduated Magna Cum Laude with Program Honors in Political Science. Not bad for a young woman….but her story doesn’t end there!

My 23 year old daughter is currently living in Washington DC and attending American University in order to obtain her Master’s Degree in Society, Justice, and Law, studying Security and Terrorism Policy. She is a member of the DC Furies, a nationally ranked Women’s Rugby team, works for American University, has a wonderful circle of new friends, and is not afraid to explore her world. She has an amazing man in her life who has kept a smile on her beautiful face and has shown her what it means to be in a true relationship, where compromise is part of the recipe! She is an absolutely amazing daughter. Not bad for a young woman….but her story doesn’t end there!

Not only is my 23 year old one of the best daughters in this world, but she is also the absolute best big sister in the universe. My youngest looks up to her big sister and their relationship is as unique as each of them. They are not just sisters; they are truly best friends that no amount of miles or separation in age could ever keep apart. From the moment Erika was born, Alyssa started watching out for her and throughout their 16 year relationship NOTHING has changed.

Nothing in this world compares to watching your daughter grow into a wonderful, strong, independent, determined, and capable young woman. And her story doesn’t end there! She’s got roads to travel, places to go, BIG things to accomplish, and still much, much, much, more to leave her mark upon in this great journey we call life. Not bad for the daughter of a teenaged mom…..and her story doesn’t end there!!!

I am so thankful that God chose me to be her mom….

Happy 23rd Birthday Alyssa Kae Everett Beers! May you continue to be blessed abundantly in this life……because your story doesn't end here.............

Think Thankfully!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 23 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

We have been spending a great deal of time this month, focusing on the word Gratitude. Really, though, do you know what it means? Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing the simple things in your day, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means learning to live your life being aware, on a continuous basis, of how much you’ve been given. Gratitude will undoubtedly shift your focus from what your life lacks to the multitude that is already present. Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, it improves health, and it reduces stress. I have noticed all of this to be so true in how I go about my days. Since adopting my own gratitude journey to travel on, my relationships (both personally and professionally) have been that much better, my health has improved, and I really don’t feel the stress like I used to, letting every little thing bother me.

I have said it on numerous occasions, in many other blog postings: people tend to take for granted the good that is already present in their lives. I read about a gratitude exercise that asks that you imagine losing some of the things that you take for granted, such as your home, your ability to see or hear, your ability to walk, or anything that currently gives you comfort. Then imagine getting each of these things back, one by one, and consider how grateful you would be for each and every one. We really do lose sight of the little things that we should be thankful for. We are so quick to always list our friends and family, but we tend to forget our alarm clocks, the coffee pot (my goodness I don’t give thanks enough for my Keurig!), gas stations, smiles, utensils, washing machines, etc etc etc. In addition, you need to start finding joy in the small things instead of holding out for big achievements. In acknowledging the appreciation in the small things, those bigger things will come.

Another way to use giving thanks to appreciate life more fully is to use gratitude to help you put things in their proper perspective. When things don’t go your way, remember that every difficulty has within it the seeds of something good. When something bad happens or something doesn’t go according to what you expected or hoped for, ask yourself: “What’s good about this?”, “What can I learn from this?”, and “How can I benefit from this?” It is when we truly start being thankful for the bad things, the moments of disappointment, that we can truly appreciate those little things we took for granted before.

Once you ‘train’ your thought process, your mind, to be looking for things to be grateful for, you will find that you begin to appreciate simple pleasures and things that you previously took for granted. Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what you want, but an all-the-time gratitude, the kind where you notice the little things and where you constantly look for the good even in unpleasant situations and it should NOT be just a November thing. My true hope is that all the wonderful ‘Today, I am thankful for:’ statuses on the book of Faces won’t disappear once November is over. Heck, I am hoping they don’t disappear when Thanksgiving is over.  Today, start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful; in this way, you’ll be on your way toward becoming a Think Thankfully Master!!!!!

Think Thankfully!!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 22 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Hard to believe we are on Day 22 of this whirlwind 30 day challenge. I woke up this morning and had absolutely nothing in my head I wanted to write about. It kind of worried me, because I have enjoyed sitting down and writing my blog before I even leave for work this morning. In the middle of the night, I woke up and wrote the one for Thanksgiving Day. Yes, I realize it is a few days away, but I wrote it already. For some reason THAT message was gnawing at me.

Anyway, I left for work and still hadn't had any great revelations for blogging. I was on a bit of a cloud nine because I only worked a half day today. I thought maybe that was actually clouding my thought process. I went about my morning and at 11:00am, the inspiration hit me smack in the face!  It came in the form of the above image.

My wee ones have been working on something very secret while in group for the past two weeks. We (my classroom staff and I) were NOT to know what this big surprise was. Now, normally I would bug my wee ones to tell me, heck I might even bribe them but not this time. I decided to wait it out. Each day they went to group and came back all smiles and all they would say was, "Ms Allyson just you WAIT til you see your surprise!" I was getting so excited!!!! And today at 11:00am, I got my surprise.

Our wonderful Mental Health team worked hard with the wee ones to understand what BEING THANKFUL meant. They created the turkey above and if you look closely, the feathers are their hands. On those hands are the things my wee ones are thankful for in school. The belly of the turkey reads: Your little turkeys Ms A. THANK YOU!!! I can not even begin to tell you the emotion that came over me as I read each and every little handprint feather on that turkey. "Thank you for teaching me math" "Thank you for being silly" "Thank you for working with me" and the one that got me the most was "Thank you for walking us out to the bus to say goodbye each day"  I stood there with tears welling in my eyes. And all I could think about was THINK THANKFULLY is alive and well in the hearts of my wee ones. It was (and still is) a bit much for this tenderhearted gal (as I am sitting here in tears writing this). I knew at that moment, THIS was the premise of my blog.

I'm urging you to live a more thankful life for what it will do to YOU, but really, look at the trickle down effect it may have on wee ones in YOUR life. I show my wee ones appreciation each day. I let them know how thankful I am for their behaviors (when they are good, of course). I drill manners into them each and every day and it is starting to show in them. When they were asked WHY they did this, the response was, "To thank you for all you do for us, that you really don't HAVE to do." THAT is what true thankfulness is all about. The understanding and expression of gratitude for things that are not automatically given. The little things. I'm still in awe of this turkey and it WILL be displayed in my classroom all year through, because living a more thankful life shouldn't just happen in November!!!!

And the cupcakes were a nice touch......YUM!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 21 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Let me ask a few questions to start this blog posting: How many times have you heard the quote above? Now, how many of you have been trying to live a more thankful life? Have you noticed the quote to be true?


being thankful… 

showing appreciation… 

saying thank you...
It seems so extremely simple, doesn't it? This whole idea of gratitude. Being thankful. And, yet, as many other things that appear simple and easy, gratitude can be so extremely complex, can't it? When I began to be thankful for what I have, when I showed appreciation for what someone has done or said to me, and when I said “thank you” as often and to as many people as I have, my outlook on everything somehow changed. Instead of dwelling on the few things (ok, the many things) I don’t (but sometimes wish I did) have, I can't help but become overwhelmed at the multitude of blessings that I have been given in this life and what I have becomes just enough.
"What do you have?" you ask. I have my health. When I was a child, I had two major surgeries to repair deformed ureters before I even started Kindergarten. A year after my last surgery, I got a clean bill of health in the urological department. In February 2006, I was diagnosed with non-invasive Cervical Cancer. By September/October 2006, I was given a clean bill of health. Here we are, November 21, 2013 and I am relatively healthy by most normal standards.
I have my job. In a time when people are losing jobs, having a tough time finding jobs, or are too qualified for jobs, I am very happy in the job I have. Sure I've switched up routines over the past 18 years, but teaching is what I love to do and I've found I can adapt to any teaching environment and I've taught in nearly all of them.....just waiting for the collegiate level to scarf me up!!!!
I have my family. Two amazing daughters compliment my life in such a wonderful way. I know, if you follow the blog at all, you already know this. My daughters are my world. My pride and joy. The main reason I wake up and press on. They are an amazing extension of myself. No, wait.....they are a far better extension of myself than I could ever hope to be! I have wonderful parents, a fabulous grandmother, caring brothers, a whole host of super aunts and uncles and cousins, AND....saving the best for last....I am super blessed with an amazing husband (but you already knew that, too, didn't you!?!).
And in thinking about my life, filled with expressions of gratitude on a daily basis, I do have enough. I have all I need in order to be happy. Could I use more? Sure....who couldn't! But, there is a big difference between want and need. I want more, but I do not need more. I am content right where I am in this life. And thankfully, this path to a more grateful life and life filled with much more thanks than complaints, has led me to realize this. When we are truly grateful for what we have, even in the midst of trying and difficult times, the Lord (or whatever higher power you believe in) provides and He provides richly.
Think Thankfully!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 20 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Challenge

For quite some time, I have used the book, Simple Abundance, A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach as part of a semi routine reading. I have never really used this book as it was intended, to help the reader find their 'authentic self', but rather, when I need some simple reminders of gratitude, I turn to the book. It truly has helped on may occasions. When I came across this quote today, it truly stopped me in my tracks. I read it, not once but twice and really let it sink in. It truly is the premise for Think Thankfully, isn't it?

The whole idea of Think Thankfully is to appreciate the little things around us, realizing our blessings come from many sources we don't even really realize each day. Some of the little blessings are overlooked, such a silverware to eat our food, a spigot with somewhat fresh water to drink, a bed to sleep in when we are weary and tired, a vehicle to get us from point A to point B. So many times people post that they are thankful for life, for their family, for friends....that is so awesome to be thankful for, but......

.....every little thing in life is a blessing to us if we CHOOSE to look at it that way. My first marriage ended in was a blessing, to be honest, because it brought me to the happiness I have in my life now. The marriage itself was a blessing (even though it didn't seem so at the time) because I was given the gift of my babygirl from it. At 17, my relationship with (insert boy's name here) was a blessing, even though at the time it seemed like the biggest error in judgement ever, because I was blessed with the tremendous gift and trusted with the life of a precious little girl who is now almost 23 years old and the most amazing woman in the world to me!! EVERYTHING can be a blessing if we choose to look at it that way.

Everything we have in this life is ALL WE NEED. We don't need anything more than what we have. We have to see everything as a blessing. And once we start seeing things as a blessing, MORE blessings come into our lives. It really is as simple as that. It's the attitude of simple abundance. Be happy with what you have and you will be given more.

Think Thankfully!!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Never did I ever think I would have something in common with Buddy the Elf, but by golly I most certainly do! I love to smile! It is my favorite, too!!! And I've been told I have an incredible smile, to boot!!

Part of having a more positive attitude means smiling a lot more! There was a time in my life when truly and honestly smiling was the last thing I would have ever thought I could do. I remember when I got hired to work as a Therapeutic Recreational Counselor at KidsPeace. I went through two weeks of new employee training which was some of the most intensive training I had ever gone through. It was my first REAL job and I felt like a big shot having to go through a new employee training. I was unsure of what I was really getting myself into, what kind of kids I would be dealing with. I remember one of the trainers telling us to never let our guards down. Never let 'them' (meaning the kids) see you smile. I was told to be the bitch in all situations and sadly I believed in all of it. I entered the residential unit I was assigned to for the summer and I started to mingle among the girls living there. I kept a stone face. No expression. No friendly attitudes. I was all business. Don't tread on me. I was trying to establish my dominance and of the girls looked at me and said, "Why don't you smile? If you don't want to be here, why choose to work here?" I never forgot it. And I never took that "I am staff you will respect me" attitude again. I learned a lot that summer about just how much a smile can mean to someone.

Unfortunately, too many years of my life, I lived under a dark cloud, unable (or perhaps unwilling) to smile a true and honest smile. It wasn't until I started on my thankful journey that my smile came back into my world! My aunts have always said that I have such a great smile. I guess when I start my day with the ultimate gratitude for the life that is unfolding before me each and every day, I can't help but smile, it is my favorite! It is hard to be grumpy and bitchy with a smile on your face! I like to think it is my best feature and I want to wear it, display it, never let it fade!!! It truly reminds me of the Girl Scouts song we used to sing at camp: I've got something in my pocket, it belongs across my face. I keep it very close and handy in a most peculiar place. I bet you couldn't guess it, if you guessed a long long time. So I'll get it out and put it on, it's a great big Girl Scouts SMILE!

Today, I am super thankful that I share a love of smiling with Buddy the elf.....because a smile goes a long way in making someone's day! It can be the gift that keeps on giving!!! Try it! Pass a smile on to someone today!!!

Think Thankfully!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 18 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

In a world where it is so easy to get caught up in always seeing the negative, always complaining, always seeing the rain but never the rainbow, I find being a thankful, positive person is sometimes a challenge. Sometimes it is so much easier to believe the bad stuff in our lives than it is to find something, anything, to be thankful for. However, once you start finding the things in your life worth being thankful for, you will realize how you, too, can turn negatives into positives real quickly!!!!

I'm sharing this poem I found not long after I started on my journey to a more positive, thankful life in hopes that you, too, will find it inspiring enough to remember. 

Be Thankful

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.

It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.

GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.

~ Author Unknown ~

Think Thankfully!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 17 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

I have often seen the quote floating around Facebook and always when I Google images on being thankful, I'm thankful for all the difficult people in my life, because they have shown me exactly who I do not want to be. I was not 100% sure that I really liked that quote until today.

I was thinking about some of the difficult people I have crossed paths with in my 40 years of life. I have been fortunate to not really have crossed a lot of difficult people. As I sit here and try to write, it is very hard to come up with more than just three.

First, I am thankful for a certain elementary school teacher who made my life hell that school year. I always said, if and when I become a teacher, I did NOT want to be like her. I wrote papers in my education classes in college about her and how she taught me what NOT to do or be like in my own classroom. That year of school was miserable and I can still remember the classroom setup, her voice, and how unfairly she treated students. Not only did I have issues with her, but I truly credit her for my little brother's complete dislike of school because she was even worse to him. So, thank you Mrs. (Insert teacher name here) for helping me become an awesome teacher simply because I did not want to be like you!!!!

Second, I am thankful for a certain boy who entered my life, walked away from his responsibilities, and showed me just what I didn't want to be like in my child's life. My 17th year of life was a tough one. I can't totally blame (insert name here) because it takes two....but I learned that I NEVER wanted to be someone who walked away from their problems or responsibilities. I learned I never wanted to wash my hands of errors in judgement and just act as if they didn't happen or exist. So, thank you (insert name here) for helping me become an awesome mother, because I had to be mom and dad to an amazingly beautiful and talented and caring and intelligent girl who entered my life almost 23 years ago!!!!

And lastly, I am thankful for a certain person who showed me exactly what kind of friend I never wanted to be. From this person, I learned the importance of reaching out to those you call a friend, making compromises, and appreciating the friends you do have. I learned that friendship is NOT a one way street and if you call someone a friend, you have to show it and not just say it. Phone calls, text messages, invitations to go out, and just a little thinking of you message have to be sent as well as received. So, thank you (insert name here) for helping me to become an even better friend to those who appreciate my friendship. You helped open my eyes to what toxic friendships are all about and helped me to eliminate those exact friendships that brought me down! 

On this Day 17, I am thankful for those difficult people who were once a part of my life, because I have become exactly who I want to be by not following your example!!!!!

Think Thankfully!!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 16 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation for all that we have in our lives, both great and small. It is a mindful acknowledgment of all that we have been given. When we focus on the abundance in our lives, we discover a greater capacity for generosity, happiness, and contentment.

Expressing gratitude is a rewarding habit to find ourselves in. It opens our hearts, encourages us to savor each gift - no matter how great or small - that comes our way, and in a weird sort of way, it frees us from jealously, from that constant desire to have what our neighbor has. It allows us to celebrate what we have in this moment today and the simple abundance that enriches our lives each and every day rather than waiting for the next best thing. Gratitude is a constant reminder that we can always, always, ALWAYS find reasons to be thankful.

It is human nature to complain and be envious of those around us. Honestly, we have more than we need and most of us don’t appreciate it. If you have been following Think Thankfully from the start, you will see that I believe we should be giving thanks with a grateful heart for everything in our lives, focusing on what we have, not on what we don’t have. We should be grateful for a job to go to, a home to clean, and food to eat. We should be grateful for the people who love us and appreciate the healthy life we have been given. We should be grateful for the silliest of things in our day because we have the ability to laugh, but we should also be grateful for tough times because they help us to grow into the people we are right now. We should stop in each moment of our day and be grateful for something right in that moment. I see the image plastered all over Facebook, Be thankful for life, somewhere someone is fighting for theirs. While I appreciate the sentiment, because it is so true, it is those same people who then post all the negative bologna about their lives, which leads me to wonder just how sincere their thankful request of each of us truly is. I have learned through this journey to practice what I preach. If I ask you to be thankful, to express your gratitude, then I want you to know we are in it together. I most certainly do go about my day, thankful for much, complaining about little, and always stepping with my positive foot forward. Each and every day we should keep an attitude of gratitude for everything we have, no matter how simple or small we think it might be.

Keep an attitude of gratitude for everything you have and don't be afraid to share that attitude! Gratitude is the best attitude. Think Thankfully!!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 15 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Well folks, here we are half way through the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge. Our interactivity on the Facebook page has declined considerably and we dropped a member seemingly overnight. Not exactly what I had hoped would happen with this challenge! I was hoping more people would interact, sparking more interest, and our numbers would skyrocket! Hey, a girl can dream big, right? There are times I feel as though I want to throw in the towel in the whole Facebook page idea, the whole Journey to a Thousand Thankful Hearts. Not sure why it is that I take an unliking so personally, but it really does bother me. It starts to make me wonder why I worry so much about the whole Think Thankfully idea, why I stress so much over images I post, or quotes I use, or daily affirmations I put out there, or blogs I write. But in the end, I know it is the right thing to do.....the keep on doing those little things.....those images, statuses, quotes, affirmations, and blogs.

I am thankful for the journey I am on and I am happy to be sharing it with you. I spoke to a friend, who through no fault of our own, we were eliminated as friends on Facebook (come to find out her son was playing around on her phone and he inadvertently deleted a lot of her friends!!! Too cute, actually!). It made me feel good to hear her tell me that her husband missed my thankful posts and uplifting messages. Hearing that just solidifies that it doesn't matter if one person decides to unlike Think Thankfully, there are still many people that cherish the daily messages.

Think Thankfully!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 14 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

I’ve often said, financially, I am a mess. Just when I think I am able to pick myself up and get closer to financial betterment, something happens and WHAM, I find myself slipping down the rabbit hole again. I’m not sure I will ever get out of debt. I try, but it seems very bleak for me. One of the reasons I seriously wanted the book thing to work out was to help me financially. I was so hoping that I’d publish my Think Thankfully book and it would become a best seller, I’d go on talk show circuits promoting it, and I’d soon be asked to write a follow up to it! AND, truth be told, since the book thing completely fell off the face of the earth and is likely to never happen, then I sincerely hope I win a big lottery someday soon. Hey! Stop laughing! A girl can dream, right?

Anyway, I digress. I have found throughout this journey to a more thankful way of living that it truly doesn’t matter what my bank account looks like (and believe me it is pitiful). What matters most is all the wonderful things I have in my life that there was no price tag for.  Let’s examine this a bit further……

Money can’t buy LOVE.  Love is the deepest of human connections and is invaluable. Thankfully, I have found this deep and profound love in my husband. I am also not ashamed to say that I feel a deep love for my daughters as well, and while I wish I could buy them the world, they know that this cannot be done. They appreciate the love of their mother and all I can give them, again, things that money cannot buy.

Money can’t buy HAPPINESS.  I see it so often, people spend money like it truly grows on trees, trying to make someone else happy. Sorry folks, but this is just not an accurate method of achieving happiness. True happiness. I have found on this journey to a more thankful way of living, that my true happiness lies in my ability to be grateful for even the littlest things in my life. I appreciate more and in return, I am able to smile more.

Money can’t buy RESPECT.  Money does not assure you of respect in my world. Maybe there is a place where the more money you have the more respect you get, but not in my world. Money simply can’t buy respect. Respect garnishes respect from others.  All the money in the world cannot make you respected by your fellow man. It is in your actions towards one another, out of the goodness of your heart that will win you the respect of your peer group.

As we sit down tonight and think about what it is that we are thankful for today, let’s try to remember that money can’t buy true happiness, and way too many times those things that are most valuable in our lives (like our relationships) are undervalued. Let’s not miss the valuable things in life. Start on the path to Think Thankfully, not just these 30 challenge days in November, but in all the other 335 days in the year, too.

Think Thankfully!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 13 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

13 is usually considered to be an unlucky number. I'm not sure I really know why this seems to be a truth, but it really does seem that this is a common belief. Tonight's blog posting, I am going to say THANK YOU to a list of 13 'people', either singularly or collectively, in no particular order, who make me happy, helping to make my soul blossom!

1. My parents - Yup, technically they are 2 people, but yet they are a single entity in my world. There is no way I could thank one without the other. My parents have always been a huge supporter of mine no matter what silly adventure I found myself in. They make me happy to see them still so much in love after all these years. 

2. My brothers - Again, I know technically they count as 2 people, but again, I can't thank one without the other. They both make me happy by being such amazing men. A lot like my path in the grown up world, my brothers each have had some rocky roads to travel upon, yet they both persevere and always come out on top! I am happy to be their sister and I don't think I tell them that enough.

3. My daughters - Yes, no need to tell me, I realize that they, too, represent a duo! Over and over again, day in and day out, they make me incredibly happy! I am fortunate to be able to call them my daughters. I will never understand how I got so lucky to have not just one, but two amazing daughters but I am thankful for them each and every day!

4. My husband - Big shock there, huh??? At a time in my life when everything seemed to be crumbling apart, my husband walked in, took my heart completely by surprise! and has made me one of the happiest gals in the world. 

5. Pastor Kees - I fell away from the church for awhile, simply because it hurt too much for me to be there. After a few years of waiting, our church welcomed Pastor Kees to the pulpit. What a wonderful man our congregation was blessed with!! I truly enjoy listening to PK on a Sunday morning. What struck me the most about him, was that he never pushed me back to church. He would stop as he drove by my house to say hello, but never pressured a return. It makes me completely happy that I was lead back to the fold, through divine intervention, made to feel like it was all on my own!

6. Julie Rambo - I was never blessed in life with a sister of my own. I struggled through a friendship that ended bitterly. And right around the same time, this spunky chick entered my life and I have considered myself blessed ever since. Julie truly is the sister I never had. I love that I can talk to her, laugh with her, and cry with her if need be. She is an honest person and seeing her infectious smile makes me happy instantly!!!

7. Chris Craig - Chris is truly my best friend in this world. I can totally go to him with anything.  ANYTHING. He is my confidant, my humor relief, and my voice of reason (and sometimes my voice of revenge!) when I most need it. I'm not sure how I'd get through some moments without this guy right here!

8. My grandma - It completely makes me smile that at 40 years old, my grandma is still very active in my life! Her fun-loving banter with my husband always brings a smile to my face, even when I act like she is irritating me!! How can you not be happy in life with a grandma like mine in it??!!

9. Ms Bonnie - I cannot begin to explain how wonderful this woman is! I would never have adapted to my new surroundings as easily as I have, had it not been for this lady right here. Much like Forret and Jenny, Ms Bonnie and I go together like peas and carrots! My days are smooth sailing (even if they are tough) because of the laughs we share through our days! We share a lot in common and I love her!!!

10. My aunts/uncles - I have an amazing extended family on both sides of my family! I am lucky to have a whole host of aunts and uncles, who each in their own way, make me smile and are always there for me!

11. Alicia Arranz - This gal entered my life nearly four years ago and I am a better person because of her. She is the wise voice of enlightenment, the uplifting wind beneath my wings when I need it, the other pea in my pod. She grounds me with her spirituality and, much like I try to, always finds the brighter side of life. You can't help but feel incredible after even just a little time spent with her. She makes me feel completely at ease in her presence. I'm not sure I ever completely thanked her for all she has brought into my life in the short time we've known each other. My soul has truly blossomed because of this beautiful person!!

12. My cousins -  I am fortunate to have an entire ARMY of cousins (and those married into the cousinhood)! I am blessed beyond measure that they are not just a cousin....not just a word in a family tree.....they are my friends. I can't imagine life without ANY one of them and again, I am not sure I have every really expressed that to each and every one of them........


13. Think Thankfully Nation - Each and every day, I am reminded why I continue to take this Think Thankfully journey. There are many days when our facebook page doesn't generate a lot of traffic. There isn't too many new likes on statuses or images, we can go for weeks without adding new followers, and sometimes it truly does feel like I am not cut out for trying to lead people to living more thankfully.....and then.....and then I get a message from someone thanking ME for keeping them thinking more thankfully. The Think Thankfully Nation keeps me happy every day! 

Thank you all!!!! And please, I didn't post this to slight anyone or make anyone feel left out, it's just in my heart of hearts, these are the people who stand out in my life!

Think thankfully!!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 12 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Today was a trying day. Sometimes I struggle with being thankful and positive. I'm human, after all. I think people think because I am more often positive than I am negative that I don't have those days. You know the ones. Those trying, stressful days where you just want to crawl back into a warm bed and sleep the day away. Today, I made a promise to myself NOT to read work emails until I actually get to work. Reading one today kinda put me in a mood that I didn't want to start my day in. 

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, tonight I am so thankful for second chances. My second chance came in the form of love. To see the smile (and incredible dimples) on my husband's face always soothes my weary soul. I never thought it possible to be in a love like this and I never imagined I would be lucky enough to be in such a love. I am!

Tonight I am thankful for my husband's smile. It completely melts me, warms my heart, and is a sure sign that even if my world seems to be caving in on me, he is always right there to be my beacon of hope and strength and through all my moodiness, craziness, and messiness, wants to be here loving me. I am such a lucky gal!!!!

Think Thankfully!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 11 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

November 11, 2013. Veterans Day. Today actually marks the 95th anniversary of Veterans Day, although at its start, it was referred to as Armistice Day. Here in the United States, Veterans Day honors all American veterans, whether living, died in action or deceased from other causes, either having already served or currently serving in the US Armed Forces.

Today, I choose to write about my brother, United States Air Force MSgt Travis Everett, armed forces member since November 1996. My brother has always had an affinity with the military. He struggled with the academic rigors of high school and knew that college was not going to be for him. From the time he was little, he was drawn to the military and it became all he talked about. He had more plastic Army men then I think all of Toys R’ Us. Our sandbox was littered with those little men and when he was old enough to venture out of our yard to play, he would head to the woods to play military. He spent countless hours in the woods around the local fire company in town playing Army. He’d wear his camouflage clothing, take his play guns, and off he’d go for almost all day long.

My brother has always felt a strong sense of patriotism and pride in his roots, which is why he chooses, year after year, to honor a graduating senior from our local high school who has chosen the same path in life as he has. Entering the military was never done for the ‘free education’ or the ‘free trips’, because quite honestly, who really wants free trips to Afghanistan, Iraq, Qatar, or Korea. They certainly are not vacations you want to or many times can write home about. Choosing the military was about giving something to this great nation. It was about honoring those who enlisted before us, the countless generations of brave men and women who fought for this country in times of war and served this country during times of peace.

Military life is about sacrifice of all kinds. My brother has spent quite a bit of time away from family. In my nieces’ 10 and 11 years of life, my brother, their father, has missed many big events because of the sacrifice of military employment, including one of their births, holidays, birthdays, school events, and dance recitals just to name a few. Being stationed states away has kept my brother from many family get togethers and being stationed worlds away has shown my brother just why our country is as great as it is.

On this, the 95th anniversary of Veterans Day, I wish to give a HUGE THANK YOU to my little brother for his selfless dedication and outstanding service to this great nation. And not to be forgotten, for those in the tomb of the unknowns, a special THANK YOU for your patriotism, love of nation, and sacrifice you and your families have made for the common good of our nation. God Bless America, Land that I Love!

Think Thankfully!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 10 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Today is the 238th birthday of the USMC. I never paid much attention to this as a kid, but in recent years, it has become quite a tradition to honor those in the USMC, past and present. Today, I dedicate my Day 10 blog to the USMC and a certain young man I am so very proud of! Oorah!
The Marine Corps motto, 'Semper Fi', is the short version of the Latin phrase: Semper Fidelis, which, when directly translated means Always Faithful. Always Faithful. Not sometimes faithful, not when I feel like being faithful. Always Faithful. It is not a negotiable matter. It is not relative to the moment, but rather, it is absolute. Marines tend to pride themselves on their straightforward ability to attend to a mission and their steadfast dedication to accomplish it. Not that any other members of the other branches of the service aren't straightforward and dedicated, there is just something about a Marine. And once their service to this great nation is over, the Marines do not simply stop being faithful. Semper Fi carries them through the rest of their days as well. Always Faithful.
In May of 2013, I had the honor of presenting a senior award to a future Marine. I awarded the Travis C Everett Award to a young man named Jared Recker. When I first met Jared, my heart swelled with pride for this young man as he told me he was going to be a United States Marine. Jared accepted the award in a very humble, quiet manner. He seemed a bit timid, shy, not what I would have expected from a future Marine. In July, Jared left for boot camp and after a few weeks, I received the most heartbreaking letter from him where he seemed so downtrodden over his decision. I knew, just from spending time with him, that he had the fortitude to become a US Marine, he just had to dig deep and find it in himself.
Two weeks ago, Jared visited my home and I was amazed at the transformation that took place in this young man! No longer timid, shy, and reserved, Jared WOW'd me! I was humbled that he thought to stop in and say hello. He is now at his specific training and doing so well!
I am thankful I had the opportunity to make a difference in the life of this young man! I am thankful my brother trusts me to deliver his award. And I am thankful for the countless Marines who have served our country! I am thankful for the friendship I've forged with US Marine Jared Recker!! Semper Fi, my friend. Oorah!

Think Thankfully!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 9 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Ok, so I must admit this one to you all....I couldn't wait to get home from my little adventure today to BLOG about it! Not even kidding! Here we are, Day 9 of the Think Thankfully 30 Day Gratitude Challenge and I couldn't wait to get home and write! Yes, it was one of THOSE days. A completely inspiring day for me from start til now!

As I drove home from the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia, PA), first of all I couldn't help but be amazed at the beauty of the sky. The sunset sprinkled gorgeous colors into the clouds and it looked simply amazing! The better part of the ride, I couldn't help but be thankful, and I mean COMPLETELY THANKFUL, for the day I had and the people I spent it with. I could not have asked for a better day with my girls.

Many people know I have a true fear of driving distances, driving into the city, AND I am also very directionally challenged. Not spoofing on myself, I even took a wrong turn USING the Garmin. Yup, I am THAT bad when it comes to directions and then add the driving into that and well, it would be a recipe for disaster in my little world. BUT.....since my oldest daughter and her boyfriend were going to be in Philadelphia today in order to see a US Men's Rugby game tonight, my youngest and I were asked to meet them in order to spend time together, as only we know how. At first the idea sounded great and the closer it came, the more I freaked out at the idea of having to do the driving. I didn't sleep much last night as the anxiety level got VERY high for this girl. Needless to say, I lived to tell the story.....

Spending the day with my daughters was, in a word, AMAZING. To see the love between my girls makes me so proud. They truly are best friends and not just sisters. They compliment each other so well and are simply a joy to be around, even when they are acting all silly and sometimes embarrassing. Many moments in our day of walking the beautiful streets of the city, I lagged behind, just watching them, smiling from ear to ear, knowing that for everything that could have gone wrong in raising them, it was the exact opposite where they were concerned. I'm not quite sure where in the world they truly came from. I know I wasn't always an easy child to raise. I've given my parents their share of grey hair due to some of my wicked wild ways. So far, I've not had any of that to deal with in my girls. They are so easy to parent. In fact, at one point today, my soon-to-be-23 year old daughter, took my hand and walked down the street, just holding my hand, walking and talking to me. There was no air of embarrassment that she was holding her mom's hand, it was the most natural, most loving gesture and I'm not sure she will ever really know just how much that meant to me. I couldn't help but keep humming a Sound of Music song as I watched the two of them,  "Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could. So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good."

I certainly must have done something good to deserve two amazing children. Tonight, they are the biggest part of what I am thankful for in this world. Tonight, this post is dedicated to THEM. I love you, to the moon and back, forever plus a day!

Think Thankfully!!!

Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...