Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation for all that we have in our lives, both great and small. It is a mindful acknowledgment of all that we have been given. When we focus on the abundance in our lives, we discover a greater capacity for generosity, happiness, and contentment.
Expressing gratitude is a rewarding habit to find ourselves in. It opens our hearts, encourages us to savor each gift - no matter how great or small - that comes our way, and in a weird sort of way, it frees us from jealously, from that constant desire to have what our neighbor has. It allows us to celebrate what we have in this moment today and the simple abundance that enriches our lives each and every day rather than waiting for the next best thing. Gratitude is a constant reminder that we can always, always, ALWAYS find reasons to be thankful.
It is human nature to complain and be envious of those around us. Honestly, we have more than we need and most of us don’t appreciate it. If you have been following Think Thankfully from the start, you will see that I believe we should be giving thanks with a grateful heart for everything in our lives, focusing on what we have, not on what we don’t have. We should be grateful for a job to go to, a home to clean, and food to eat. We should be grateful for the people who love us and appreciate the healthy life we have been given. We should be grateful for the silliest of things in our day because we have the ability to laugh, but we should also be grateful for tough times because they help us to grow into the people we are right now. We should stop in each moment of our day and be grateful for something right in that moment. I see the image plastered all over Facebook, Be thankful for life, somewhere someone is fighting for theirs. While I appreciate the sentiment, because it is so true, it is those same people who then post all the negative bologna about their lives, which leads me to wonder just how sincere their thankful request of each of us truly is. I have learned through this journey to practice what I preach. If I ask you to be thankful, to express your gratitude, then I want you to know we are in it together. I most certainly do go about my day, thankful for much, complaining about little, and always stepping with my positive foot forward. Each and every day we should keep an attitude of gratitude for everything we have, no matter how simple or small we think it might be.
Keep an attitude of gratitude for everything you have and don't be afraid to share that attitude! Gratitude is the best attitude. Think Thankfully!!!
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