Monday, March 31, 2014

Write what you what you write!

Happy last day of March 2014! I can hardly believe that the last time I truly sat down to write was February 11. I remember the day well, as it was my birthday AND the 1st angelversary of a special little girl in my life. Here we now are, the last day of March, and I have a 2 hour delay! WOW!

So, let me take this time to tell you, I had an extremely amazing experience during the time we were apart. On March 20, I was asked to go along to a Contemporary Christian concert featuring the Casting Crowns. Of course, I said yes....Next to MercyMe and Third Day, I was a fan of Casting Crowns. WOW! I can hardly contain my feelings when I think back to how amazing that concert was! I was so eager to write about it, so eager to put into words what I was feeling. To say it moved me is an understatement. I'd be willing to say it did more than just move pretty much lifted me and replanted me!

Also, during our time apart, we celebrated birthdays in the family! My mom and dad both had birthdays in the Month of March! I'd tell you how old they are, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't believe me anyway! It always amazes me that my family sticks to tradition and always looks to have cake and ice cream for the birthday boy or girl. Doesn't matter how old you are, we still celebrate! Also, my beloved Grandma would have celebrated a birthday this month, too. I can say, with all honesty, this is the first year I wasn't all heartbroken over not having her here. Her birthday was recognized and honored, but it wasn't a day of sadness. I think I'm completely at peace.....

Write what you what you write. This whole Think Thankfully journey did not stop because I was missing my desktop for so long. The wonderful app developers at Facebook updated their page manager app and I am now given the wonderful choice of setting up the Think Thankfully Facebook page days in advance. I can schedule posts so that I don't have to feel ball and chained to the page. I collect my images and schedule for two days in advance. Our followers are almost up to 600! Our Journey to a Thousand Thankful Hearts is well underway! I love writing the positives. I love writing about things that make my heart smile. I love writing about the happy world around me. In keeping up with the page and now being back to writing again, I realize just how my life has changed. My happy days far outnumber the unhappy days. I've pushed mistrust and insecurities to a far, hidden corner of my world. I've realized that in order to live a happy life, we must BE happy....and it starts with ourselves.

I still see the 'whoa is me' statuses floating around on Facebook and it makes me sad. I still see people worrying so much about what others are or are not doing and it pains my heart. I truly wish people understood the message. If you want to be happy....then BE HAPPY. The only thing stopping you is YOU. I've lost some more 'friends' on Facebook because people think that if I don't comment or respond to things they post, I'm ignoring them. Not true. I've learned I am NOT living my life if I keep strapped to Facebook. I don't see a lot of things because I have significantly limited my time on it. Facebook is not life. My life is very busy. In addition to working 5 days a week, I still have a non-driving teen at home who is very active with sports and life. THIS is where I am needed. THIS is where I choose to be.

Write what you love, love what you feels so good to be back!

Until tomorrow, my friends.....

Think Thankfully!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Feels good to be writing again!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Feels so good to be back and able to blog again!

Let me start by apologizing for the lack of blog posts since February. My desktop tower finally konked out on me and until I was able to finally get it repaired (rather than replace it), I wasn't able to do my blogging. Sure I have an iPad, but it really isn't easy to blog on. Even tougher yet, is trying to blog on my phone. I guess I am one of those people who, once I do things on a certain platform, am completely unable to adjust to change!

A lot has happened since the last time we were together! I'm not even sure where to begin, so I will just say, I'm back and ready to write again!!!!  A lot of things have been swimming through my head and I am eager to get back to writing on a somewhat daily basis!

Thanks for waiting! Sorry to have left so abruptly!

Until tomorrow, my friends.....


Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...