Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Prayers and remembering

Today's blog is going to be short and sweet. I am asking that the Think Thankfully Nation please keep my little brother, Travis, in your thoughts and prayers over the next 6 months as he deployed this morning for his 5th tour in the Middle East.

I'm truly at a loss for words this week, as it is my least favorite week of the year, and add to it the deployment of my little brother, I just feel like nothing I have to say will be worth much. With that being said, I am extremely proud of my brother's selfless sacrifice and his dedicated service to our great nation, The United States of America.

I am also asking you to remember the lives of the astronauts on the Space Shuttle Challenger, as today marks the 28th anniversary of the explosion just 73 seconds after lift off, killing all 7 on board, including one of my heroes, Sharon Christa McAuliffe, the first teacher in space. I remember sitting in my 7th grade Science class, watching. My teacher, Mr Eckhart had applied for the Teacher in Space program. We knew all about it and I was intrigued. At the moment of explosion, I can remember thinking, "Oh my...all the students that are watching this." and at that moment, I knew I wanted to inspire people the way Christa McAuliffe had inspired me. "I touch the future, I teach."

"They slipped the surly bonds of earth
To touch the face of God."
President Reagan January 28, 1986

Until tomorrow, my friends.....cherish those you love and never waste a minute on holding on to anger. Love deeply, always.

Think Thankfully

Sunday, January 26, 2014

It's perfectly ok....

I am in a funk. I blame it on the time of year. I seem to have lost all motivation and desire to do anything. It is a feeling I do not like, nor do I want to keep in my life. I know I'll get over it, but for now, I am in a funk. And you know what? It is really ok!

This weekend has been a big old bag of yuck. My daughter has been battling a bit of a sickness all weekend long (ok, it isn't a bit of a sickness, she is SICK) but doesn't want to miss school, basketball, anything. She is run down, coughing up both lungs, a tad whiny, and just not her usual self. At 16 years old, I still feel sorry for her when she is feeling poorly, much like when she was a baby. It sucks. We spent all day yesterday couped up in the house (which hasn't helped my mood) and today followed suit (couped up all afternoon, going stir crazy). Yes, I am in a funk. And you know what? I AM ALLOWED TO BE!

For a long time after I started this whole Think Thankfully idea, I always thought that I had to put on a chipper face and smile through everything simply because that is what people now expected of me. I am no different that anyone else. I get frustrated, irritated, moody, and I, too, fall into a funk. And you know what??? It's perfectly ok, too!

It is very safe to say this past weekend, I felt sad, down, somewhat blue. Instead of kicking myself in the pants and trying to smile my way out of my funk (which I knew was not a reality because my heart and spirit wasn’t in it) I simply sat down to write it out. Yesterday was a wash. As much as I wanted to write, my time was needed with my daughter. Yes, a sick 16 year old still requires a lot of ‘mom time’ when she is sick. And guess what? That is perfectly ok with me!

While I talk and write about a positive attitude and always being thankful, I constantly remain 100%  realistic about everyone going through these ‘down days’ every once in awhile. So many people think that because you live a happy, positive life more often than not, you are immune to the ‘down days’. Wrong answer! As I sit here typing away, I want to scream, shout, let it all out….and more importantly, I want you to know – IT IS PERFECTLY OK TO FEEL THIS WAY! Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to not do anything we simply don’t feel like doing (for a day or two), to just wallow a bit in some self pity, to cry if we need to, to have those ‘down days’. And you know what? It is ok! Give yourself that permission! It is perfectly OK!!!!

This much is true: I will get over it.  I know this feeling won’t last long. This funk has been here before (pretty much last year around this time) and I know as soon as I satisfy my need to just ‘be blue’, I will be right back on top of my game, spewing out the sparkly colors of the rainbow for everyone!!!

Until tomorrow, my friends…..don’t try to hide your feelings or pretend they don’t matter. They do! And it is PERFECTLY OK to feel down and blue once in awhile. It is healthy. Just don’t allow yourself to stay that way for too long!!!

Think Thankfully!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Memories, light the corners of my mind

This time of year is normally very rough for me. From today through my birthday, I find myself drifting towards a darkness I really despise. My heart becomes heavier and I long to go back in time. 

Five years ago today, we said goodbye to my Pappy. His passing was quite unexpected and came on the heels of losing my other grandfather, almost two years prior. My Pappy was a one of a kind guy, the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his back, the most encouraging word, and always left you feeling like you were the most important person in his world. 

I was fortunate to have such an amazing man to call my Pappy Wip. He was known by almost everyone: the oil man (he worked for a local oil company), Wipper, Wip. Known for his fingerless salute (he lost two fingers in a press accident when he was younger), my Pappy always threw those fingers in the air as a sign of irritation, hello, or just to make his presence known. He surely was one of a kind. 

My Pappy didn't have to be my pappy. He came into my mother's life as a father figure when my mother and her sisters were just young girls. He loved my grandma through good times and bad and the year my mom married my dad, my grandma and pap got married, too! He was never a step anything, which is probably why I dislike the term step in my own family. 

My Pappy supported all our sports, all of our endeavors, everything we did. Everyone should be so fortunate to have a grandfather like Wip Kleintop was!!!

Today, as I walked into the Catasauqua High School gym to watch the Bomber Boys Basketball team, I felt the spirit of Wip Kleintop screaming at me. I knew that I had to write. So here I sit, in the bleachers while everyone else is watching a good JV game end, writing. 

To you, my sweet grandfather....5 years of missing you. I two fingerless salute you!!! And I'll have a 7&7 in your honor later!

Until tomorrow, my friends....

Think Thankfully!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What I think Marilyn Monroe's quote means.....

As I sit here today, writing this blog, the temperatures outside are registering at 7* (with a wind chill of -10*). Since being up this morning, I've watched The Golden Girls, vacuumed my downstairs and collected some garbage to go out tonight, enjoyed some games on the iPad, and just sat in the quiet of my living room. As I looked around the room, I couldn't help but smile when I took inventory of all the photographs we have displayed in our home. We've got tons of pictures of the kids, the grandkids, and the nieces, our parents, our siblings, my grandparents.....and then, there are a wonderful fair share of photographs of my husband and I.....and then I couldn't help but sit in total thanksgiving for the blessing of my husband in my life.

Being married to me has not always been easy. I am a difficult person to love at times. I can be very moody, easily have my feelings hurt, and I am a pro at distancing myself when I find myself in times of trial or tribulation. I am one of the most insecure people you will meet. I can be loud, opinionated, sarcastic, and at times embarrassing. Yes, I can be a very difficult person to love. Things have gotten a lot better since I started on this journey to be a more thankful, positive person, but I still have my lapses in positivity. It never ceases to amaze me how much my husband loves me, despite all my flaws. He truly is a blessing in my life. Sometimes, I expect to wake up and find this was all just a dream. Many times I feel as though I don't deserve his love and devotion. Far too often, I feel like I fail him in the category of loving him. Sure I always say, "I love you more", but the truth is, there is no possible way that is accurate. 

It warms my heart to see so many pictures of the two of us throughout our home. This is something that seriously lacked in my first marriage. There were next to no pictures of the two of us displayed in our house. Not this time. We have pictures of our first outings together, band nights where I would sit and watch in awe at my man's musical abilities, vacations together, and our wedding. So many happy memories made. So many smiles. Coming from a first marriage that ended quite bitterly, I never thought I was worthy of being loved like this. How wrong I was!!! All the pictures displayed are awesome reminders of how much we enjoy each other's company, how we enjoy being together, how in love we are.

I've often seen the image above floating around Facebook, some people using it as a 'get out of jail free card' for their negative way of living, their negative attitudes, their 'right' to be a self proclaimed 'b*tch' towards others and still feel as though they deserve the princess crown. Not me. First of all, this is the first time EVER I've used this quote on social media, because it doesn't give me the power to be the hard to love woman as much as it validates the idea that my husband and I share a true love for one another.....one in which he is able to truly love me at my worst. And my worst was truly bad. I put the man I love through hell years ago. In the early part of our relationship, I pushed him away, pulled back all the love I wanted to give him, ignored him, gave the cold shoulder.....totally unsure I was ready to walk completely away from a former life into something new (and at the time a bit scary). Did he walk away? Did he cast me out? Absolutely not. Could he have? Absolutely. I remember well him saying to me, "Go and do what it is you feel you need to do, but remember when it all crumbles apart again, I will be right here waiting for you, to love you as I have been loving you all along." I often think of that and I am reassured by those words. A man who puts up with the bullshit I've dealt sincerely deserves a medal of honor and I don't think I truly deserve him and his love as much as he deserves to be loved by me. He truly deserves me at my best, but my best is just that BECAUSE of him....because of what he has brought into my life, how he changed me.

There are moments we are together that I feel childish for always emphasizing to him how much he means to me, how much I love him. Sometimes I feel it is my penance for what I put him through those many years ago. There are times I feel as though no amount of 'I love you's' are enough for him to truly know what a difference he's made in my life. And as I sit here writing, I can't help but be moved to tears that someone as amazing as my husband, loves ME the way he does. Completely. Unconditionally. Through thick and thin.

I feel as though I am living my best life right now. Happy. Content. Positive. Thankful. My hope is that you are, too. 

Until tomorrow, my friends......

Think Thankfully.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I am here to live out loud!

"If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I will answer you: I am here to live out loud."

~Emile Zola

Since Sunday, I’ve had a lot of time to do a lot of thinking. In the blink of an eye, a whole host of people had their lives altered forever. I cannot help but think about the mother of the girl who is still in the fight of her life….for her life. I wonder what she is thinking, what is going through her mind. And then I think about my own daughters. Do I tell them enough that I love them? Do I remember to say it each time we part from one another? When we hang up from talking to one another?  Part of me lives in fear each time my youngest daughter walks away from me toward the school in the morning. Part of me lives in fear each day with my oldest daughter living in a major city on her own. A few weeks ago, the university my oldest is doing her grad work at was on lock down due to an armed man on campus. Fear? You bet. Last week, I heard of a school shooting at a charter school in Philadelphia. Make me nervous? Absolutely, but, that being said……

…..our lives are not meant to be lived in the shadows of fear and doubt! Our lives are meant to be lived out loud! We shouldn’t be sitting quietly, waiting for things to happen (or NOT happen for that matter). We shouldn’t be living in the ‘what if’s’ and ‘should have, could have, didn’t’ mode. We cannot be sitting around wishing we had told someone how we felt about them, had gone on the trip of a lifetime (because hey! We only get one of those lifetimes, don’t we?), had taken the time to get to know someone. Our lives were meant to be LIVED OUT LOUD!

Life is happening right now. RIGHT NOW!!!  As you sit here reading today’s blog, life is ticking away, second by second. Don’t sit back and wait for opportunities to come to you! LIVE OUT LOUD! Go and take those opportunities! Make the best of what you have right now and be thankful for it! Simply because things didn’t go your way, or something bad has happened in your life, don’t put your life on hold, worried about the what if’s. Live with the possibility that something GREAT will happen at any given moment, and live your best life each and every day. No regrets, no shadows, only bold and with purpose!

To quote Garth Brooks: “Our lives, are better left to chance, I could have missed the pain, but I’d have had to miss, the dance.” Don’t miss that dance, my friends…..LIVE YOUR LIFE RIGHT OUT LOUD!!! Don’t let the fear of pain get in your way of being true to you, living life out loud, wearing your true self on your sleeve, and always thinking thankfully!!!

Until tomorrow,  my friends…..are you living out loud or in the shadows of fear and doubt?

Think Thankfully!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Don't wait to express your thanks

I sat down to write yesterday, but I just didn't have it in me. It seemed like what I'd write about would make me look selfish in light of other things that were happening yesterday. I sat down to write this morning, and the same things popped into my head. When I always tell people that some days you have to dig deep, it applies to myself, too, as I sit and blog for the masses.

Yesterday, a horrific car accident occurred, which involved some of my babygirl's friends. Five teens. Two of those children are in pretty serious shape in the hospital. I learned real quickly yesterday to stop harping on my babygirl for not wanting to drive. Sure she has her permit, but she has no real interest in learning how to drive. I now understand why.

As I sit here this morning, I am thankful for so many things that right now, feel so wrong. I'm thankful that my babygirl is such a homebody. I'm thankful that she is relatively healthy. I'm thankful she isn't comfortable being behind the wheel of a car. I'm thankful that I could hug her and kiss her last night. I'm thankful...... and seeing it written out doesn't make me feel any better. I still feel quite wrong for putting it into words.

My heart aches for the parents of the two teens who are fighting a fierce battle with major injuries sustained in the accident. My heart aches for the parents of the three other teens who will live with the images of the accident for years to come. My heart aches for all parties involved. My prayers are lifted for each and every person affected by this accident.

Today.....stop and say a prayer of healing and of strength. Tomorrow is never promised to any of us. Heck, our days and minutes are counted. We may not make it through today......I feel the compelling need to thank you all for being in my life, for taking this journey with me, for being my friend. I may have never met you, we may not 'know' one another, but I am thankful you are in my life. Until tomorrow, my friends.....don't wait to tell the people in your life you are thankful for them. Reach out and do it now....tomorrow is promised to no one.

Think Thankfully

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Take time to enjoy the simple things!

Some people may read this blog today and think, "Man is she a shallow person." Au contraire, mon frère!!!! (Gotta love attempting to write a new language, huh???? Are you impressed??!!) I am farthest thing from a shallow person, if I do say so myself, but it was while I was sitting in the chair at the nail salon this morning, that the inspiration for this blog entry hit me!

I thoroughly enjoy my 'alone' time at the nail salon. I enjoy being pampered a little bit. Quite honestly, it is the only real thing I do for myself and it only happens once every three weeks or so (depending on time and finances). This morning, I woke up to snow on the ground and the idea that I really had to go get my nails done. It had been since before Christmas, they were growing out, and way too long. They were in desperate need of an overhauling. So, I got up, got ready and headed out the door.

As I was sitting there, being pampered by a very sweet Asian lady, who had the most gentle touch I have EVER encountered while getting the nails done, I couldn't help but be utterly thankful for the moment. I was so thankful that I had made the effort and the time to go this morning. After the week I had, I needed someone to just sit and pamper me for a little bit. I was thankful that this particular nail tech had the most gentle of touches. I barely knew she was working on my nails. I was thankful I have a car that is great in the yucky weather, because I had no fear about driving with the slushy mix on the roadways. I was thankful I had the time to myself.

While I was sitting there, I got a notification of a tweet sent my way. It just so happened my 'nephew' (see, he isn't REALLY my nephew, but rather my cousin's son, but even my cousins' children refer to me as Auntie Ally, which I absolutely LOVE), Z, wondered about the basketball games that would be consuming my afternoon. What time did they start, he wondered. Graciously, I answered him (while I knew what was coming next, I let him ask it anyway). Feel like picking a nephew up? At that moment, I was incredibly thankful that my extended family refers to me as Auntie Ally and I was even more thankful that he reached out and asked. My response....in all caps.....ABSOLUTELY! Love love love the moments I spend with all my 'kids'.

So, while it may seem shallow that I am one of THOSE gals who enjoys having my nails done, the experience today really made me appreciate the little things in life. The time spent alone with my thoughts really offered me the opportunity to sit and realize that sometimes I do take for granted the little things in life that I should be a bit more thankful for. I do believe that happens to us all at some point in our lives. We are so used to things we do, we are able to do, or we are about to do that we forget that others might not have those opportunities and we should be thankful for EVERY little moment, no matter how little it may be.

As I sat there today, counting the little things in that brief hour, I realized I was thankful for: the quiet time to get my nails done, the fact that I quit biting my nails and now have beautiful ones, a great car to get me from point A to point B in yucky weather, the money to get my nails done and put gas in my car, a fabulous family, and simply the gift of a new day in which to do as much as possible to spread happiness and the idea of being more thankful!

Until tomorrow, my friends....take time each day to enjoy the simple things in life.

Think Thankfully!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Make today RIDICULOUSLY amazing!

To say that this week was great would be such a false statement. It was not that great. In fact, this week was pretty long and drawn out. Between issues in the classroom and basketball AND being alone from after work til 6-7 in the evening, my solid foundation; my solid rock core has been shaking a bit this week. It's been a trying week. However........

.....today is a new day and I plan to make today ridiculously amazing. At least I will make every effort and attempt to do so! Not saying it will end up that way, but I woke up with this attitude today and therefore I am pretty sure that I can accomplish this! It's all in the attitude!!!

My husband is a very optimistic and positive person by nature. I am pretty sure that is one of the things that attracted me to him in the first place (well, that and his incredible smile and cute cute dimples!). He rarely lets things rattle him. He believes in the idea of being positive and not putting an ounce of energy into worrying about petty little things. It's taken me awhile, but I've learned to adopt this method of thinking, this way of going about my day. It does work.

Lately, I have had a lot of reasons to smile as I check my phone, peruse my book of Faces, and simply go about my day. I see more and more positive, uplifting posts on my newsfeed. I get incredibly positive texts from friends, and I see and hear more and more positive things during my days. People are truly setting out to make each and every day an amazing one. People are starting to find the good in each of their days. People are smiling more and tolerating negativity less!!  Our Think Thankfully Facebook page is over halfway in our Journey to a Thousand Thankful Hearts! Yes, as I count my blessings at 6:50 am, I realize that already, my day is in prime condition to be amazing!!

Regardless of the pitfalls and speed bumps in your day today, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE THIS DAY UTTERLY AMAZING! Did you hear that? YOU HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE THIS DAY UTTERLY AMAZING! What are you waiting for? Finish reading the blog and then go out and MAKE YOUR DAY AMAZING! Smile at a stranger, hold the door for the next guy, perhaps pay for someone's coffee. All these things create happiness and happiness creates more happiness! How can you go wrong? When you genuinely give, it comes back tenfold. If you do this with the expectation to get something in return, that is not true giving! Just spread happiness and it will be there for the taking!!!

Until tomorrow, my friends.......MAKE TODAY RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING! I know you can do it!

Think Thankfully!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Take what you need.....make it a great day!

It's a new day! Sure is! Time to start fresh! Time to put yesterday where it belongs.....in the past. Sure we can take a peek backward and say, "Yesterday was rough." but today....today is a day to say, "I have a new opportunity to make today the best day yet!".

Today is a new day, in which you can do as the image above says. TAKE WHAT YOU NEED. Each day, this image is available as a reminder that you can take exactly what you need to help you through your day! Do you need love? Hope? Faith? Paitence? Courage? Understanding? Peace? Passion? Healing? Strength? Beauty? Freedom? Whatever your greatest needs are for the day, each day brings a brand new opportunity and a refreshed list for the taking.

Today, I know I'll need patience. I'm struggling through a trying time at work with one particular wee one and each day he is there, my patience is tested to ultimate limits. For today, I will take the strip of paper that says Patience. Today that is mine. I am super thankful that I can walk away from a bad day at work and know that tomorrow starts fresh. The troubles of the previous day do not HAVE to haunt me. I walk in the classroom door ready, willing, and able to do what I have to with fresh eyes and a renewed spirit.

Until tomorrow, my friends.....take what YOU need to help YOU have the best day yet!!!

Think Thankfully!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Keep the faith

Today's blog will be written a bit later......I've got so much in my head and I definitely need to make sure I get everything down the way I want to....so keep the faith....it's coming! 

It may have come late, but today's blog posting has been repeating over and over in my head all day long. Perhaps it was the events of last evening that kept putting this term on instant replay all day. Keep the Faith. This is a reminder I think we all need to keep in our heads...every single day. Keep the Faith.

How easy it is to lose faith. Lose hope. Lose all sense of logic in our lives. It is very easy, especially when faced with the evils that haunt our thoughts each day. Keep the Faith.

Matthew 19:26 – “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’  With God, all things ARE possible. Lately, I've needed this reminder. I've needed the reminder to keep the faith. Isaiah 26:4 has also been a great reminder for me these past few days. "Trust in The Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock." Yes, he is our eternal rock. Our refuge in times of trial.

After nearly being hit head on, having a friend 'missing', and another friend dealing with the health issues of her sweet little boy, I needed the reminder to Keep the Faith. Throughout this Think Thankfully journey I am on, I've learned just how easy it is to be tempted, to be pushed to limits, to listen (and almost believe) the whispers of the devil as things start to go wrong in my life. BUT, I've also learned that my faith in God, my trust in Him, and my belief that He doesn't give us anything we can't handle will help me through anything.

Once again, in keeping with the idea of music moving me, the lyrics to Lady Antebellum's song Compass  keep running through my head. Tonight, I'd like to send this one out to my friend, Dana, who is dealing with some troubling times. I just want to remind her that when things are all said and done, she can walk instead of run and she'll NEVER be alone. I'm always right here....

Lady Antebellum

Yea it's been a bumpy road
Roller coasters high and low
Fill the tank and drive the car
Pedal fast, pedal hard
You won't have to go that far

You want to give up cause it's dark
We're really not that far apart

So let your heart sweetheart be your compass when you're lost
And you should follow it wherever it may go
When it's all said and done you can walk instead of run
'Cause no matter what you'll never be alone
Never be alone
Never be alone

Forgot directions on your way
Don't close your eyes don't be afraid
We might be crazy late at night
I can't wait til you arrive
Follow stars you'll be alright

You want to give up cause it's dark
We're really not that far apart

So let your heart sweetheart be your compass when you're lost
And you should follow it wherever it may go
When it's all said and done you can walk instead of run
'Cause no matter what you'll never be alone
Never be alone
Never be alone

You want to give up cause it's dark
We're really not that far apart

So let your heart sweetheart be your compass when you're lost
And you should follow it wherever it may go
When it's all said and done you can walk instead of run
'Cause no matter what you'll never be alone
Never be alone
Never be alone

When it's all said and done you can walk instead of run
'Cause no matter what you'll never be alone

Until tomorrow, my friends, let YOUR heart be your compass and your guide...

Think thankfully!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Be strong in The Lord.....never give up hope!

The music bug bit me again yesterday. I sat at my desk, working on getting homework sheets together for my 3rd graders and I noticed a text on my phone. My dear friend Lisa told me to listen to a song before the day was over. She said it was in her mind when she woke up in the morning and she wanted to share it with me. The song, you ask? The Words I Would Say by the Sidewalk Prophets. Now, I had never heard of this band before Lisa's text. Rather than wait, I immediately went to iTunes and downloaded the song, instantly listening to it. Yup.....the music bug bit me again!

I am all about powerful songs. Believe me when I say, I'm a sucker for some heavy metal music (trust me, Drowning Pool's Bodies has a special place in my heart, as does Seether's Rise Above This, for times when I need an aggressive song!!! Really! Would I lie to you??!!) and at times I need my country connection (y'know, I need my Luke Bryan fix every great now and again because he is a hottie!!! Uh, huh!!!!), but this time, a more Contemporary Christian tune has become a bit of an earworm since hearing it, and that is not a bad thing. I do find myself humming Blessed Assurance more often than not when I feel as though I am in need, but I do believe I have found a new song to get me through my 'moments'.

Today, a dear friend of mine is battling another struggle in her 'amost' year long journey of motherhood. Her little guy, who will be 1 year old tomorrow, is being admitted to the hospital in order to insert a feeding tube. At 1 year of age, my little Bean Machine still does not weigh 15 pounds. He is a happy little man, just cannot gain weight. His mommy is a single mom, who is the most amazing, loving, giving mommy in the world. If I could send this song out to just one person today, it would be my friend, Megan. The lyrics of this song are what I would say, if I could talk to her this morning. Much like my friend Lisa yesterday, the song was in my head as I woke up. I was singing it in the shower, and I knew I had to write this blog and let Megan know that she should never give up hope!

The Words I Would Say
Sidewalk Prophets

Three in the morning, and I'm still awake
So I picked up a pen and a page
And I started writing just what I'd say
If we were face to face
I'd tell you just what you mean to me
Tell you these simple truths
Be strong in the LORD
And never give up hope
You're gonna do great things
I already know
God's got His hand on You
So don't live life in fear
Forgive and forget
But don't forget why you're here
Take your time and pray
These are the words I would say

Last time we spoke you said you were hurting
And I felt your pain in my heart
I want to tell you that I keep on praying
That love will find you where you are

I know cause I've already been there
So please hear these simple truths

Say... from one simple life to another
I will say... come find peace in the Father
Be strong in the Lord
And never give up hope
You're gonna do great things
I already know
God's got His hand on You
So don't live life in fear
Forgive and forget
But don't forget why you're here

Take your time and pray
And thank God for each day
His love will find a way
These are the words I would say

I would love to post the video for this song, because it is one that will stick in your head, however, the last time I did that, I'm not sure everyone was able to see the video. Heck I wasn't able to see it on my phone or iPad. I guess I should just go ahead, in the event the right person hears this song and it makes a difference to them to.

The Sidewalk Prophets: The Words I Would Say

Again, if there is a way this blog would EVER reach the Sidewalk Prophets, please accept this entry as a big thank you. Thank you for writing a song that I can relate to, that I can share, that moved me. You will never know just how much these words will help me through my own troubling times.

Until tomorrow, my friends....be strong in The Lord and NEVER give up hope! God's got plans for you!

Think Thankfully!!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Busy as usual

I don't know about you, but my weekends just seem to fly by, and lately....well, lately the workweeks seem to simply draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag on. Don't get me wrong, I love my job (most days), but I feel like I am constantly on the go on weekends and do not get the opportunity to sleep in (or at least catch up on my sleep). And trust me, you can take all the energy pills or consume all the energy drinks you want to, to keep your motor running, but it certainly doesn't help when your body just needs to sleep. I'm pretty sure I have permanent bags under my eyes (and I don't mean the kind ya pack for vacation!).

Through all of that, I am thankful I have a busy life to live. Thankful that my daughter is as active as she is so that I, in turn, have things to do. This week, I will be a bleacher creature for sure....basketball tonight, tomorrow night, Friday night, and Saturday afternoon! I do love my basketball, although my rear end doesn't like the hard bleacher seats! 5+ hours of sitting on them really creates a literal pain in the tush! 

In the moments of sitting at basketball games, I am quickly and easily distracted by the people around me, both home and visitors. It quickly snaps me into the right frame of mind in a thankful sort of way. The families that have children under the age of 10....I am thankful my children are 16 and 23. The families with elderly members in wheelchairs....I am thankful my grandma can still get around ok. The families who are a bit louder than normal....I am thankful I have a family like that, too! As I sat at the game on Friday night, alone (because my parents were visiting my brother in SC and my aunt was tending to her sick grandchild), I realized how lucky I am to have the support system I have. I missed that on Friday night and I became increasingly thankful that, for the most part, I don't have to sit alone at games. 

I love being surrounded by people, as much as sometimes people wear me down. I love being in a crowd, as much as crowds sometimes scare me. I would so much rather be surrounded by life, than being alone. I can sit quietly among a group of people, not really contributing much to conversation, but just being among them, part of them, with them makes all the difference in the world.

I apologize for this blog being a bit helter skelter with thoughts, but this morning, my mind is racing with so many things and I am having a hard time slowing it down. My body is exhausted, my mind racing...it's a beautiful combination!

Until tomorrow, my friends....may you have a peaceful day and a wonderful start to this workweek (and please say a little prayer that I, too, have a wonderful day.....it could be a rough one for this teacher!).

Think Thankfully

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Free your mind....and the rest will follow

I will be the first to admit that I had a not so good mindset today. I have had something that’s been eating at me for a week now and I’ve allowed it to consume my thoughts (and in effect, my mood, too). It has put me in a cranky mood, made me a bit snippy towards those who did not deserve snippiness, and made me really unappreciative of things that would have otherwise made me smile. I do not like it. Through this whole Think Thankfully journey, I’ve learned that whatever you think about throughout the day, will affect your whole personality and mood.

If you spend your day thinking about the negative things around you and things you can complain about, you will develop a pessimistic personality. It will pull you down, and it will eventually start to take over, pushing the positive and thankful attitude further and further from your heart and mind.

Think Thankfully is a powerful way to turn around your way of thinking or looking at situations. Take the proverbial cup, for instance. You look at the cup and someone asks, “Is it half full or half empty?” At that moment the question is asked, the answer becomes dependant on your perspective. Of course, the thankful/gratitude perspective will always allow a person to see what is good or even great about their situation, rather than to fall into despair or apathy, restlessly wishing life were different. They are the ones who see the cup as half full.

Being thankful means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means being aware, on a continuous basis, of how much you’ve been given (and trust me, when you start really keeping track of what you are thankful for, you quickly realize just HOW MUCH you’ve been given!). Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present.

When things don’t go your way, remember that every difficult situation has within it, a positive…..something that, in fact, is better than you could have expected or imagined! In the face of hardship and negativity, ask yourself: “What’s good about this?”, “What can I learn from this?”, and “How can I benefit from this?” This truly does work when trying to follow the Think Thankfully philosophy. Rather than dwell on the negative, try to dig deep and see what the positive spin is. It’s there. You just have to be willing to search a little for it. You will be glad you did!

Once you condition yourself to look for things to be thankful for, you will find that you begin to appreciate simple pleasures and things that you previously took for granted. I’ve seen this happen with my friends on the great book of Faces, who have started to post daily thankful posts. Sometimes, they find pretty intense things in their day to be thankful for, while other times I smile because it is a simple little thing. They have started to appreciate more of the simple pleasures and are able to see that there truly is something good in every single day! Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what you want, but an all-the-time gratitude, the kind where you notice the little things and where you constantly look for the good even in unpleasant situations.

Until tomorrow, my friends….start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of simply waiting for something good to happen in order to feel grateful! Dig deep and……


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Say something.....

I rarely watch music video television (MTV, VH1, CMT) anymore. Just don't like that it isn't really MUSIC television as I remember it in my younger days. HOWEVER, this morning, my daughter was sitting on the couch next to me and didn't like what I had on the TV. She asked if she could see what else was on, to which I, of course, obliged. She turned on VH1. What happened next was almost like a religious experience for me.

On the screen, there was a kind of goofy looking guy (my apologies to the singer....it was my first impression) playing a piano on a darkened but spotlighted stage and singing, followed by singing from a female. I am listening to the song (because if you read my blog the other day, I truly do listen to the lyrics) and watching the video (which was intensely amazing) and the tears just started to flow. And flow. And flow some more. It was the most amazingly beautiful song I have heard in a long time, accompanied by a very well produced video as well. I am sitting here, many minutes after hearing this song and watching the video, with tears still in my eyes. My hands grabbed my phone and I instantly text messaged my BFF (because he has the same appreciation for music and lyrics as I do). In the back and forth, I realized I needed to blog about this song and what it meant to me.

First of all, I need to give a HUGE thank you to A Great Big World for writing such a masterpiece. The song Say Something is amazing. I truly think many people need to hear this song. And I don't just mean listen to it, I mean HEAR it. Let it speak to you. It is simply awesome. For me, this whole song is about really letting go, of many different things in life. It's kind of the story of my life to this point. Troubled relationships, my straying from the path I was on, the strings of motherhood (to a degree mind you), the hurt and anger I felt when my grandma passed away……letting go of the negatives in my life. It is soooooooo much about realizing what our true worth really is in this great big world (pun intended based on the name of the band - cute, I know!). I’ve spoken so much about the idea that you really have to love yourself and be happy with who YOU are and then understanding that to truly and honestly love someone else (or be loved by someone else for that matter) it requires loving yourself first and foremost. Love yourself first. Shall I repeat that? Love yourself first  Don't let anyone take you for granted. 

I’m not sure if it is this whole getting back in touch with my faith that really made this song speak to me the way it did, if it was the final release of all the negative forces that tried to bring me down this week, or if it is because I can honestly say I experienced this in my past, but something…..SOMETHING….reached out and touched my heart as I listened to the words, beautifully put to music, in this song.

from YouTube - The official video for Say Something

Please take the time to really HEAR this song.....hopefully it will speak to you as it did me. And if the band A Great Big World (or Christina Aguilera) ever see this.....consider this entire blog my GREAT BIG THANK YOU.

I am, once again, thankful that I learned true music appreciation. I am thankful that I learned to truly HEAR a song and not just listen to it. I am thankful I am able to get my feelings down on paper (or on screen) and let go! I'm thankful my daughter had on VH1 today and I am thankful I sat and watched with her. I'm thankful this song came across my path today.

Until tomorrow, my friends.....say something to those you love.......to those who mean the most to you. Don't let them walk away as if they never mattered to you.

Think Thankfully!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy to see this week come to an end......

This has been a whirlwind week to say the very least! This morning, I was up, checked the phone app for any weather delays or closings, trudged to the bathroom, and started my morning routines. As I was ready to turn off the shower, my phone alerts me to a phone call. The school district calling to say there was a 2 hour delay! UGH! So, now, here I sit at 6:30am, ready to go to school and I don't have to be there for another three and a half hours, really. So, what do I decide to do with this time? Of course, I turn to the blog!!

I am ever so thankful that today is Friday. While this week seemed to blow by, it was not a week without a ton of stress and discombobulated schedules. I am thankful to be putting an end to this week, ready to start fresh on Monday with a new work week I do believe I need to wrap my head around some things and really dig deep for answers to some questions that ponder my mind. There are days I still feel as though I am being called to do something MORE with this life of mine.

This thankful journey I am on is a constantly evolving journey. I know that there is no end point in traveling on this road. Being a more thankful person isn't something that just happens, it has taken me two years to even remotely be here. Every day I work at finding the good, spreading a smile, being kind, etc. Some days I feel like no matter all the good I see, the happiness I feel, the smiles I spread, it is NEVER enough. There are days when I feel like I've been slapped in the face by the very people who, I've learned, pretend to be my friend. Recently, I've been more disappointed in the actions and words of people who I thought were my friends than I have ever been. Some days the journey is lonely and I feel like I walk it very alone. And then......

.....my phone might light up with a text from someone reaching out to see if I am ok. I receive a Facebook message from someone just checking in. One of my wee ones wraps their arms around me in a tight little hug and it just makes the world feel ok again, even if for a little while. Will it stop me? No way!

This year will be a year of cleansing for me. I will not hold onto negativity in any form in my life any more. I will release more of my worries to the One who already knows how those worries play out. I will continue to become closer to my faith. I will keep living with the attitude of THINK THANKFULLY!  I am DEDICATED to this passion. DEDICATED to reaching 1,000 followers on my page. DEDICATED to helping others see that there is always, always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for!

Until tomorrow........................

Think Thankfully!!!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Fear Not!!

Once again, I am reminded just how well The Lord knows me! My devotionals for today were, once again, spot on for how I felt as the day came to a close yesterday. To put it simply...yesterday wasn't a great day. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. I wouldn't even say it was mediocre, but on the verge of being one of those terrible no good very bad days. But, some days are like that!

As I opened up the Beth Moore Breaking Free Day by Day devotional today, my heart skipped a beat! "I, The Lord your God, hold your right hand and say to you, "Do not fear, I will help you."  Isaiah 41:13. Scared to death I was yesterday. And I am reminded it is ok to feel that way. He understands that it is ok to be fearful, brought to tears, frustrated, insecure. But in the end, it is always His will be done. I cannot believe how immense my feelings can be since I started really digging deeper into my faith. I contemplated the devotional for awhile and then I opened devotional number 2: Beth Moore Believing God Day by Day. Whether well-fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need....I am able to do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4:12-13. WOW!  And yes I can.

I have never been so thankful for my faith before. I have never felt so filled with Christ. I am thankful for the lessons I've been taught. Thankful that my journey has brought me back to a place of peace within myself. Whatever the harrowing path that is before me, I have no fear. I know I can do whatever is needed, face whatever needs facing, because I do not walk along.

Until tomorrow, my friends.....fear not! You are never alone!

Think Thankfully!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I Forgive You

As I sat on the couch, enjoying the last hour of a two hour delay, I decided to open up  my devotionals and work through them. One thing I am going to try to do better is to focus on those devotionals a little more each day. I downloaded a Daily Wisdom for Women devotional (for free of course) for the month of January and today, when I opened the Kindle and it led me to the page, I couldn't help but, once again, be in awe of how striking they are for my current situations.

I Forgive You. The title of today's devotional jumped out at me and nearly knocked my snowflake socks right off my feet. I Forgive You. Three very powerful words. I Forgive You. The focus verse for this devotional was Proverbs 19:11 "Smart people know how to hold their tongue; their grandeur is to forgive and forget."  Wow.

Through this particular devotional, I was reminded that Jesus, himself, taught his disciples to pray and in that prayer we ask: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Powerful, huh? As much as we must forgive ourselves, we MUST forgive others in order to fully heal from the hurt and pain associated with the deed. When we hold that grudge, remain angry, do not forgive, we are only hurting ourselves in the end, because we are not allowing ourselves to come closer to God.

In the idea of being a more thankful person, one filled with more positive than negative, I have found it is easier to forgive people for their wrongdoings or their hurt placed upon me than it used to be. I've forgiven my ex-husband for his cheating ways. I've forgiven the woman whom he cheated with. I've forgiven a friend who treated me very poorly. I've forgiven MYSELF for my indiscretions. I believe that has truly been the pivotal key to my being a far more happier, lighter person. I no longer hold grudges and I truly do not care to carry the burden of anger within myself any longer. My relationships have grown, my friendships more solid, and my life much happier. This is how I want my days to be. I Forgive You.

In forgiving people for their trespasses against us, we are opening the door for ALL the goodness that is out there waiting for us. It is amazing how much easier our days become when we walk with a smile, filled with light and love rather than darkness and despair, anger and hurt. Thankfully, this is another way in which we can CHANGE as people. We do not need to hold on to the hurt. We do not need to carry the grudge. It serves no purpose in our lives. I Forgive You. Three very powerful words that have the insane capability of changing your life!

Until tomorrow, my friends.....focus on those words, I Forgive You. Dig deep and find out who you need to forgive today. Start with yourself. Forgive yourself first. Take that step. I Forgive You.

Think Thankfully. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Something to think about

From 1997-2007, I taught at KidsPeace, a residential treatment facility for kids in crisis. I had the pleasure of getting to know hundreds of kids in my teaching career there, some of whom I have been reunited with thanks to that great book of Faces!!!! Today, one of my former students (thank you Mindy!) posted the above image on my Facebook wall and encouraged me to use it on the Think Thankfully page. This makes me happy, as I have seen just how far this young lady has come in her life and I couldn't be more proud of how she has grown! It's been over 10 years, I'd say, since I last 'saw' her, but because of Facebook, I am able to keep up with her amazing life, and for that, I am thankful! But, I digress.....since I usually set up the posts for that page a week in advance, and I didn't want to forget to use this, I decided today, this will be the topic of my blog!!!!

I posted on or near New Year's Day that I do not make resolutions for myself because they are too easily broken. I set goals for myself and work to achieve those goals, in little increments at a time. The page that initially posted this image made reference to using these as a new type of resolution. Very fitting, indeed, to think of these as resolutions, because working at accomplishing this list each and every day will only make you a far better person than the one you were the day before! And before you know it, this will become a habit and won't feel much like a resolution, but rather a way of life!!!!

Each day: 
FIND A REASON TO LAUGH: In my line of work, it is easy to do on most days! The wee ones I work with normally bring a smile to my face as soon as they enter the classroom in the morning!!!! One big hug from a little boy who has come a long way socially since the beginning of the year makes me smile from ear to ear. Hearing, "goodbye Ms Allyson. I love you!" at the end of the day as one little boy gets on the bus, warms my heart and makes me smile. Nearly brings me to tears, too. They little nuances they bring to the classroom has me smiling and laughing nearly all day (even when the trouble breaks out and it seems like there is no end to the day!). I laugh a lot with my husband, too. I think that is what keeps our relationship so amazing! We laugh together nearly every day!! FIND A REASON TO LAUGH TODAY!!!

BE KIND WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE IT: I will be the first to admit it, I do not feel like being kind all the time, but do I? Absolutely. Just because you are in a 'mood' don't make everyone else around you suffer. Simply be kind. Smile at a cashier, who probably has dealt with more crap during their shift than you have in the day. Hold the door for someone, even if the person ahead of you has left it close on you. Say a simple hello to someone who you wouldn't normally say hello to.  BE KIND WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE IT!!!

LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SAY, "NICE!": I believe this is so important and it is something I have forgotten these past few weeks. It is so important to be happy and satisfied with who you are before you can be happy and satisfied with anyone else. You are a work in progress. If you truly do not like what you see looking back at you from the mirror....change!!!!  That is the beauty of this life we were given....we have the power to change!!!!  LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SAY, "NICE!"!!!

EAT SOMETHING YOU LIKE: And why shouldn't you?!?!?!  If you like pizza, EAT IT! If you like asparagus, EAT IT! Want that chocolate bar...EAT IT!!!! Treat yourself to something you enjoy eating every single day! It doesn't have to be the same thing each day, but each day, make sure you nourish your body with a food you ENJOY eating!!!!  EAT SOMETHING YOU LIKE!!!

and SEE THE GOOD IN OTHERS: Again, in my line of work, I am able to see the shining spot of so many students that others have cast aside, written off, forgotten about. Since my own journey into the world of THINKING more THANKFULLY, I have done my best to do this every single day. Sure there are some very evil people in this world, but for each evil person, there are far more wonderful people out there. SEE THE GOOD IN OTHERS!

Until tomorrow, my friends......it's not too late to make these YOUR resolutions for the year 2014. I'm pretty sure if you start now, by the time February rolls around, these won't feel like they are something you HAVE to do but something you JUST DO!

Think Thankfully!!!!

Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...