Monday, January 20, 2014

Don't wait to express your thanks

I sat down to write yesterday, but I just didn't have it in me. It seemed like what I'd write about would make me look selfish in light of other things that were happening yesterday. I sat down to write this morning, and the same things popped into my head. When I always tell people that some days you have to dig deep, it applies to myself, too, as I sit and blog for the masses.

Yesterday, a horrific car accident occurred, which involved some of my babygirl's friends. Five teens. Two of those children are in pretty serious shape in the hospital. I learned real quickly yesterday to stop harping on my babygirl for not wanting to drive. Sure she has her permit, but she has no real interest in learning how to drive. I now understand why.

As I sit here this morning, I am thankful for so many things that right now, feel so wrong. I'm thankful that my babygirl is such a homebody. I'm thankful that she is relatively healthy. I'm thankful she isn't comfortable being behind the wheel of a car. I'm thankful that I could hug her and kiss her last night. I'm thankful...... and seeing it written out doesn't make me feel any better. I still feel quite wrong for putting it into words.

My heart aches for the parents of the two teens who are fighting a fierce battle with major injuries sustained in the accident. My heart aches for the parents of the three other teens who will live with the images of the accident for years to come. My heart aches for all parties involved. My prayers are lifted for each and every person affected by this accident.

Today.....stop and say a prayer of healing and of strength. Tomorrow is never promised to any of us. Heck, our days and minutes are counted. We may not make it through today......I feel the compelling need to thank you all for being in my life, for taking this journey with me, for being my friend. I may have never met you, we may not 'know' one another, but I am thankful you are in my life. Until tomorrow, my friends.....don't wait to tell the people in your life you are thankful for them. Reach out and do it now....tomorrow is promised to no one.

Think Thankfully

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Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

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