Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Naps! They aren't just for little kids anymore!

Well, one thing is for darn sure, elementary school wears me OUT! Day 3 of the 2013-2014 school year and Day 3 of napping when I got home! No shame here! These afternoon/early evening naps always tend to beg the question, why do we grow out of naps?

As a child I remember dreading lunch time and the famous words, "time for a nap" nearly as soon as I swallowed the last bit of food I was eating. "No way!" "I'm too old for naps!" "I'm a big girl now, I don't need naps!" I remember having all the excuses in the world for NOT wanting to march up the stairs to my bedroom for the afternoon siesta. Nope! No way! No how! No naps for me! Now, well, I enjoy coming home from school, kicking my feet up, and snoozing for a bit! Mind you, my naps are not long ones. Usually a 30 minute power nap is all that is needed to snap me back into action, but those 30 minutes are heavenly!

Now that I am teaching in an elementary school setting, I truly believe nap time should return to the school day! I think I would enjoy the break, since my day is filled from start to finish with nothing but teacher/student time! It is not easy teaching in a self contained emotional support setting. The kids require constant supervision, constant reminders and redirections, constant support. It is a lot of fun, but at the same time, it is so very draining!!

I'm truly thinking that Mexico has it right, requiring siesta time from like 1-4pm each day! I know I could get used to that!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The grass can really be greener...

First of all, let me start off by apologizing for the significant gap since my last post! Bet you thought I fell off the face of the Earth, didn't ya? Well, friends, not quite. It has been a busy two weeks for me, prepping my new surroundings for what promises to be an interesting school year! Since I purchased, and drank, a large caramel iced coffee from McDonald's tonight, I really can not sleep! When I can't sleep, the wheels turn! And when the wheels turn, I decide to write! And when I decide to write, look out!

I've been utterly exhausted the last couple of days! Between the excitement of the new school year starting, the sheer terror of the new school year starting, and finally the acceptance that the new school year did, indeed, start, this girl has been through the emotions from one end to the other! 

So, you know how when you are in a certain set of circumstances, you sometimes wish you were anywhere or anyone else? Yeah, I thought you might understand the whole "The grass is always greener" idea. We always wish for,  what we perceive is, a better circumstance than what we are in. And sometimes, the grass truly IS greener on the other side. I know the cliché is meant to be more like "appreciate what you have rather than what someone else has" kind of thing, but at this moment, the grass, for me, has always been greener on the other side!

I started this whole school year ALMOST wishing I hadn't jumped ship. My first day was pretty tough and I felt as though I floundered my way through it. It was tough being positive yesterday, when I truly felt as though I failed in a big big way. I cried. Ok, ok, ok so I pretty much SOBBED most of the night last night. Gosh darn it, I sobbed from the time my feet hit the parking lot until I fell asleep last night. Yes, it was THAT rough. Please don't judge. I had ALMOST wished I could go back to my high schoolers, where I was comfortable and loved! And then....

I awoke this morning with a renewed sense of that "Go get 'em!" attitude I love so much! I pulled myself up by the bootstraps and trekked to school knowing MY grass was certainly greener now! My ride takes me 12 minutes....not 45! I drive 20.4 miles round trip rather than 50.6! My gas tank is still over half full! And I got hugs today! Sure I had an irritated student at one point, but I got hugs! I am in a fantabulous elementary school that just exudes positivity (it's where I am meant to be) and I feel at home!

Sure I have some brown spots in my little green pasture, but overall the view is lush, green, and happy!!  Yup, friends, the grass is greener for me and I gladly accept some of the difficulties that may lie ahead simply because they truly make me appreciate the wonderful blessings I have been granted!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A day well spent......

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I...

This song was played as the last song the Maybabies performed at Mady's Snow Day this evening. When they started it, the floodgates opened and I could not help but just stand, hand over my heart and cry. For a whole host of reasons.

First of all, the song reminds me so much of my little Cancer Warrior Princess, Ella Grace. We tried so hard to fix her....and many people sit and say they will never forget a milestone birthday for this reason or that. Well, I will never forget my 40th birthday because it was the day my little CWP left this earth for a better home. Yup. I will never forget turning 40. 

I also think of my beloved grandmother when I hear this song. After her horrific fall, I so wanted to fix her. I wanted her all better. I wanted my grandma back. I didn't want what was happening to her to be happening. I wanted to fix her. Truth be told, I still do. 

Today, we spent the day at Barley Creek Brewery, celebrating Mady's Snow Day. Honoring the life of Madyson Law, who's life was cut so short in December of 2010. We listened to a plethora of local musicians, who donated their time and talents to help raise money for Mady's Angels. It was a most amazing day. 

There is a small part of me that can't help but feel guilty for having my girls. My heart aches for Mady's mom, Laura. I simply can not imagine my life without one of my girls. My life revolves around them. To have to go through what the Law's have been is just heart wrenching to me. It truly makes me appreciate my daughters THAT much more. 

At the end of the night, we experienced a true snow day! Yes, on August 18, 2013 those in attendance were snowed on! One of Mady's most favorite things in the world was having a snow day! Today was completely in her honor! It was truly humbling to see so many people coming together to raise money for Mady's Angels 

I truly feel like I was part of the greater good tonight. I am humbled beyond words.....and the tears just keep flowing....

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Friday, August 16, 2013

Happiness is......

There is nothing in the world quite like being awoken before 6am by the bedroom light being flipped on, your husband frantically writing something on a piece of paper, giggling, and then saying, "I'm writing a new song! It's your Think Thankfully song." Yes folks, that is how my morning got started today! And truthfully, there is nothing quite like being married to a musician.

When I say musician, I do not mean a garage band, Bon Jovi wanna-be musician. I mean honest to Pete, plays the guitar, sings, songwriting, former recording artist, amazingly talented musician. Yup! That is my honeyman! My night last night ended with him lying in bed watching all kinds of YouTube videos, strumming his guitar, explaining to me why 'so and so' is a fabulous musician. My response to him was that I saw no difference in them than what I see in my husband when he is at a gig, doing what makes his heart happy. I think I may have flattered him a little bit with that one, but it was the honest to Pete truth!

Happiness is defined as a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. To Linus van Pelt, happiness is a warm blanket. To my husband, happiness is anytime he is making music. To me, happiness is my day to day living. Happiness is a choice! Lately that has been the theme of my interactions, the theme of my days. I've been reminded on so many occasions lately that happiness is yours for the choosing. I truly think people believe that it just happens. It doesn't. You really have to work on being a happy person. You have to be content in your world, happy with how life is going despite all the speed bumps in the road. 

Happiness is being married to a musician, being sung to in the middle of the night, having songs written about your Think Thankfully philosophy, having two healthy amazing daughters, the many people I call my friends, my new job, waking up in the morning, LIFE!  Choose to be happy!

I can't wait to hear my song later.......

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Alllllllllll aboard!!!!!!!!

Ok. Here is the scoop. If you want to have a super day, you have to be receptive to plans changing, schedules being whacked out, things being turned upside down! You have to truly want this super day! It is all in the ATTITUDE! 

I was at the teacher store (Becker's) today and I saw a classroom poster that said, "Attitude is contagious! Is YOURS with catching?" I stood there smiling, thinking to myself, "Well I certainly hope so!" It really got my mind spinning....I've been saying for a long long time now that the difference between a good day and a crappy day is all in your attitude. If you allow negative things to completely ruin your mindset, then you deserve the rotten day you will have. You are in control of your thoughts, you are the conductor of the thought train!!! Do you want to pull into the station at the end of the day smiling, happy with how the ride went or would you prefer the train-wreck? I know for me, I am always enjoying the ride. But others I know.....well, I really think they enjoy the train-wrecks.

I have to wonder why people choose misery when there is so much to be happy and thankful for. As I look back over the past few years of my life, I realize I was one of those people. If there was negativity to be found, I found it. Now, I can hardly stand to even admit that. I wallowed in self pity, surrounded myself with miserable people so that I wouldn't seem so sad, and could not find the happy in anything. My goodness that seems like forever ago! When I think about it, I almost feel sorry for myself. Sheesh. I am so glad those days are GONE!

It may seem easier said than done, and I guess it really is, but happy! Find the happiness in each and every aspect of your lives. In any article written about being happy, living thankfully, being a more positive person, the advice is always to keep a thankful journal! Ladies and gentlemen, this is what I do and have been doing since October 4, 2011. I have not missed a night of professing my gratitude to my Facebook friends since that night almost 2 years ago. And this has made all the difference.....

I choose to enjoy the ride.....including all the pit stops and detours.....each and every day. I've been on the train-wreck and believe me, it isn't fun. I'm still having trouble understanding why anyone would choose that route. I've hopped off that ride that is destined for disaster and have opted for always choosing my ticket for the happiness express! Wanna join me? Get on board today!!!!!

Help, I've fallen and I wanna get back up!

Healthy breakfast! I love when I go grocery shopping and get all this good healthy food to eat. I got up this morning, made some Special K Nourish Hot Cereal (maple and brown sugar crunch.....yum!), ate a banana, and had a large coffee with stevia extract and 2% milk (total breakfast calories = 310, which isn't bad because I don't eat much lunch)! Yeah! Seems as though the health kick is on again! Why? Well, I kind of let myself to a little bit. I lost a ton of weight and then I sort of stopped caring a little bit. I know I am still in the healthy weight range (just the very upper end of that range) but I am not feeling 100% as confident as I was a few months ago!

Right now, I would love to be able to lose about 20 pounds. That would put me at the lowest I've been since my quest to lose weight two years ago. Believe me, I am NOT sitting here feeling like if I don't lose the weight I'm doomed. Nope. I am relatively content with where I am, although I prefer to be a bit thinner, just because. Clothing fits better, my energy level is a bit higher, and I carry myself differently. Let's hope this kick remains in place!

As I sit here, sipping my coffee, figuring out how to get some sort of exercise into my day today, I am hoping that with the idea of Thinking Thankfully, I will be able to get back on track with a few things I left go by the wayside. Starting up with Zumba classes has helped a bit in the exercise category, now to add a few more things in between dance sessions. Walking, elliptical, workout tapes (because Lord knows I own the gamete of them)......anything.

Today, as I start my day, ready to go start setting up my new classroom, I am using today as a starting point to turn my bad habits around. Get back on track again. Just like everyone now and again, I've slipped. The good news is, I haven't beat myself up over it! I am challenging myself to be the person I know I enjoy being!

And now, I'm off to get working on my new classroom!! Make it a great day everyone and remember, don't let your little slip ups ruin your day! Just try again a little later! No use crying over spilled milk!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


There is nothing I hate more in this world than weed whacking. Not kidding, folks. Weed whacking stresses me out more than I could ever express to you. I dread it with a burning passion. No matter how many times I tell myself that this time it will be different, it is not and I end up flustered and stressed beyond all measure. Seriously. Even in this wonderful time of Thinking Thankfully and positively, the one thing that can pop my positive bubble is the task of weed whacking.

After a long day yesterday, in which my husband was gone from 8:30am til 5:00am this morning, I decided that when I woke up, I'd head outside and do the weed whacking, which hasn't been done in a while. My sidewalks looked like jungle grass growing in the cracks and up over the edging. The yard, although mowed recently, was starting to look real poorly. Out I go, into the garage, fire up the weed whacker and begin my kind deed of the day. Weed whacking. Not so much. Oh my goodness not so much.

First of all, I DESPISE RESTRINGING A WEED WHACKER. There is no easy way to do it, and if you are sitting there thinking that all you do is wrap the string, you are WRONG. There is an art to it I have yet to master. For some reason, I string the sucker and every time it needs to be let out, I have to open the darn compartment and let it out manually. WRONG. My fingers now look like I am turning into Shrek (and I say SHREK because I am feeling ogre-like right now....not all Kermit the Frog sweet green.) I've got dirt and grass remnants on my clothes and I am feeling mighty stressed. After the last bout of opening the compartment, trying to let out string only to have it completely unravel on me, the weed whacker ended up on the ground (and then back on the hook), the string and compartment pieces on the work bench, and I stormed into the house.  Yes, folks, that is what my Sunday morning looked like.

Funny, too, because the only song that has been on repeat in my head is a country song. Lee Brice sings a song Hard to Love. In this song, there is a line that goes something like this: "she's like a Sunday morning, full of grace, full of Jesus."  Well let me tell you, I fit part of this line to a living T this morning: It certainly is Sunday morning and was completely full of Jesus, swearing like a sailor at my LACK of grace when it comes to weed whacking. My poor husband came out to start mowing the grass and it was like he was entering a war zone. Poor guy got it with both barrels blazing. At this particular moment, I am very hard to love, Hard. To. Love.

But then again, aren't we all. Really. We are not easy people to love every single day of our lives. The only exception to this might just be my husband. It is VERY easy to love him. He is patient, kind, always calm, always in tune to my wants and needs, never gives me reason to be mad. HE is easy to love. ME? No way. I know I am hard to love at times. The lyrics to Hard to Love resonate with me on many levels. Never heard the song? Don't know the lyrics? Here, read is a pretty clear picture of me, especially right at this moment:
Hard to Love

I am insensitive, I have a tendency
To pay more attention to the things that I need.
Sometimes I drink too much, sometimes I test your trust,
Sometimes I don't know why you stay with me.

I'm hard to love, hard to love,
No, I don't make it easy,
I couldn't do it if I stood where you stood.
I'm hard to love, hard to love,
You say that you need me,
I don't deserve it but I love that you love me, good.

I am a short fuse, I am a wrecking ball
Crashing into your heart like I do
You're like a Sunday morning, full of grace and full of Jesus
I wish that I could be more like you.

I'm hard to love, hard to love,
No, I don't make it easy,
I couldn't do it if I stood where you stood,
I'm hard to love, hard to love,
You say that you need me,
I don't deserve it but I love that you love me, good.
Love me, good.

Girl, you've given me a million second chances
And I don't ever wanna take you for granted,
I'm just a man, I'm just a man

Hard to love, hard to love,
Oh, I don't make it easy
And I couldn't do it if I stood where you stood.
I'm hard to love, hard to love
And you say that you need me,
I don't deserve it but I love that you love me, good,
You love me, good.

You love me, good.

Yup, for the most part this is me (even though it is from a guy's perspective and I do not test my husband's trust......not at all. Love him more than anything!). I am hard to love and sometimes I don't make it easy. There are many times I think that if I was in my husband's shoes, I'm not sure I could love me like he does. Many times I don't feel like I deserve his love, but he loves me good! And for that I am thankful!

I guess in the long and short of things, I have come to realize that none of us is perfect, none of us have always positive, always perfect days. We have our own little demons we wrestle with (even if they come in the form of the weed whacker.....It's a WEED HACKER, VERN!) and despite all our flaws, there is one person who loves us unconditionally, every single day. Our Lord and Savior.

On this Sunday morning, perhaps I needed that reminder. And I guess I am thankful it came in the form of a weed hacker.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Be positive! It's not just a blood type, it's an attitude!!!!

I woke up this morning to a startling eye opener. Things were a bit out of alignment in my little bubble. There was a time when this would derail me for the day, festering inside me, driving me insane with thoughts of, "oh no!" "Now what?" "I'm doomed." I would frantically call my husband, looking for his support and ways of making it all better for me. His response is always the same, "Don't worry, baby. The Lord provides." It used to drive me nutty! Not so much anymore.

My husband is a very laid back kind of guy. Rarely do things rattle him to his core and if they do, they must be something BIG. As long as I have known him (which feels like it has been forever), he has always been this source of calm in the midst of chaos, always the believer that we are given all we need at a certain time, always the one to bring focus and clarity to an otherwise blurred viewpoint. He has shown me a calmer way of life. Along with the Think Thankfully philosophy, his presence and teachings have made all the difference in my life.

I truly believe that we are given all we need at a particular time. Whether it be money, jobs, friendship, good health, love.....we are given exactly what we need at that time in our lives. I believe we can bring these good things into our lives by living with an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness, living with happiness and pleasure, being more giving rather than always looking for what's in it for me. When we choose a positive attitude, positive lifestyle, we attract more positive into our lives. The difference is noticeable. While many people have told me they noticed the difference in me, I don't always see it in myself. Sure I am happier on a daily basis. I don't let things bother me as much as they used to. I can put a positive spin on most situations. But it wasn't until this morning, when I was feeling like I was on a slip and slide, not sure how I was going to get my footing back, that a calmness came over me and I realized that I am going to be ok. Sure I reached out for my husband, but his reassurance to me was just that, reassurance. It wasn't a convincing, it was a reassuring.

When we no longer worry about things, more opportunities present themselves. We find those opportunities in the most unlikely of places. They become endless possibilities for us. When we greet the day with happiness rather than misery at all that needs to be done, gratitude for what we do have rather than focusing on what we are lacking, eager anticipation at all the goodness out there rather than the one piece of bad luck we may have had, the day greets us back with limitless supply of all we need. We may not feel as though what we have is enough, or what we were given was a plentiful amount, but it was just what we needed at the time.

Positive energy manifests itself in our way of thinking. When we are truly thankful beings, grateful for all that we have, that positive energy springs forth with more of an abundance of positive occurrences in our lives. If we have positive thoughts, become more enthusiastic about things, smile more and complain less, become more productive in our daily lives, that is what is brought back to us, giving us more reasons to be positive, happy, smiling, THANKFUL people. Think about it: when we are mopey, negative, gloomy, pessimistic, that is what we tend to attract. We constantly have that little black raincloud hovering over us. That negative energy manifests into negative events and we get caught up in a never ending circle of doom and gloom. Let your thoughts and emotions reflect what you want in your day, in your week, in your life. When you start living a more positive life, you will find the positive blessings will be yours in abundance!

Be positive! It's not just a blood type, it's an attitude!!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also

It still makes me smile when I think about my first introduction to the Outer Banks. The summer before I entered High School (summer of 1987 I do believe) I went with my Uncle Ron and his daughter, Heidi, along with a whole host of others to Nags Head for a week. It was the first time I had ever gone away for that long without my parents. It was also among the best times of my early teenaged years. I also remember sending postcards but not phoning my parents until we got to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel on the way home!

I remember the layout of the house, the sight of the beach from the crow's nest, the wonderful memories that have lasted a lifetime! I remember buying my first bikini at a little swanky shop, boogie boarding, parasailing, and eating seafood for the first time. I even remember the name of my first beach crush, Evan! Hahaha oh the memories. 

It took me nearly 20 years to find my way back to the OBX and now it is a yearly occurrence. My son-through-marriage lives in Corolla and is a gracious host when we need a little get away. When my soul needs recharging, I know one little trip to the Outer Banks can get me right again. This little trip was no different for me. 

Tomorrow is the start of a weeklong back to school in-service. Normally I would be excited to see everyone (which I am) but this time, I am a bundle of nerves. I will have a new grouping of people to get to know, a new supervisor to get used to, and a whole new realm of teaching to become reacquainted with. I am a bundle of nerves. This week has been a great way to reassure myself that all will be ok and I can accept the new challenges confidently. 

As I sat on the beach (and the drive on beach is my favorite place to be), I focused all my negative energy on the waves, letting the tides and currents wash them all away. A peaceful sense of serenity washed over me and I realized I will be AOK! The drive home, while being filled with sadness at having to leave my happy place, is not filled with dread. It is bittersweet that my summer vacation began with a trip to Corolla and is pretty much ending with the same trip. I am at peace in my professional life thanks to the Ocean and her mystical powers!

Now if only my test scores would post.....

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Saturday, August 3, 2013

I believe in angels.....

One of my fondest vacation memories was my 2005 trip to New Orleans. It was on this va action that I began my journey into self discovery. It was the first time I went away alone (well, I wasn't alone...I was with a friend and her husband, but no one from my family). It was on this trip that I learned the value of myself and began to see others for who they truly were. It was on this trip I made a friend, someone who felt as though Id known him forever, yet only just met; a friend who I have remained friends with and have seen a few times since. It was on this trip that I truly became aware of my angels and the wonderful things they do for me, how they make their presence know, and how they are never far from my side. 

I remember walking around the French Quarter taking everything in. Around Jackson Square were tons of tarot card readers, palm readers, mystic people with mystic messages. They scare me. While I get intrigued about receiving messages from people about my future, it scares the crap out of me. And then, while walking down (or is it up) Rue Royale, I saw the sign in the window, 'Angel readings here'. I was mesmerized. Angel readings? I had a dear friend of mine pass away quite suddenly in 2001 and I quickly became angel aware. The thought of having an angel reading was drawing stronger and stronger as each day passed. Finally, I went inside and scheduled my appointment. The following morning, at 9:30am I was set to be 'read'.

It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The things that my reader was able to tell me were so intimate and spot on. I have remained true to what she has told me all these years later, many things coming to fruition. I truly believe that with an open mind, angels do speak to us. Sometimes it might be a quiet whisper, sometime it is a load roar, but we have to allow ourselves to hear their messages. That isn't always an easy thing to do, listen to our angels, but often their messages need to be heard. 

Last night we read angel cards. Mine were spot on with regards to things going on in my life. My angels sent me the messages I needed. I hope you listen to your angels. Don't discount them! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

I am one with the Ocean....I am she and she is me.

I don't know about you, but I feel so close to my inner self, my inner sense of being, when I am in the OBX. I've been to beaches before, but for some reason, when I am here, I feel like I am in touch with my sense of direction. My oldest would laugh at that statement because I really have no sense of direction, but that isn't the sense of direction I am necessarily talking about.

When I am sitting on the beach here in Corolla, I have no fears, no worries. It is as if the water senses all my inhibitions and insecurities and sends them right out to sea. I find answers to innermost questions and I feel at peace with myself and the path my life is taking. Although right now, things in my professional path seem rocky and unstable (for me anyway), being here washes all that away and gives me a sense of serenity and hope.

Last night, Alicia introduced me to a little shoppe called Mystic Gifts. It was a wonderful little shoppe that housed crystals, essential oils, and lots of positive energy. I purchased a book and stone set about the Ocean; taking the power of the ocean and its pathway stones with you when you leave. Each of the 21 pathway stones is made from oyster shells and include different ocean symbols. Simplistic drawings. Each stone pulls from the ocean and helps you when you need the spirit of the ocean to guide you.

I sat on the beach today getting to know my stones. Holding them, reading about each symbol, taking them and creating a bond with each stone. I know many of you may find this completely silly, however, it was a powerful experience. The experience of making those stones mine brought me to tears so many times. As the ocean breeze calmly blew in and my mind was set free to accept each stone, I couldn't help but be lifted in positive energy!

I feel a certain kinship to the ocean, one that grounds me in positive thinking, makes me smile and be happy, and fear not! There is part of me that wishes I had that every day, and now....with my Ocean pathway stones, I can! I can return to the ocean whenever I need her advice and I know she will not steer me wrong. She hasn't yet!!!

Adventure is out there!

It is completely funny how we truly set ourselves up for either a great day or a miserable day simply by our whole attitude, much like all of our experiences and encounters. Yesterday morning, we awoke to rain and quite a miserable weather forecast for the day. Normally, that wouldn't be so bad however when you are at the beach, meh, not so great to hear. Of course, as I wrote yesterday, we were a bit disappointed by the raindrops, but we decided to adventure off the island and see what there was to see! And what an adventure it was!

My cousin's little boy, just turned three years old the other week. He is into Monster Trucks and loves Grave Digger (admit it, as soon as you read Monster Trucks, the first one to pop into YOUR head was Grave Digger!)! It just so happens that we pass Grave Digger on Route 168 as we head to and from the OBX, so.......yesterday we decided to drive up to see the Monster Truck and pick up some things for my cousin's son! What a great adventure! Now, I had two girls, so my excitement at seeing a Monster Truck was purely my own! We went into Digger's Dungeon and did some little boy shopping (I got a few cute things for a cute little boy!), followed by lunch at Digger's Diner (probably some of the best pulled pork I have ever had!). And that was just minor compared to what came next!!!

Every time we drive past the Grave Digger venue, I always say I want to ride the Monster Truck. Folks, yesterday we checked that off the bucket list! For a mere $5 you can climb aboard this Monster Truck, with tires that are like 6 feet tall, and go ripping around this dirt track, complete will hills big and small, mud pits, and bumps to make the giggles last a long time after the ride ends. Strapped into a seat belt in the open back of the truck, you are bounced around with the wind whipping your face! Exhilarating to say the least! It was a blast! This 40 year old certainly felt more like a 4 year old! The rain yesterday morning certainly turned into a blessing, because I was able to experience something I never thought I would ever get to do!!!

I know I spend a lot of time 'preaching' about how powerful our thoughts are and how we need to eliminate negative thoughts in order to be able to see the positives of the day. It is so true. Had we sat inside the house, wallowing in our misery at the fact that we drove 10 hours to get to the Outer Banks only to have it rain, we would have missed a grand adventure! I'm sure my 15 year old daughter wasn't overly thrilled with the ride, but she certainly did enjoy the diner!! The whole philosophy of Think Thankfully has now, truly, become a lifestyle for me. Change the way you think and your whole world changes.

That isn't to say I don't have bad days, or some frustrations. Rather than let them win, I choose to meet them head on with some kind of positive counteracting force and it is amazing to me just how awesome things can turn out. Acknowledge, accept, act, move on! 

I am challenging you to start responding to everyone you meet and every encounter you have with an open and loving heart. The difference you will make with your personal relationships and the difference it will make in your experiences will be remarkable! The love you send out and the positives you appreciate will come back at you tenfold!!!!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It's all in how you view a disappointment

Well, this is NOT how I hoped to start my day in the OBX! I woke up to the sound of rain pinging off the roof. Although I had hoped it was just the outside sprinklers, a quick walk to the kitchen, where we have a beautiful view of the Currituck Sound, revealed it was not. Of course, I am terribly bummed by this! My babygirl finally makes it to the beach and now we have craptastic weather. Complaining? Not really. I believe it is more of stating facts about the current situation.

Oh I could complain. This is definitely a disappointment, especially since we love being at the beach! But rather than look at it as a downer, I am choosing to view it as something positive. After a 10 hour drive yesterday, we sure don't want to spend much more time in the car, but it will be nice to explore the area here, something we don't do much because we are beach people!!! Perhaps we will take a drive down Route 12 and see Kitty Hawk, NagsHead. Maybe we will do a lighthouse tour, checking out the lighthouses in the area. Maybe, just maybe we will find that although it is raining and a bit miserable, there is fun to be had! Heck, maybe we can drive back up Route 168 and see Grave Digger, the Monster Truck, today!!!! 

I believe all disappointments in our lives can and should be viewed as a potentially positive situation. We may not be able to see past our frustrations at the immediate time our disappointment sets in, but somewhere in the midst of our frustration or disappointment, there is something that we can be positive about. Far too often we focus on what it is that has us down, what it is that is ruining our 'what's supposed to be' that we don't realize that there is plenty of good surrounding us. Sure rain can ruin plans, but it can also help new plans evolve and that is a wonderful thing! It can also help us realize where our true thankfulness lies. If we treat all frustrations and disappointments with only the negative feelings they so often give us, we will never learn to appreciate what's hidden in our lives. Not everything we should be thankful for is right out there in plain sight! Sometimes we have to acknowledge our disappointments with an open mind to see that there is something good within it! It is almost like missing the rainbow because we were so worried about the rain!

Today, I am going to find my rainbow and I hope you find yours too!!!!

Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...