Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day Thoughts

Happy Father's Day!

A father is someone who believes that by donating his sperm for your creation, he automatically deserves the respect and title of Dad. On the contrary, a true dad is someone who gets up every day and does whatever he CAN and whatever he HAS to in order to put a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food on your table. He may not have donated anything more than his time, energy, and love towards your creation and existence, but he CHOOSES to despite the fact that he doesn't HAVE to.

I know six men who are the most AMAZING examples of Father's Day I could have ever hoped to be blessed with in my life. My Pappy Lester and Pappy Wip. Both of these men were great examples of being a father and (great)grandfather and the unconditional love that went along with it. I miss them every single day (Father's Day just a little more). My Pappy Wip was the 'Dad who didn't have to be' to my mom during her growing up years. While he may not have 'fathered' her and my aunts, he sure did raise them up the best he could, after stepping in and taking over the role! My Pappy Lester worked long, hard hours in order for my Grandma to be a stay at home mom and wife, but he never complained. He just went out and worked in order for my dad and uncles to have the best they possibly could in life. My Dad, Les (Butch) Everett.....WOW! What can I say about him? He's always been my guiding star. I've strived every day in the classroom to be even half the teacher he ever was. The lives he impacted in his career is nothing short of awesome. I've strived every day in life to be even half the parent he is. He's always been my rock and my leaning post. He's helped me in ways I can't even begin to thank him for. AND he is the most amazing grandfather to not just my girls, but all SIX of his granddaughters as well. My brothers, Chad and Travis Everett. They've been the best uncles and both of them have always been two very different sources of inspiration and guidance to Alyssa as her GodFathers. AND they are super dads to my nieces. Lastly, Bill DeHart. Where to begin? Bill came into my life and helped me show my girls what a meaningful, loving, respectful relationship looks like. He showed them that disagreements are not the end of the world and that when you love someone, you take the good with the bad and you compromise. He has given my girls as much love, patience, support, guidance, respect, time, and energy as his own children. He has been a SUPERIOR example of what being a Dad is all about, when too many times to count, they were lacking in that area. He's supported all their sporting events, school activities, adventuristic explorations, and through it all has shown them LOVE.

My world is INCREDIBLY better and has been BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE because of these men. Happy Father's Day to the REAL FATHERS out there. The ones who know what it means to TRULY love a child with all their hearts.

Until tomorrow, THINK THANKFULLY!

Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...