Thursday, July 4, 2013

God bless America, Land that I love......

We are a very patriotic family by nature. Our houses are decked out in the red, white, and blue! We sport our patriotic apparel. Heck, my daughter is going to American University to do her graduate work! Some of us, more than others, but we are a very patriotic family by nature. My great uncle, lost his life during World War II, something my grandfather was never able to talk about, but I know that while he missed his brother, he was extremely proud of his service to our country. I'm sure you wonder how I know these things. I know because I also know how extremely proud my grandfather was of my brother's service to this great nation. The twinkle in his eye (which some would argue was ALWAYS there, and maybe so) grew brighter when he talked of the whereabouts of my brother. He proudly wore his 'My grandson's in the US Air Force' T-shirt and told anyone who would listen about my brother. Let me qualify all of that by saying he was proud of ALL his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but I think my little brother reminded him of his own brother. 

From the time he was little, my brother would play Army either in the backyard or in the woods behind the local fire station. He could be out playing all day without worry or care because he was playing Army. When my parents had to do some excavating in their yard a few years back, they unearthed some of my brother's treasure.....his little green plastic Army men! When he grew old enough to decided that school just wasn't his cup of tea, he turned to the military in order to decide his post secondary opportunities. The United States Air Force has been his career, his life, for the past 16 1/2 years, a career he has excelled in beyond anything I ever dreamed for him. I've missed him terribly as his life has had him all over the globe and currently has him living in South Carolina. We don't see each other as often as often as I wish, but we talk regularly and he is still one of my closest friends. 

My brother and I have always had a close relationship. He is a Godfather to my oldest daughter, was always one of the first people I turned to when I needed a shoulder, and vice versa. Truly, he is one of my heroes. The most unselfish person I know, my brother gives a scholarship award to a graduating senior from our alma mater each year, offers his home to the Airmen under him on holidays so they don't have to celebrate alone, offers rides when they need them, puts in extra hours just because he wants a job done right, and has even taken the place of another Airman for deployment so that young man could be home with his wife and newborn child. That is who my brother is. I am proud of his service to this wonderful land I love. Out of the three of us (I do have another brother, but that's another blog posting all in itself saved for another day!), my baby brother is the most successful, most accomplished, most amazing! It should serve as no surprise that his wife is also in the USAF. Today, as you gather round your picnic tables, raise a glass (or red solo cup) in her honor, because our table will be missing one participant. My sister in law is currently deployed to the Middle East on a 6 month deployment and will miss our favorite family holiday. To you, Sis! Thank YOU for your sacrifice this holiday to preserve and protect MY freedoms.....AMERICA'S freedoms. 

This morning, I am thankful that my little brother has arrived safely for our 4th of July bash. I'm thankful to be spending time with him again and I raise my morning cup of iced coffee to my Sis, because she loves her coffee and I love her! I am proud of you and the country should be too. Happy Independence Day!!! 


  1. Happy Independence Day to you as well!! I hope you all had a great day!! Thank You for those kind words, I love you too!!

  2. No thanks necessary! I meant every word of it!!!! Love you! Stay safe and see you soon!!!


Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...