Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Refreshed, renewed, rejuvenated! Good morning, good morning indeed!!!

When I posted last night that my heart was filled with happiness, I didn't quite realize just how powerful that comment was. Last night was the first I've sleep through the night in a long time. My heart must have been overflowing with happiness, as was my mind! 

As you are aware, the Think Thankfully Facebook page ( has really taken off! We nearly hit 100 likes yesterday just from YOU sharing it with your friends! Thank you! I was pleasantly surprised to see people posting their own gratitudes on the page as well!!! I hope that practice picks up and people find Think Thankfully a great place to tell the world what they are thankful for! I have also allowed the images I share to be tagged so if you feel as though someone really needs to see it, tag them!

I awoke this morning refreshed, renewed, and rejuvenated in my quest to get Think Thankfully out there among the masses. I awoke this morning with a clean heart, ready to face today's challenges. I awoke today with a new sense of being. 

My mom would tell you I am and always have been the type of person who sets goals high and then works my tail off to reach them. I am an overachiever who often is very hard on myself. I am also a person who does truly care how others view me. I don't want to let any one of you down in my quest to get this Think Thankfully movement widespread! With your help, WE can do it!!!! Keep on sharing this blog, either via Facebook, twitter, email, however!!!! Keep on sharing our Facebook page!!! Keep on living in a way that shows you Think Thankfully!!! We can make this world a more positive place, together!!!!

Make it a great day, my friends!!!!! 

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Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

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