Monday, July 1, 2013

Rainy days and Mondays....

Well, today was one of THOSE days. It seems as though this one dragged on but.....there was definitely a lot to smile about today.

Time with my oldest is certainly winding down. There are perks to being a young (ok, teenaged) mom. I've been able to, somewhat, grow up with her. This coming weekend, we move her into her first 'official' apartment (of sorts) in Washington DC. I'm both super proud and super sad that this is happening! She is such a go-getter. She knows what she wants in life and is willing to, cautiously, take risks in order to get what she wants. As I spent time with my girls today, I became overwhelmed with gratitude. As a 17 year old, single mom, I could have made a mess of my daughter's life, but because my family and support base was so strong, she was able to grow into the amazing young woman that she is today. I'm thankful that, although the path has not always been easy, she has defied odds and become stronger, even if she doesn't always see it in herself. She is a fabulous sister to my youngest daughter, with a bond that I can not see ever being severed. Having never had a sister myself, I look at my girls with both a thankful heart and also a hint of envy at the relationship they share!!!

As we spent time together today, I just couldn't help but see all I have to be thankful for! As often as I sing the praises of my oldest, my youngest needs to be acknowledged as well. She grew up, somewhat, in the shadows of her sister yet she always manages to forge her own path. Another victim of circumstance, she could have really taken things in her life and acted out, been the angry child, but yet she chose to be accepting of change and is such a strong young lady! She amazes me with her scholastic achievements, athletic abilities, and the way she manages to balance things in her life. She, too, knows just what she wants out of life and has a plan to see to it that those dreams and goals become a reality. In a time when things could have gone all wrong, my girls show me each and every day just how right everything fell into place!!

I guess you could say that rainy days and Mondays get most people down, but not me.....I used today to spend quality time with my daughters while still managing to get things done around the house. We laughed together, watched tv together, sat on the porch together, went shopping together, loved being with each other!! As I said in an earlier blog posting, each day YOU control how you look at it. If a dreary, rainy Monday depresses you and causes you to be miserable, that is YOUR choice, but remember, negative breeds negative while positive breeds happiness and an attitude of gratitude!!

Until tomorrow, my friends.....there is beauty in the most miserable rainy day if you know where to look!!!!


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Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

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