Friday, July 5, 2013

New day, new blessings

As I created and posted the good morning graphic on my Think Thankfully Facebook page (, my mind went into hyperdrive! New day, new blessings! Wow! What a profound statement all in itself, without any other words. 

New day, new blessings! Isn't that what Think Thankfully is all about? Waking up each morning with the knowledge that yesterday is yesterday. There is nothing we can do about yesterday's failures, yesterday's missed opportunities, yesterday's unspoken words. All we can do is acknowledge they were there and move on to today with an open heart and mind, ready to accept all the goodness and blessings that are out there for us. We cannot wake up still miserable over the past. We can only make a conscious effort to NOT repeat the previous day.

I did something this morning that I rarely do. I posted the good morning on our Facebook page and then I scrolled through the newsfeed. Wow. I will say, the amount of positive I see is starting to outweigh the negative, but there are still some people who, I believe, are and will be perpetually negative. In this journey I am on, and really it is a journey...."Happiness is a journey, not a destination."....I simply cannot tolerate those perpetual negatives. I don't understand how people, and most of the time they are younger people, can be so miserable. It begs the question,"What, in your short time of living on this beautiful planet, could possibly be so bad that you are such a negative person?" I find it hard to believe people want to be around you! 

In my own period of enlightenment, I have found myself removing myself from negative people, words, situations. The more positive I became, the less I am able to tolerate people who constantly complain, gripe, gossip, and use social media to complain about how miserable their life is. If you hate a certain percentage of the human race, it makes me question what YOU are doing wrong to get a negative response from people. Negative attracts negative. It's that simple. Perhaps you have nothing but doom and gloom in your life because that is the attitude you reflect. If you've got nothing to smile about or be thankful for in your life, then perhaps it is YOU that needs to change something in YOUR life. I've often said, if I can find nothing in my day to be thankful for, then I've done something wrong in that day because the blessings are there!!!!

As you go about your day, remember: New day, new blessings! What you project towards others becomes the reflections you attract. A smile goes a long way......

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Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...