Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Positivity is the key!

I'm trying hard. Really, I am. I recently figured out what my 'problem' is lately. I've allowed someone else's constantly negative attitude start to suck the happiness and positivity out of my own attitude. Yes, you absolutely read that right. Hard to believe? Not really, if you think about it.

I'm human. It's what we do. We pump ourselves up and then with one swift movement of someone else's tongue, we allow ourselves to crumble. I've spent two and a half years working on being a more positive person and THAT quickly, in what felt like the blink of an eye, I could feel that positive foundation start to crack and then crumble.

It's hard to be around a person for a great length of time and NOT be affected by their moods and attitudes. This is one reason I began, awhile ago, to eliminate those 'toxic' people from my life. I couldn't stand to always be sucked into drama, whiny conversations, 'whoa is me' attitudes and yet, here I sit, allowing it to happen again.

There is good news though. I've recognized it earlier on this time. I can see that is what is happening to me and I DO NOT LIKE IT. I won't fib, it will be very hard to eliminate this negative force from my life, but I will do the best I can try to keep those negative words, comments, and attitudes at arm's length. I can try to keep telling myself that I am better than the negative forces that are chipping away at the happy person I've come to enjoy being. 

Starting right now…today…..I am promising myself that I will NOT allow this type of moody, negative behavior, you know the type….the toxic one, who will use his or her mood swings to intimidate and manipulate, to bring others into their own miserable world….to have ANY control in my life.  If you truly watch this Negative Nelly closely, you will notice that their attitude is overly self-referential. They cannot talk about anything other than THEIR lives, THEIR happenings, THEIR perceived wrongs. They switch conversations mid-stream if they feel they cannot add anything to what is being discussed. They try to switch the focus to their wants, their needs. The relationships they do find themselves in are prioritized according to how each one can be used to meet their selfish needs. I am officially done with this type of person. Officially over being brought down by negative forces. Positivity is the key!

Until tomorrow, my friends....eliminate that toxicity from your life and choose to see the bright side, see all that life has to offer! Be positive!

Think Thankfully!

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