Saturday, June 29, 2013

....and then it hit me!

I've been told numerous times that I should start blogging my whole thankful journey. This morning, as I lie awake in bed, reading the newest download on my Kindle (well, my Kindle App on my iPad to be perfectly honest), it hit me.....the inspiration needed to start this blog over. To take it from being about my weight loss journey to my journey into thankful living. Truth be told (I try to be an honest person, you know), the weight loss journey and my journey into thankful living....could go hand in hand. In fact they do! Without the start of ACE ( and the loss of weight, which in turn made me a happier person, I would not have been inclined to start looking at the positives. As many people know, the summer of 2011 did not treat me well. In July, August, and September of that year, I lost three friends to sudden deaths. Coming on the heels of losing three of my four grandparents in four years time, I had a very hard time seeing the positive in anything. October 4, 2011 that all changed and my think thankfully journey began......

Now, I don't profess to have all the answers. I don't even profess to know the keys to happiness, but I believe they lie solely in the idea of being thankful, living thankfully, and recognizing things in our day that make us smile, make us happy, make us laugh. I believe firmly in the idea, if at the end of each day, I can not think of SOMETHING, just ONE THING to be thankful for in my day, then I did something wrong, because little bits of sunshine have to shine through even the most miserable of days.

A few days ago, I noticed a friend on Facebook having a bit of a rough time. Her posts really reached out to me in a way that said, "hey....touch base with her." So I did. She told me that she sometimes has trouble seeing the positive. She wished she could be a calmer person. Everything seemed to upset her and she felt as though everyone seemed so laid back and non caring. She was honestly thinking that she was the problem and the one that needs to change and chill-but how?

My advice to what I do each night. Find a journal and write down things that made you happy or smile or thankful each day. Once you make it a daily habit, you really start to change in how you look at things and how you feel. Things still bother you but you are able to balance it out better with things that make your heart happy!!!! It's worth trying!!! Give it a shot for a month and see if it helps!!!! And those things can be silly little things like no stupid long lines at Walmart, but gosh darn it, that makes you feel good!!!! I think everyone goes through these spells. They aren't fun but they do help make us better people in the end. Sometimes we forget we have to take the bad to get to the good!

Today, I challenge you......when things start to get you down, bother you, cause you to want to blow your stack.....think about ONE THING....just ONE THING that makes you happy, makes you smile, makes you laugh. Acknowledge that one thing, write it down, and above all, REMEMBER it!!!!

Until tomorrow, my friends.....


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Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...