Saturday, January 4, 2014

Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water.....

The year 2013 had been quite an enlightening year. I learned an awful lot about myself over the course of the 365 days in 2013. I learned: I am far more patient than I used to be. I enjoy people more and accept them as they are, even if I still feel very lonely at times. And I have grown to appreciate regular quiet time with my bible devotionals. I also learned that my joys are now twice as big because I know that true appreciation and gratitude, especially from the Lord, my God, my Rock and my Redeemer, creates abundance in my life, where I never thought there could be. And I also learned that my troubles are only half as big because I know I do not carry them alone.

Through the use of my YouVersion Bible App as well as the observing of my daughter in her quiet times of daily reflection and devotions, I have come to completely appreciate my time alone with the Word of God. I enjoy sitting with my app open, ready to accept what devotion is sent my way each day. Some days it is spot on for what I am dealing with, other times it shows me just how or why I was able to deal with a situation. Each and every time, it strengthens my faith and reminds me of just why it is I have found my way back.

I started a new Bible reading plan called, Here I Am, Lord on January 1. It is a 31 day plan that explores the book of Psalms which, along with Proverbs, are my two favorite ‘turn to’ books of the Bible for instant reminders when I am in need, or when I need to do some praising! Many of my bookmarks are found in the two books mentioned above. Today’s devotional focus was on being lonely, quite a timely message for me today, as I struggle with this feeling a lot in my life.

People think that because I have a lot of people who I communicate with on a daily basis, whether it be through Facebook, ThinkThankfully, school, etc, that I am filled to the brim with companionship. Oh I have a phenomenal husband, two wonderful children, and many friends, but that does not stop me from feeling very lonely. 12 days of Christmas break from school and I really can’t say I did anything super special with anyone other than my husband or children. When I see postings of the outings of people and their friends, slight pangs of jealousy creep in. Last night was one of those moments.

After a brief encounter that shattered some of my strength in a relationship, quickly chipping away at the solid foundation I thought I had built, I was brought to my knees again after scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed. It is so easy to be shown just how depressing your social life can be when you let your fingers do the scrolling (which I why I have challenged myself to stay off the good book of Faces unless posting my Thankful Posts at night). Many people (well, ok, we haven’t reached a great deal of people with the blog, but it feels good to write out my feelings many days) will read this and quickly message or text me saying, “if you want to do something, just ask.” Those are the people who truly do not know me. I did that far too long in a toxic friendship that got me nowhere except without a friend. I asked, reached out, and was always the forgotten one (unless no one else was available and even then, I wasn’t really asked.). I was always (and sometimes still am) forced to question what is so wrong with ME.

And then, I opened up my app for today and my entire devotional was about feeling lonely. I was instantly reminded that I cannot be lonely with The Lord on my side, because he is ALWAYS there for me. While it isn’t the same as going out, grabbing some lunch or drinks, it is a very comforting thought that He is always a prayer away. “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from my anguish” Psalm 25:16, 17

Until tomorrow, my friends….put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water.....

Think Thankfully

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