Thursday, January 2, 2014

All good things must come to an end....

Well, here we are, my friends....January 2, 2014. The day I've been kinda sorta but not really dreading since the start of this week. The day we head back to school after a wonderful 12 day Christmas break! While I am eager to get back to Room 101, I still dread the idea of going back on a THURSDAY! Seriously. What in the world were the powers that be thinking???

I am excited to see my wee ones, this much is true! I can't wait to hear all about their holidays! Their presents, what they did, how excited they were on Christmas Day! It might keep the spirit of Christmas alive for one more day for me since we are nearing the end of the season (we are only on the 9th Day of Christmas, my friends!). I am not, however, looking forward to an 8:30 meeting and welcoming two new wee ones to the fold (on the day after a 12 day holiday, again what were they thinking?). Today might prove to be a tougher day than I anticipate. After today, I am sure I will miss the Room 101 as I knew it. Such is the life of an elementary Special Education teacher, I guess. 

In my days of vacation time, I enjoyed lounging on the couch watching Christmas shows, going here and there during the day as I wanted, spending a whole lot of time with my girls, and just enjoying some stress free time! I did, however, become bored with the whole staying at home routine. I started going stir crazy at the end of the break, wishing we were heading back to school sooner! Yes, I said that. You see, for the first time in a long time I am happy with my job. It doesn't stress me like it used to. Remember I spoke about the changes I encountered in 2013....well one of the biggest and best changes was my teaching assignment. After 17 years of teaching emotional support to high school students in an inner city setting, I moved to a more rural small town elementary school and now teach emotion support in a K-3 grade wee ones setting! One would think the stress would be multiplied in this setting, but not so much!!!! I enjoy it completely!!

So, today marks the day we go back to reality and today, the news reports and weather reports are saying we are in for a good snowfall later this afternoon into tomorrow, with minimal to significant (depending on who you listen to) accumulation. I love those big snowfalls. I love those nor'easters that we sometimes get. And I love (note the sarcasm here) that it is coming on the first day back from Christmas vacation. Yup, craziness it is. 12 total days off for the holidays, 1 day back, and a potential snow day already for tomorrow, then another 2 days off. Oi vey this could be bad!!!

Anyway, it is back to reality for me and many others today. Back to the real world of working and major responsibilities! Hope today brings you nothing but goodness and happiness!!

Until tomorrow, my friends......

Think Thankfully!!!

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Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...