Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Something to think about

From 1997-2007, I taught at KidsPeace, a residential treatment facility for kids in crisis. I had the pleasure of getting to know hundreds of kids in my teaching career there, some of whom I have been reunited with thanks to that great book of Faces!!!! Today, one of my former students (thank you Mindy!) posted the above image on my Facebook wall and encouraged me to use it on the Think Thankfully page. This makes me happy, as I have seen just how far this young lady has come in her life and I couldn't be more proud of how she has grown! It's been over 10 years, I'd say, since I last 'saw' her, but because of Facebook, I am able to keep up with her amazing life, and for that, I am thankful! But, I digress.....since I usually set up the posts for that page a week in advance, and I didn't want to forget to use this, I decided today, this will be the topic of my blog!!!!

I posted on or near New Year's Day that I do not make resolutions for myself because they are too easily broken. I set goals for myself and work to achieve those goals, in little increments at a time. The page that initially posted this image made reference to using these as a new type of resolution. Very fitting, indeed, to think of these as resolutions, because working at accomplishing this list each and every day will only make you a far better person than the one you were the day before! And before you know it, this will become a habit and won't feel much like a resolution, but rather a way of life!!!!

Each day: 
FIND A REASON TO LAUGH: In my line of work, it is easy to do on most days! The wee ones I work with normally bring a smile to my face as soon as they enter the classroom in the morning!!!! One big hug from a little boy who has come a long way socially since the beginning of the year makes me smile from ear to ear. Hearing, "goodbye Ms Allyson. I love you!" at the end of the day as one little boy gets on the bus, warms my heart and makes me smile. Nearly brings me to tears, too. They little nuances they bring to the classroom has me smiling and laughing nearly all day (even when the trouble breaks out and it seems like there is no end to the day!). I laugh a lot with my husband, too. I think that is what keeps our relationship so amazing! We laugh together nearly every day!! FIND A REASON TO LAUGH TODAY!!!

BE KIND WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE IT: I will be the first to admit it, I do not feel like being kind all the time, but do I? Absolutely. Just because you are in a 'mood' don't make everyone else around you suffer. Simply be kind. Smile at a cashier, who probably has dealt with more crap during their shift than you have in the day. Hold the door for someone, even if the person ahead of you has left it close on you. Say a simple hello to someone who you wouldn't normally say hello to.  BE KIND WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE IT!!!

LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SAY, "NICE!": I believe this is so important and it is something I have forgotten these past few weeks. It is so important to be happy and satisfied with who you are before you can be happy and satisfied with anyone else. You are a work in progress. If you truly do not like what you see looking back at you from the mirror....change!!!!  That is the beauty of this life we were given....we have the power to change!!!!  LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SAY, "NICE!"!!!

EAT SOMETHING YOU LIKE: And why shouldn't you?!?!?!  If you like pizza, EAT IT! If you like asparagus, EAT IT! Want that chocolate bar...EAT IT!!!! Treat yourself to something you enjoy eating every single day! It doesn't have to be the same thing each day, but each day, make sure you nourish your body with a food you ENJOY eating!!!!  EAT SOMETHING YOU LIKE!!!

and SEE THE GOOD IN OTHERS: Again, in my line of work, I am able to see the shining spot of so many students that others have cast aside, written off, forgotten about. Since my own journey into the world of THINKING more THANKFULLY, I have done my best to do this every single day. Sure there are some very evil people in this world, but for each evil person, there are far more wonderful people out there. SEE THE GOOD IN OTHERS!

Until tomorrow, my friends......it's not too late to make these YOUR resolutions for the year 2014. I'm pretty sure if you start now, by the time February rolls around, these won't feel like they are something you HAVE to do but something you JUST DO!

Think Thankfully!!!!


  1. i love you miss ally! ps shut up about ten years since you last saw me, it feels like yeasterday! im getting old!

  2. What a great attitude to face life with! Thinking thankfully! Glad I found you in #twitterland. :)


Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...