Saturday, January 11, 2014

Say something.....

I rarely watch music video television (MTV, VH1, CMT) anymore. Just don't like that it isn't really MUSIC television as I remember it in my younger days. HOWEVER, this morning, my daughter was sitting on the couch next to me and didn't like what I had on the TV. She asked if she could see what else was on, to which I, of course, obliged. She turned on VH1. What happened next was almost like a religious experience for me.

On the screen, there was a kind of goofy looking guy (my apologies to the was my first impression) playing a piano on a darkened but spotlighted stage and singing, followed by singing from a female. I am listening to the song (because if you read my blog the other day, I truly do listen to the lyrics) and watching the video (which was intensely amazing) and the tears just started to flow. And flow. And flow some more. It was the most amazingly beautiful song I have heard in a long time, accompanied by a very well produced video as well. I am sitting here, many minutes after hearing this song and watching the video, with tears still in my eyes. My hands grabbed my phone and I instantly text messaged my BFF (because he has the same appreciation for music and lyrics as I do). In the back and forth, I realized I needed to blog about this song and what it meant to me.

First of all, I need to give a HUGE thank you to A Great Big World for writing such a masterpiece. The song Say Something is amazing. I truly think many people need to hear this song. And I don't just mean listen to it, I mean HEAR it. Let it speak to you. It is simply awesome. For me, this whole song is about really letting go, of many different things in life. It's kind of the story of my life to this point. Troubled relationships, my straying from the path I was on, the strings of motherhood (to a degree mind you), the hurt and anger I felt when my grandma passed away……letting go of the negatives in my life. It is soooooooo much about realizing what our true worth really is in this great big world (pun intended based on the name of the band - cute, I know!). I’ve spoken so much about the idea that you really have to love yourself and be happy with who YOU are and then understanding that to truly and honestly love someone else (or be loved by someone else for that matter) it requires loving yourself first and foremost. Love yourself first. Shall I repeat that? Love yourself first  Don't let anyone take you for granted. 

I’m not sure if it is this whole getting back in touch with my faith that really made this song speak to me the way it did, if it was the final release of all the negative forces that tried to bring me down this week, or if it is because I can honestly say I experienced this in my past, but something…..SOMETHING….reached out and touched my heart as I listened to the words, beautifully put to music, in this song.

from YouTube - The official video for Say Something

Please take the time to really HEAR this song.....hopefully it will speak to you as it did me. And if the band A Great Big World (or Christina Aguilera) ever see this.....consider this entire blog my GREAT BIG THANK YOU.

I am, once again, thankful that I learned true music appreciation. I am thankful that I learned to truly HEAR a song and not just listen to it. I am thankful I am able to get my feelings down on paper (or on screen) and let go! I'm thankful my daughter had on VH1 today and I am thankful I sat and watched with her. I'm thankful this song came across my path today.

Until tomorrow, my friends.....say something to those you those who mean the most to you. Don't let them walk away as if they never mattered to you.

Think Thankfully!

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