Monday, January 13, 2014

Busy as usual

I don't know about you, but my weekends just seem to fly by, and lately....well, lately the workweeks seem to simply draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag on. Don't get me wrong, I love my job (most days), but I feel like I am constantly on the go on weekends and do not get the opportunity to sleep in (or at least catch up on my sleep). And trust me, you can take all the energy pills or consume all the energy drinks you want to, to keep your motor running, but it certainly doesn't help when your body just needs to sleep. I'm pretty sure I have permanent bags under my eyes (and I don't mean the kind ya pack for vacation!).

Through all of that, I am thankful I have a busy life to live. Thankful that my daughter is as active as she is so that I, in turn, have things to do. This week, I will be a bleacher creature for tonight, tomorrow night, Friday night, and Saturday afternoon! I do love my basketball, although my rear end doesn't like the hard bleacher seats! 5+ hours of sitting on them really creates a literal pain in the tush! 

In the moments of sitting at basketball games, I am quickly and easily distracted by the people around me, both home and visitors. It quickly snaps me into the right frame of mind in a thankful sort of way. The families that have children under the age of 10....I am thankful my children are 16 and 23. The families with elderly members in wheelchairs....I am thankful my grandma can still get around ok. The families who are a bit louder than normal....I am thankful I have a family like that, too! As I sat at the game on Friday night, alone (because my parents were visiting my brother in SC and my aunt was tending to her sick grandchild), I realized how lucky I am to have the support system I have. I missed that on Friday night and I became increasingly thankful that, for the most part, I don't have to sit alone at games. 

I love being surrounded by people, as much as sometimes people wear me down. I love being in a crowd, as much as crowds sometimes scare me. I would so much rather be surrounded by life, than being alone. I can sit quietly among a group of people, not really contributing much to conversation, but just being among them, part of them, with them makes all the difference in the world.

I apologize for this blog being a bit helter skelter with thoughts, but this morning, my mind is racing with so many things and I am having a hard time slowing it down. My body is exhausted, my mind's a beautiful combination!

Until tomorrow, my friends....may you have a peaceful day and a wonderful start to this workweek (and please say a little prayer that I, too, have a wonderful could be a rough one for this teacher!).

Think Thankfully

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Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...