Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I Forgive You

As I sat on the couch, enjoying the last hour of a two hour delay, I decided to open up  my devotionals and work through them. One thing I am going to try to do better is to focus on those devotionals a little more each day. I downloaded a Daily Wisdom for Women devotional (for free of course) for the month of January and today, when I opened the Kindle and it led me to the page, I couldn't help but, once again, be in awe of how striking they are for my current situations.

I Forgive You. The title of today's devotional jumped out at me and nearly knocked my snowflake socks right off my feet. I Forgive You. Three very powerful words. I Forgive You. The focus verse for this devotional was Proverbs 19:11 "Smart people know how to hold their tongue; their grandeur is to forgive and forget."  Wow.

Through this particular devotional, I was reminded that Jesus, himself, taught his disciples to pray and in that prayer we ask: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Powerful, huh? As much as we must forgive ourselves, we MUST forgive others in order to fully heal from the hurt and pain associated with the deed. When we hold that grudge, remain angry, do not forgive, we are only hurting ourselves in the end, because we are not allowing ourselves to come closer to God.

In the idea of being a more thankful person, one filled with more positive than negative, I have found it is easier to forgive people for their wrongdoings or their hurt placed upon me than it used to be. I've forgiven my ex-husband for his cheating ways. I've forgiven the woman whom he cheated with. I've forgiven a friend who treated me very poorly. I've forgiven MYSELF for my indiscretions. I believe that has truly been the pivotal key to my being a far more happier, lighter person. I no longer hold grudges and I truly do not care to carry the burden of anger within myself any longer. My relationships have grown, my friendships more solid, and my life much happier. This is how I want my days to be. I Forgive You.

In forgiving people for their trespasses against us, we are opening the door for ALL the goodness that is out there waiting for us. It is amazing how much easier our days become when we walk with a smile, filled with light and love rather than darkness and despair, anger and hurt. Thankfully, this is another way in which we can CHANGE as people. We do not need to hold on to the hurt. We do not need to carry the grudge. It serves no purpose in our lives. I Forgive You. Three very powerful words that have the insane capability of changing your life!

Until tomorrow, my friends.....focus on those words, I Forgive You. Dig deep and find out who you need to forgive today. Start with yourself. Forgive yourself first. Take that step. I Forgive You.

Think Thankfully. 

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