Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Toddlers and tiaras.......I'm afraid not

I have often been super thankful for the upbringing my parents provided me with. When I was younger, I may not have completely appreciated their stricter ways of parenting, usually causing them a bit of angst because I challenged the rules a bit more than my brothers did. In return, I have always felt as though I have done as good a job as I could with my own daughters. I keep things real but at the same time we have fun and my girls know the rules!

Today, I have had my second ever dose of Toddlers and Tiaras. I have to question where people's heads are. This show is a true abomination of parenting and childhood. Of course, this is my opinion and I know there are people out there who completely disagree with me but my goodness. In this particular episode, a mother gives her 2 year old daughter coffee each day. In her words, "It is only a cup, it isn't an abundancy." Score one for unintelligence. Same mom, different scenario: mom is adding pixie sticks to sweet tea and Mountain Dew. She calls it TinkerTea because it ends up being dark green. Mom says she drinks this concoction every day and it is no different than other kids drinking juice. Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? She also says her pediatrician is perfectly ok with it. Again, say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????

I sit here, knowing full well that the stupid Honey Boo Boo comes from this horrible show. Again, I am left to question how this can be and so utterly thankful that this was not my life. When I see the commercials for the Honey Boo Boo show, I am appalled at the idea that behaviors like this are acceptable in public. If I acted like that little girl, I would have gotten the belt when we got home. It amazes me and then it strikes a bit of a notion in my mind.....

.....shows like this are one reason children today are so disrespectful and the reason it starts so young. Parents, when your children smart talk you, it is not cute. It is the initial introduction to disrespect. When you allow your children to rule the roost, you lost the upper hand as a parent. You set the rules, not a 2 year, 4 year old, 6 year old child. 

I am so darn thankful that being a pageant trophy daughter was never a passion of my parents. This is just absolute ridiculousness. Time to turn the channel!!!!!

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