Sunday, July 7, 2013

Being positive in a negative world

I've come to realize that we live in a far more negative world than a positive one. All around us negativity swirls and rushes at us as if commanded by a stronger entity. I'm sure we all know who that entity is, after all, Christ was tempted by negativity during his 40 days and 40 nights in the barren desert. Without getting too religious, the devil walks aside of us each day tempting us with his negativity, just as Christ walks with us, showing us the power of positivity. It saddens me that so many people tend to listen to the negative roars rather than the quiet encouragement of the positive.

There are many times I feel as though trying to spread positivity among the masses is a useless task, but then I see just how many people one simple image or quote has reached and I see that glimmer of hope shining back through the bleak negative. I then realize that even I am allowing that sneaky little devil to raid my mind once again! It makes me smile to then realize that the power of finding something positive outweighs that negative thought and away we go again!!!!

Being a positive person is a tough job. People see me on Facebook, or in real life, always spreading positive ideas and messages, always finding some positive in my experiences and when that one time occurs that I just may not be feeling it, I get a barrage of messages and comments telling me I am better than that way of thinking, asking me what happened to my positive thinking, almost guilting me into not fully working through my doubts and frustrations but rather putting on a face and pretending I am fine. 

Being a positive person doesn't mean I am a superhero (although how cool would THAT be?). I have feelings, too, and I can be hurt by actions and words just as you can. I just choose how I am going to react to that hurt. Sometimes I need to vent. I acknowledge the situation and then I try to figure out if there is a way I can make it better. If I can, I try to do just that. If I cannot, then I know I have to let it go. I can only control my own reactions to people and situations. I can not control what others think, say, or do. Imagine, if you will, that I was a superhero, constantly able to change someone's attitude, words, thoughts, feelings into only the positive! How cool would that be???

Being a positive person in a negative world is a daily challenge. All around us the forces of the negative seem to win out. From Facebook status updates, to Tweets, to the daily tv news, to what's written in newspapers, even the stupid 'rag mags' in the checkout lines of stores try to grab at us with huge negative words and headlines. Today I am challenging you to be/remain positive in our negative world. When someone comes at you with a negative, aim your positive pistol back and shoot them with some positive happiness. Don't allow the negative to settle in. Spread kindness and then reap what you sow! 

Be positive in a negative world!!!! Remember that positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences!!!! Go out and Be Positive!!!!


  1. Having a positive attitude doesn't being having to wear rose color glasses all the time. As you've said, that would be so unrealistic. IMHO, I think your messages hold more value when your readers DO get to see that, like us all, we DO have moments that sometimes "knock us for a loop". A very wise person taught me that it's all in how you recover. Please keep on keeping it real... you are wonderful, just as you are.... *wink... with love from behind the scenes... lol


Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

  Well, hello there my old friends. It has been such a long time since I felt like sitting down and writing. (and after I published this, I ...