Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I believe the children are our future.....

I believe children are our future. Perhaps this is why I chose to be a teacher by profession. I believe in the leaders of tomorrow, but I believe that it must start early on. Many times, the role models of the young people of today, those that hold influence on children, take this issue for granted. We see a number of sports ‘stars’ being suspended from play because of PEDs, arrested for numerous crimes, or dying drug related deaths at an early age. These are the people our children learn to look up to, when in reality, role models for our children should be parents, teachers, REAL people in their lives.

Growing up with the parents I was blessed with and an incredible family unit, I truly know the significance of how important it is to grow up learning right from wrong. I truly hate to see the negative impacts, such as our role models not stepping up and taking full responsibility for our children. Children look up to these people who think that, because they are in the positions they are, be it a TV show, movie, or sports team, that they can act any way they want to with no repercussions for their actions. It saddens me that so many young people die an untimely death because they, too, dabble in drugs, gang life, or criminal acts, because "Hey! If it is good for them, it is good for me, too!"

Children will always have a desire to look up to someone, including family, friends, teachers, church family or whatever. People have to understand that whatever we do around children is being taught to them! When I awoke this morning to a wonderful message from a friend about how Think Thankfully is affecting her daughters, I couldn’t help but smile and want to share the story with everyone! Not only has my friend adopted the idea of journaling her list of things to be thankful for in her day, but now, because of her actions, her twins want to get in on the idea, too, sharing their thankfulness before bed each night! THIS is the kind of stuff our children SHOULD be exposed to!!! THIS is what will help create a nation of young people who THINK THANKFULLY!!

I have taught in the worst situations. I have seen the youth of today at the utmost worst. This is not a knock to them, it is a true fact. They are raised in situations that many of us shake our heads at. It has always made my heart swell to realize I was making a difference in their lives. I spoke honestly to them, shared stories of my own daughters, let them know they were in my Think Thankfully posts at night, and showed them a love that had been missing in their lives. This coming school year, it pains my heart to be leaving those young men and women. I know they need me in their lives, but my calling has taken me to a new experience. As I go into this school year, I will be, hopefully, reaching these kids at a far younger age, hoping to help them before they get to the middle or high school level. 

believe children are our future....and I hope you do too. If you haven't already, start showing them the importance of living in a Think Thankfully mindset. As they grow into thankful adults, they will thank YOU for the lessons and the world will thank you, too!!!

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