Saturday, June 29, 2013

Another day comes to a close.....

Rarely do I ever end the day and say, "Phew! Thank goodness it is over. This was a horrible day." Rarely. There was a time, a few years back, when that truly WAS how I felt at the close of each and every day. Now, on most nights, as I crawl into bed, I smile and say, "Now THAT was a great day!" And today was no exception!

Today was filled with things that truly made my heart smile! From the start of my day, I filled it with ME things as well as things for others. After starting my blog this morning, I enjoyed my Tervis of Peppermint Tea on the porch reading the newest Barbara Delinsky book (she is one of my favorite authors) and before I knew it, lunchtime was upon us!!! After a little fruit salad (and more reading), the girls and I made a WalMart run in order to get the fixings for tacos for dinner!!!! We managed to find an empty line to check out in (which is a HUGE happiness score in my book!!) and spent less than I anticipated (another huge happiness score in my book!!). 

When we returned home, I received a message from my parents' neighbor about some fresh produce from their garden! Shellee and the kids walked up to my house to deliver the produce and we ended up swimming!!! I still smile when I picture all three of her children in the pool, in their clothing (and Lys and I too!!!) laughing and enjoying the water!!!! Her middle child, Tootie, immediately took to Alyssa and they became fast friends in the water!!! What a daring little girl!!!! She may be part fish, too, to be honest!!!!

The girls and I enjoyed tacos tonight! It is one of Erika's favorite meals! I enjoy making them and seeing the girls having fun putting together their tacos and enjoying dinner! Lots of enjoyment in that last sentence, not??!! Dessert was created at mom and dad's house!!!! S'Mores!!!! Come on, who doesn't enjoy s'mores???? You know right now you are smiling, picturing some time in your life when you completely enjoyed a s'more!! I love it!!!! And what's more American than eating a s'more and seeing a bald eagle fly over the backyard?? I kid you not folks, a bald eagle. I am fortunate to live close to the Lehigh River and right now, a bald eagle has nested nearby. He is spotted quite often but this was a first to see it fly over a backyard!!! 

After we left my parents' house, the girls and I went on a spontaneous mini road trip to try and see the gorgeous sunset. We figured if we went to Jim Thorpe, we would be sure to see it but unfortunately that was not so. We did see a deer, though, and drove through the quaint little town of Jim Thorpe!!! 

As you can see, THIS was a near perfect day! It doesn't take much to find things to make you smile and create moments of sheer and simple enjoyment. Could I have gotten more work done around the house? Sure! But then I would have missed out on some really fun stuff today!!! Besides, tomorrow is another day!!

Until tomorrow, my friends....what made you smile today? What warmed your heart? What are YOU most thankful for in YOUR day?


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Hello, my friends, Hello!!!

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